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lizhenju 7 years ago
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@ -261,11 +261,11 @@ $email = $customer->email;
### 数据转换 <span id="data-transformation"></span>
It often happens that the data being entered and/or displayed are in a format which is different from the one used in
storing the data in a database. For example, in the database you are storing customers' birthdays as UNIX timestamps
(which is not a good design, though), while in most cases you would like to manipulate birthdays as strings in
the format of `'YYYY/MM/DD'`. To achieve this goal, you can define *data transformation* methods in the `Customer`
Active Record class like the following:
例如,在数据库中,您将客户的生日存储为 UNIX 时间戳(虽然这不是一个很好的设计),
而在大多数情况下,你想以字符串 `'YYYY/MM/DD'` 的格式处理生日数据。
为了实现这一目标,您可以在 `Customer` 中定义 *数据转换* 方法
定义 AR 类如下:
class Customer extends ActiveRecord
@ -284,76 +284,76 @@ class Customer extends ActiveRecord
Now in your PHP code, instead of accessing `$customer->birthday`, you would access `$customer->birthdayText`, which
will allow you to input and display customer birthdays in the format of `'YYYY/MM/DD'`.
现在你的 PHP 代码中,你可以访问 `$ customer-> birthdayText`
来以 `'YYYY/MM/DD'` 的格式输入和显示客户生日,而不是访问`$ customer-> birthday`。
> Tip: The above example shows a generic way of transforming data in different formats. If you are working with
> date values, you may use [DateValidator]( and [[yii\jui\DatePicker|DatePicker]],
> which is easier to use and more powerful.
> 提示:上述示例显示了以不同格式转换数据的通用方法。如果你正在使用
> 日期值,您可以使用 [DateValidator]( 和 [[yii\jui\DatePicker|DatePicker]] 来操作,
> 这将更易用,更强大。
### Retrieving Data in Arrays <span id="data-in-arrays"></span>
### 以数组形式获取数据 <span id="data-in-arrays"></span>
While retrieving data in terms of Active Record objects is convenient and flexible, it is not always desirable
when you have to bring back a large amount of data due to the big memory footprint. In this case, you can retrieve
data using PHP arrays by calling [[yii\db\ActiveQuery::asArray()|asArray()]] before executing a query method:
通过 AR 对象获取数据十分方便灵活,与此同时,当你需要返回大量的数据的时候,
在查询方法前调用 [[yii\db\ActiveQuery::asArray()|asArray()]] 方法,来获取 PHP 数组形式的结果:
// return all customers
// each customer is returned as an associative array
// 返回所有客户
// 每个客户返回一个关联数组
$customers = Customer::find()
> Note: While this method saves memory and improves performance, it is closer to the lower DB abstraction layer
and you will lose most of the Active Record features. A very important distinction lies in the data type of
the column values. When you return data in Active Record instances, column values will be automatically typecast
according to the actual column types; on the other hand when you return data in arrays, column values will be
strings (since they are the result of PDO without any processing), regardless their actual column types.
> 提示:虽然这种方法可以节省内存并提高性能,但它更靠近较低的 DB 抽象层
你将失去大部分的 AR 提供的功能。 一个非常重要的区别在于列值的数据类型。
当您在 AR 实例中返回数据时,列值将根据实际列类型,自动类型转换;
字符串(因为它们是没有处理过的 PDO 的结果),不管它们的实际列是什么类型。
### Retrieving Data in Batches <span id="data-in-batches"></span>
### 批量获取数据 <span id="data-in-batches"></span>
In [Query Builder](, we have explained that you may use *batch query* to minimize your memory
usage when querying a large amount of data from the database. You may use the same technique in Active Record. For example,
在 [查询生成器]( 中,我们已经解释说可以使用 *批处理查询* 来最小化你的内存使用,
每当从数据库查询大量数据。你可以在 AR 中使用同样的技巧。例如,
// fetch 10 customers at a time
// 每次获取 10 条客户数据
foreach (Customer::find()->batch(10) as $customers) {
// $customers is an array of 10 or fewer Customer objects
// $customers 是个最多拥有 10 条数据的数组
// fetch 10 customers at a time and iterate them one by one
// 每次获取 10 条客户数据,然后一条一条迭代它们
foreach (Customer::find()->each(10) as $customer) {
// $customer is a Customer object
// $customer 是个 `Customer` 对象
// batch query with eager loading
// 贪婪加载模式的批处理查询
foreach (Customer::find()->with('orders')->each() as $customer) {
// $customer is a Customer object with the 'orders' relation populated
// $customer 是个 `Customer` 对象,并附带关联的 `'orders'`
## Saving Data <span id="inserting-updating-data"></span>
## 保存数据 <span id="inserting-updating-data"></span>
Using Active Record, you can easily save data to the database by taking the following steps:
使用 AR (活动记录),您可以通过以下步骤轻松地将数据保存到数据库:
1. Prepare an Active Record instance
2. Assign new values to Active Record attributes
3. Call [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::save()]] to save the data into database.
1. 准备一个 AR 实例
2. 将新值赋给 AR 的属性
3. 调用 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::save()]] 保存数据到数据库中。
For example,
// insert a new row of data
// 插入新记录
$customer = new Customer();
$customer->name = 'James';
$customer->email = '';
// update an existing row of data
// 更新已存在的记录
$customer = Customer::findOne(123);
$customer->email = '';
