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cuiliang 7 years ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 52


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ mkdir micro-app
cd micro-app
> Note: A little bit of Composer knowledge is required to continue. If you don't know how to use composer yet, please take time to read [Composer Guide](
> 注意:需要一些 Composer 的知识才能继续。如果您还不知道如何使用 composer,请花些时间阅读 [Composer 指南](。
使用您最喜爱的编辑器在 `micro-app` 目录下创建 `composer.json` 文件并添加以下内容:
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ return [
> Info: Even though the configuration could be kept in the `index.php` file it is recommended
> to have it separately. This way it can be used for console application also as it is shown below.
> 信息:尽管配置可以保存在 `index.php` 文件中,建议单独使用它。
> 这样它也可以用于控制台应用程序,如下所示。
@ -111,22 +111,22 @@ micro-app/
└── SiteController.php
If you have not set up the web server yet, you may want to take a look at [web server configuration file examples](
Another options is to use the `yii serve` command which will use the PHP build-in web server. You can run
it from the `micro-app/` directory via:
如果您尚未设置 Web 服务器,则可能需要查看[Web服务器配置文件示例](。
另一种选择是使用 `yii serve` 命令,它将使用 PHP 内置 web 服务器。
您可以通过以下方式从 `micro-app /` 目录运行它:
vendor/bin/yii serve --docroot=./web
Opening the application URL in a browser should now print "Hello World!" which has been returned in the `SiteController::actionIndex()`.
在浏览器中打开应用程序URL现在应该打印出“Hello World!”,它已经在 `SiteController::actionIndex()` 中返回。
> Info: In our example, we have changed default application namespace `app` to `micro` to demonstrate
> that you are not tied to that name (in case you thought you were), then adjusted
> [[yii\base\Application::$controllerNamespace|controllers namespace]] and set the correct alias.
> 信息:在我们的示例中,我们已将默认应用程序名称空间 `app` 更改为 `micro`
> 以表明您不受此名称的限制(如果您是这样认为),
> 然后调整 [[yii\base\Application::$controllerNamespace|controllers namespace]] 并设置正确的别名。
## 创建一个 REST API
为了演示我们的“微框架”的用法,我们将为 posts 创建一个简单的 REST API。
为了演示我们的“微框架”的用法,我们将为帖子创建一个简单的 REST API。
为了这个 API 来操作一些数据,我们首先需要一个数据库。 添加数据库连接配置
@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ Opening the application URL in a browser should now print "Hello World!" which h
> Info: We use an sqlite database here for simplicity. Please refer to the [Database guide]( for more options.
> 信息:为了简单,我们在这里使用了一个 sqlite 数据库 请参阅[数据库指南]( 以获取更多选项。
Next we create a [database migration]( to create a post table.
Make sure you have a separate configuration file as explained above, we need it to run the console commands below.
Running the following commands will
create a database migration file and apply the migration to the database:
vendor/bin/yii migrate/create --appconfig=config.php create_post_table --fields="title:string,body:text"
vendor/bin/yii migrate/up --appconfig=config.php
Create directory `models` and a `Post.php` file in that directory. This is the code for the model:
在该目录中创建目录 `models``Post.php` 文件。以下是模型的代码:
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ class Post extends ActiveRecord
> Info: The model created here is an ActiveRecord class, which represents the data from the `post` table.
> Please refer to the [active record guide]( for more information.
> 信息:这里创建的模型是一个 ActiveRecord 类,它代表 `post` 表中的数据。
> 有关更多信息,请参阅[活动记录指南](。
我们要通过 API 发布帖子,请在 `controllers` 中添加 `PostController`
@ -196,16 +196,16 @@ class PostController extends ActiveController
此时我们的 API 将提供以下 URL :
- `/index.php?r=post` - list all posts
- `/index.php?r=post/view&id=1` - show post with ID 1
- `/index.php?r=post/create` - create a post
- `/index.php?r=post/update&id=1` - update post with ID 1
- `/index.php?r=post/delete&id=1` - delete post with ID 1
- `/index.php?r=post` - 列出所有帖子
- `/index.php?r=post/view&id=1` - 显示 ID 为 1 的帖子
- `/index.php?r=post/create` - 创建一个帖子
- `/index.php?r=post/update&id=1` - 更新 ID 为 1 的帖子
- `/index.php?r=post/delete&id=1` - 删除 ID 为 1 的帖子
- The API currently only understands urlencoded form data as input, to make it a real JSON API, you
need to configure [[yii\web\JsonParser]].
- 该 API 目前仅将 urlencoded 表单数据理解为输入,若使其成为真正的 JSON API,
 您需要配置 [[yii\web\JsonParser]]。
- 为了使 URL 更加友好,您需要配置路由。
请参阅 [关于REST路由的指南]( 了解如何执行此操作。
- 请参阅 [预览]( 部分获取更多参考。
