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Fixes #3506: Added `\yii\validators\IpValidator` to perform validation of IP addresses and subnets

Alexander Makarov 9 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 78
  3. 7
  4. 8
  5. 547
  6. 2
  7. 378


@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
- Bug #9924: Fixed `yii.js` handleAction corrupted parameter values containing quote (") character (silverfire)
- Bug #9984: Fixed wrong captcha color in case Imagick is used (DrDeath72)
- Bug: Fixed generation of canonical URLs for `ViewAction` pages (samdark)
- Enh #3506: Added `\yii\validators\IpValidator` to perform validation of IP addresses and subnets (SilverFire, samdark)
- Enh #7341: Client validation now skips disabled inputs (SamMousa)
- Enh #7581: Added ability to specify range using anonymous function in `RangeValidator` (RomeroMsk)
- Enh #8613: `yii\widgets\FragmentCache` will not store empty content anymore which fixes some problems related to `yii\filters\PageCache` (kidol)


@ -68,17 +68,17 @@ yii.validation = (function ($) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.notEqual, value);
file: function (attribute, messages, options) {
var files = getUploadedFiles(attribute, messages, options);
$.each(files, function (i, file) {
validateFile(file, messages, options);
image: function (attribute, messages, options, deferred) {
var files = getUploadedFiles(attribute, messages, options);
$.each(files, function (i, file) {
validateFile(file, messages, options);
@ -90,45 +90,45 @@ yii.validation = (function ($) {
var def = $.Deferred(),
fr = new FileReader(),
img = new Image();
img.onload = function () {
if (options.minWidth && this.width < options.minWidth) {
if (options.maxWidth && this.width > options.maxWidth) {
if (options.minHeight && this.height < options.minHeight) {
if (options.maxHeight && this.height > options.maxHeight) {
img.onerror = function () {
fr.onload = function () {
img.src = fr.result;
// Resolve deferred if there was error while reading data
fr.onerror = function () {
number: function (value, messages, options) {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ yii.validation = (function ($) {
var inArray = true;
$.each($.isArray(value) ? value : [value], function(i, v) {
$.each($.isArray(value) ? value : [value], function (i, v) {
if ($.inArray(v, options.range) == -1) {
inArray = false;
return false;
@ -313,6 +313,54 @@ yii.validation = (function ($) {
if (!valid) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.message, value);
ip: function (value, messages, options) {
var getIpVersion = function (value) {
return value.indexOf(':') === -1 ? 4 : 6;
var negation = null, cidr = null;
if (options.skipOnEmpty && pub.isEmpty(value)) {
var matches = new RegExp(options.ipParsePattern).exec(value);
if (matches) {
negation = (matches[1] !== '') ? matches[1] : null;
cidr = (matches[4] !== '') ? matches[4] : null;
value = matches[2];
if (options.subnet === true && cidr === null) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.noSubnet, value);
if (options.subnet === false && cidr !== null) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.hasSubnet, value);
if (options.negation === false && negation !== null) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.wrongIp, value);
if (getIpVersion(value) == 6) {
if (!options.ipv6) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.ipv6NotAllowed, value);
if (!(new RegExp(options.ipv6Pattern)).test(value)) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.wrongIp, value);
} else {
if (!options.ipv4) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.ipv4NotAllowed, value);
if (!(new RegExp(options.ipv4Pattern)).test(value)) {
pub.addMessage(messages, options.messages.wrongIp, value);
@ -321,7 +369,7 @@ yii.validation = (function ($) {
if (typeof File === "undefined") {
return [];
var files = $(attribute.input).get(0).files;
if (!files) {


@ -114,4 +114,11 @@ return [
'{delta, plural, =1{a second} other{# seconds}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{секунду} one{# секунду} few{# секунды} many{# секунд} other{# секунды}} назад',
'{delta, plural, =1{a year} other{# years}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{год} one{# год} few{# года} many{# лет} other{# года}} назад',
'{delta, plural, =1{an hour} other{# hours}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{час} one{# час} few{# часа} many{# часов} other{# часа}} назад',
'{attribute} must not be an IPv6 address.' => 'Значение «{attribute}» не должно быть IPv6 адресом.',
'{attribute} must not be an IPv4 address.' => 'Значение «{attribute}» не должно быть IPv4 адресом.',
'{attribute} contains wrong subnet mask.' => 'Значение «{attribute}» содержит неверную маску подсети.',
'{attribute} must be a valid IP address.' => 'Значение «{attribute}» должно быть правильным IP адресом.',
'{attribute} must be an IP address with specified subnet.' => 'Значение «{attribute}» должно быть IP адресом с подсетью.',
'{attribute} must not be a subnet.' => 'Значение «{attribute}» не должно быть подсетью.',
'{attribute} is not in the allowed range.' => 'Значение «{attribute}» не входит в список разрешенных диапазонов адресов.',


@ -111,4 +111,12 @@ return [
'{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{petabyte} other{petabytes}}' => '{nFormatted} {n, plural, one{петабайт} few{петабайта} many{петабайтів} other{петабайта}}',
'{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{tebibyte} other{tebibytes}}' => '{nFormatted} {n, plural, one{тебібайт} few{тебібайта} many{тебібайтів} other{тебібайта}}',
'{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{terabyte} other{terabytes}}' => '{nFormatted} {n, plural, one{терабайт} few{терабайта} many{терабайтів} other{терабайта}}',
'{attribute} must not be an IPv6 address.' => 'Значення «{attribute}» не повинно бути IPv6 адресою.',
'{attribute} must not be an IPv4 address.' => 'Значення «{attribute}» не повинно бути IPv4 адресою.',
'{attribute} contains wrong subnet mask.' => 'Значення «{attribute}» містить неправильну маску підмережі.',
'{attribute} must be a valid IP address.' => 'Значення «{attribute}» повинно бути правильною IP адресою.',
'{attribute} must be an IP address with specified subnet.' => 'Значення «{attribute}» повинно бути IP адресою з підмережею.',
'{attribute} must not be a subnet.' => 'Значення «{attribute}» не повинно бути підмережею.',
'{attribute} is not in the allowed range.' => 'Значення «{attribute}» не входить в список дозволених діапазонів адрес.',


@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\validators;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\helpers\Json;
use yii\helpers\StringHelper;
use yii\web\JsExpression;
* IpValidator validates whether the attribute value is a valid IPv4/IPv6 address or subnet.
* May change attribute's value if normalization is enabled.
* @property array $ranges IPv4 or IPv6 ranges that are allowed or denied.
* When the array is empty, all IP addresses are allowed.
* When the array is not empty, the rules are checked sequentially until the first match is found.
* IP address is denied, when it did not match any of the rules.
* Example:
* ```php
* [
* 'ranges' => [
* ''
* '!',
* 'any' // allows any other IP addresses
* ]
* ]
* ```
* In this example, access is allowed for all the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses excluding `` subnet.
* IPv4 address `` is also allowed, because is listed above the restriction. *
* @see isAllowed()
* @author Dmitry Naumenko <>
* @since 2.0.7
class IpValidator extends Validator
* The length of IPv6 address in bits
const IPV6_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 128;
* The length of IPv4 address in bits
* Negation char. Used to negate [[ranges]] or [[networks]]
* or to negate validating value when [[negation]] is set to `true`
* @see negation
* @see networks
* @see ranges
const NEGATION_CHAR = '!';
* @var array The network aliases, that can be used in [[ranges]].
* - key - alias name
* - value - array of strings
* When $networks contains another alias, the value will be substituted recursively.
* The range or alias could be negated with [[NEGATION_CHAR]].
* The following aliases are defined by default:
* - `*`: `any`
* - `any`: `, ::/0`
* - `private`: `,,, fd00::/8`
* - `multicast`: `, ff00::/8`
* - `linklocal`: `, fe80::/10`
* - `localhost`: `', ::1`
* - `documentation`: `,,, 2001:db8::/32`
* - `system`: `multicast, linklocal, localhost, documentation`
public $networks = [
'*' => ['any'],
'any' => ['', '::/0'],
'private' => ['', '', '', 'fd00::/8'],
'multicast' => ['', 'ff00::/8'],
'linklocal' => ['', 'fe80::/10'],
'localhost' => ['', '::1'],
'documentation' => ['', '', '', '2001:db8::/32'],
'system' => ['multicast', 'linklocal', 'localhost', 'documentation'],
* @var boolean whether support of IPv6 addresses is enabled
public $ipv6 = true;
* @var boolean whether support of IPv4 addresses is enabled
public $ipv4 = true;
* @var boolean whether the address can be a CIDR subnet
* true - the subnet is required
* false - the address can not have the subnet
* null - ths subnet is optional
public $subnet = false;
* @var boolean whether to add the prefix with the smallest length (32 for IPv4 and 128 for IPv6)
* to an address without it.
* Works only when attribute [[subnet]] is not false.
* Example: `` will normalized to ``, `2008:db0::1` will be normalized to `2008:db0::1/128`
* @see subnet
public $normalize = false;
* @var boolean whether address may have a [[NEGATION_CHAR]] character at the beginning
public $negation = false;
* @var boolean whether to expand an IPv6 address to the full notation format
public $expandIPv6 = false;
* See [[ranges]]
* @var array
* @see ranges
public $_ranges = [];
* @var string Regexp-pattern to validate IPv4 address
public $ipv4Pattern = '/^(?:(?:2(?:[0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])|[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(?:(?:2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])|[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))$/';
* @var string Regexp-pattern to validate IPv6 address
public $ipv6Pattern = '/^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))$/';
* @var string user-defined error message is used when validation fails due to the disabled IPv6 validation
public $ipv6NotAllowed = '{attribute} must not be an IPv6 address.';
* @var string user-defined error message is used when validation fails due to the disabled IPv4 validation
public $ipv4NotAllowed = '{attribute} must not be an IPv4 address.';
* @var string user-defined error message is used when validation fails due to the wrong CIDR
public $wrongCidr = '{attribute} contains wrong subnet mask.';
* @var string user-defined error message is used when validation fails due to the wrong IP address format
public $wrongIp = '{attribute} must be a valid IP address.';
* @var string user-defined error message is used when validation fails due to subnet [[subnet]] set to 'only',
* but the CIDR prefix is not set
* @see subnet
public $noSubnet = '{attribute} must be an IP address with specified subnet.';
* @var string user-defined error message is used when validation fails
* due to [[subnet]] is false, but CIDR prefix is present
* @see subnet
public $hasSubnet = '{attribute} must not be a subnet.';
* @var string user-defined error message is used when validation fails due to IP address
* is not on the [[allow]] list, or is on the [[deny]] list
* @see ranges
public $notInRange = '{attribute} is not in the allowed range.';
* @inheritdoc
public function init()
if (!$this->ipv4 && !$this->ipv6) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Both IPv4 and IPv6 checks can not be disabled at the same time');
if (!defined('AF_INET6') && $this->ipv6) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('IPv6 validation can not be used. PHP is compiled without IPv6');
* @return array
public function getRanges()
return $this->_ranges;
* Passes input ranges to [[prepareRanges()]], then sets the result to [[_ranges]]
* @param array $ranges
public function setRanges($ranges)
$this->_ranges = $this->prepareRanges((array) $ranges);
* @inheritdoc
protected function validateValue($value)
$result = $this->validateSubnet($value);
if (is_array($result)) {
$result[1] = array_merge(['ip' => is_array($value) ? 'array()' : $value], $result[1]);
return $result;
} else {
return null;
* @inheritdoc
public function validateAttribute($model, $attribute)
$value = $model->$attribute;
$result = $this->validateSubnet($value);
if (is_array($result)) {
$result[1] = array_merge(['ip' => is_array($value) ? 'array()' : $value], $result[1]);
$this->addError($model, $attribute, $result[0], $result[1]);
} else {
$model->$attribute = $result;
* Validates an IPv4/IPv6 address or subnet
* @param $ip string
* @return string|array
* string - the validation was successful;
* array - an error occurred during the validation.
* Array[0] contains the text of an error, array[1] contains values for the placeholders in the error message
private function validateSubnet($ip)
if (!is_string($ip)) {
return [$this->wrongIp, []];
$negation = null;
$cidr = null;
$isCidrDefault = false;
if (preg_match($this->getIpParsePattern(), $ip, $matches)) {
$negation = ($matches[1] !== '') ? $matches[1] : null;
$ip = $matches[2];
$cidr = isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : null;
if ($this->subnet === true && $cidr === null) {
return [$this->noSubnet, []];
if ($this->subnet === false && $cidr !== null) {
return [$this->hasSubnet, []];
if ($this->negation === false && $negation !== null) {
return [$this->wrongIp, []];
if ($this->getIpVersion($ip) == 6) {
if ($cidr !== null) {
if ($cidr > static::IPV6_ADDRESS_LENGTH || $cidr < 0) {
return [$this->wrongCidr, []];
} else {
$isCidrDefault = true;
$cidr = static::IPV6_ADDRESS_LENGTH;
if (!$this->ipv6) {
return [$this->ipv6NotAllowed, []];
if (!$this->validateIPv6($ip)) {
return [$this->wrongIp, []];
if ($this->expandIPv6) {
$ip = $this->expandIPv6($ip);
} else {
if ($cidr !== null) {
if ($cidr > static::IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH || $cidr < 0) {
return [$this->wrongCidr, []];
} else {
$isCidrDefault = true;
$cidr = static::IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH;
if (!$this->ipv4) {
return [$this->ipv4NotAllowed, []];
if (!$this->validateIPv4($ip)) {
return [$this->wrongIp, []];
if (!$this->isAllowed($ip, $cidr)) {
return [$this->notInRange, []];
$result = $negation . $ip;
if ($this->subnet !== false && (!$isCidrDefault || $isCidrDefault && $this->normalize)) {
$result .= "/$cidr";
return $result;
* Expands an IPv6 address to it's full notation. For example `2001:db8::1` will be
* expanded to `2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001`
* @param string $ip the original IPv6
* @return string the expanded IPv6
private function expandIPv6($ip)
$hex = unpack('H*hex', inet_pton($ip));
return substr(preg_replace('/([a-f0-9]{4})/i', '$1:', $hex['hex']), 0, -1);
* The method checks whether the IP address with specified CIDR is allowed according to the [[ranges]] list.
* @param string $ip
* @param integer $cidr
* @return boolean
* @see ranges
private function isAllowed($ip, $cidr)
if (empty($this->ranges)) {
return true;
foreach ($this->ranges as $string) {
list($isNegated, $range) = $this->parseNegatedRange($string);
if ($this->inRange($ip, $cidr, $range)) {
return !$isNegated;
return false;
* Parses IP address/range for the negation with [[NEGATION_CHAR]].
* @param $string
* @return array `[0 => boolean, 1 => string]`
* - boolean: whether the string is negated
* - string: the string without negation (when the negation were present)
private function parseNegatedRange ($string) {
$isNegated = strpos($string, static::NEGATION_CHAR) === 0;
return [$isNegated, ($isNegated ? substr($string, strlen(static::NEGATION_CHAR)) : $string)];
* Prepares array to fill in [[ranges]]:
* - Recursively substitutes aliases, described in [[networks]] with their values
* - Removes duplicates
* @param $ranges
* @return array
* @see networks
private function prepareRanges($ranges) {
$result = [];
foreach ($ranges as $string) {
list($isRangeNegated, $range) = $this->parseNegatedRange($string);
if (isset($this->networks[$range])) {
$replacements = $this->prepareRanges($this->networks[$range]);
foreach ($replacements as &$replacement) {
list($isReplacementNegated, $replacement) = $this->parseNegatedRange($replacement);
$result[] = ($isRangeNegated && !$isReplacementNegated ? static::NEGATION_CHAR : '') . $replacement;
} else {
$result[] = $string;
return array_unique($result);
* Validates IPv4 address
* @param string $value
* @return boolean
protected function validateIPv4($value)
return preg_match($this->ipv4Pattern, $value) !== 0;
* Validates IPv6 address
* @param string $value
* @return boolean
protected function validateIPv6($value)
return preg_match($this->ipv6Pattern, $value) !== 0;
* Gets the IP version
* @param string $ip
* @return integer
private function getIpVersion($ip)
return strpos($ip, ':') === false ? 4 : 6;
* Used to get the Regexp pattern for initial IP address parsing
* @return string
private function getIpParsePattern()
return '/^(' . preg_quote(static::NEGATION_CHAR) . '?)(.+?)(\/(\d+))?$/';
* Checks whether the IP is in subnet range
* @param string $ip an IPv4 or IPv6 address
* @param integer $cidr
* @param string $range subnet in CIDR format e.g. `` or `2001:af::/64`
* @return bool
private function inRange($ip, $cidr, $range)
$ipVersion = $this->getIpVersion($ip);
$binIp = $this->ip2bin($ip);
$parts = explode('/', $range);
$net = array_shift($parts);
$range_cidr = array_shift($parts);
$netVersion = $this->getIpVersion($net);
if ($ipVersion !== $netVersion) {
return false;
if ($range_cidr === null) {
$range_cidr = $netVersion === 4 ? static::IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH : static::IPV6_ADDRESS_LENGTH;
$binNet = $this->ip2bin($net);
if (substr($binIp, 0, $range_cidr) === substr($binNet, 0, $range_cidr) && $cidr >= $range_cidr) {
return true;
return false;
* Converts IP address to bits representation
* @param string $ip
* @return string bits as a string
private function ip2bin($ip)
if ($this->getIpVersion($ip) === 4) {
return str_pad(base_convert(ip2long($ip), 10, 2), static::IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
} else {
$unpack = unpack('A16', inet_pton($ip));
$binStr = array_shift($unpack);
$bytes = static::IPV6_ADDRESS_LENGTH / 8; // 128 bit / 8 = 16 bytes
$result = '';
while ($bytes-- > 0) {
$result = sprintf('%08b', isset($binStr[$bytes]) ? ord($binStr[$bytes]) : '0') . $result;
return $result;
* @inheritdoc
public function clientValidateAttribute($model, $attribute, $view)
$messages = [
'ipv6NotAllowed' => $this->ipv6NotAllowed,
'ipv4NotAllowed' => $this->ipv4NotAllowed,
'wrongIp' => $this->wrongIp,
'noSubnet' => $this->noSubnet
foreach ($messages as &$message) {
$message = Yii::$app->getI18n()->format($message, [
'attribute' => $model->getAttributeLabel($attribute),
], Yii::$app->language);
$options = [
'ipv4Pattern' => new JsExpression($this->ipv4Pattern),
'ipv6Pattern' => new JsExpression($this->ipv6Pattern),
'messages' => $messages,
'ipv4' => (boolean)$this->ipv4,
'ipv6' => (boolean)$this->ipv6,
'ipParsePattern' => Html::escapeJsRegularExpression($this->getIpParsePattern()),
'negation' => $this->negation,
'subnet' => $this->subnet
return 'yii.validation.ip(value, messages, ' . Json::htmlEncode($options) . ');';


@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
* - `trim`: [[FilterValidator]]
* - `unique`: [[UniqueValidator]]
* - `url`: [[UrlValidator]]
* - `ip`: [[IpValidator]]
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ class Validator extends Component
'unique' => 'yii\validators\UniqueValidator',
'url' => 'yii\validators\UrlValidator',
'ip' => 'yii\validators\IpValidator',
* @var array|string attributes to be validated by this validator. For multiple attributes,


@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
namespace yiiunit\framework\validators;
use yii\validators\IpValidator;
use yii\validators\ValidationAsset;
use yiiunit\data\validators\models\FakedValidationModel;
use yiiunit\TestCase;
* @group validators
class IpValidatorTest extends TestCase
protected function setUp()
public function testInitException()
'Both IPv4 and IPv6 checks can not be disabled at the same time');
new IpValidator(['ipv4' => false, 'ipv6' => false]);
public function provideRangesForSubstitution() {
return [
['', ['']],
[['', 'fa::/32', 'any'], ['', 'fa::/32', '', '::/0']],
[['', '!private'], ['', '!', '!', '!', '!fd00::/8']],
[['private', '!system'], ['', '', '', 'fd00::/8', '!', '!ff00::/8', '!', '!fe80::/10', '!', '!::1', '!', '!', '!', '!2001:db8::/32']]
* @dataProvider provideRangesForSubstitution
public function testRangesSubstitution($range, $expectedRange)
$validator = new IpValidator(['ranges' => $range]);
$this->assertEquals($expectedRange, $validator->ranges);
public function testValidateOrder()
$validator = new IpValidator([
'ranges' => ['', '!', '!babe::/8', 'any']
public function provideBadIps() {
return [[''], [['what an array', '??']], [123456], [true], [false]];
* @dataProvider provideBadIps
public function testValidateValueNotAnIP($badIp)
$validator = new IpValidator();
public function testValidateValueIPv4()
$validator = new IpValidator();
$validator->ipv4 = false;
$validator->ipv4 = true;
$validator->subnet = null;
$validator->subnet = true;
$validator->negation = true;
public function testValidateValueIPv6()
if (!defined('AF_INET6')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The environment does not support IPv6.');
$validator = new IpValidator();
$validator->ipv4 = false;
$validator->ipv6 = false;
$validator->ipv6 = true;
$validator->subnet = null;
$validator->subnet = true;
$validator->negation = true;
public function testValidateValueIPvBoth()
if (!defined('AF_INET6')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The environment does not support IPv6.');
$validator = new IpValidator();
$validator->ipv4 = false;
$validator->ipv6 = false;
$validator->ipv4 = true;
$validator->ipv6 = true;
$validator->subnet = null;
$validator->subnet = true;
$validator->negation = true;
public function testValidateRangeIPv4()
$validator = new IpValidator([
'ranges' => ['']
$validator->ranges = [''];
$validator->ranges = ['!', '', 'localhost'];
$validator->subnet = null;
$validator->ranges = ['', '!', 'localhost'];
public function testValidateRangeIPv6()
if (!defined('AF_INET6')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The environment does not support IPv6.');
$validator = new IpValidator([
'ranges' => '2001:db0:1:1::/64'
$validator->ranges = ['2001:db0:1:2::/64'];
$validator->ranges = ['!2001:db0::/32', '2001:db0:1:2::/64', ];
$validator->subnet = null;
$validator->ranges = array_reverse($validator->ranges);
public function testValidateRangeIPvBoth()
if (!defined('AF_INET6')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The environment does not support IPv6.');
$validator = new IpValidator([
'ranges' => '',
$validator->ranges = ['', '2001:db0:1:2::/64', ''];
$validator->ranges = ['!system', 'any'];
$validator->subnet = null;
$validator->ranges = ['', '2001:db0:1:2::/64', 'localhost', '!all'];
public function testValidateAttributeIPv4()
$validator = new IpValidator();
$model = new FakedValidationModel();
$validator->subnet = null;
$model->attr_ip = '';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('', $model->attr_ip);
$validator->subnet = false;
$model->attr_ip = '';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('', $model->attr_ip);
$model->attr_ip = '';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('attr_ip must not be a subnet.', $model->getFirstError('attr_ip'));
$validator->subnet = null;
$validator->normalize = true;
$model->attr_ip = '';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('', $model->attr_ip);
public function testValidateAttributeIPv6()
if (!defined('AF_INET6')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The environment does not support IPv6.');
$validator = new IpValidator();
$model = new FakedValidationModel();
$validator->subnet = null;
$model->attr_ip = '2001:db0:1:2::1';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('2001:db0:1:2::1', $model->attr_ip);
$validator->subnet = false;
$model->attr_ip = '2001:db0:1:2::7';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('2001:db0:1:2::7', $model->attr_ip);
$model->attr_ip = '2001:db0:1:2::7/64';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('attr_ip must not be a subnet.', $model->getFirstError('attr_ip'));
$validator->subnet = null;
$validator->normalize = true;
$model->attr_ip = 'fa01::1';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('fa01::1/128', $model->attr_ip);
$model->attr_ip = 'fa01::1/64';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('fa01::1/64', $model->attr_ip);
$validator->expandIPv6 = true;
$model->attr_ip = 'fa01::1/64';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('fa01:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001/64', $model->attr_ip);
$model->attr_ip = 'fa01::2/614';
$validator->validateAttribute($model, 'attr_ip');
$this->assertEquals('fa01::2/614', $model->attr_ip);
$this->assertEquals('attr_ip contains wrong subnet mask.', $model->getFirstError('attr_ip'));