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Closed #12778: Added docs for multiple attributes validation (#13005)

* Added docs for mutiple attributes validation

* Fixed typo in formatting [skip ci]

* More precise explanation about count of validator runs

* Corrected salary min in integer rule

* More strict check in when, additional h3 headers, loop alternative

* Added custom validator section

* Use more accurate phrase

* Block code formatting - php was missing [skip ci]

* Fixes related with PR review [skip ci]

* More fixes related with PR review, removed unnecessary @inheritdoc [skip ci]
Alexey Rogachev 8 years ago committed by Boudewijn Vahrmeijer
  1. 372


@ -442,6 +442,378 @@ class EntryForm extends Model
## Multiple Attributes Validation <span id="multiple-attributes-validation"></span>
Sometimes validators involve multiple attributes. Consider the following form:
``` php
class MigrationForm extends \yii\base\Model
* Minimal funds amount for one adult person
const MIN_ADULT_FUNDS = 3000;
* Minimal funds amount for one child
const MIN_CHILD_FUNDS = 1500;
public $personalSalary;
public $spouseSalary;
public $childrenCount;
public $description;
public function rules()
return [
[['personalSalary', 'description'], 'required'],
[['personalSalary', 'spouseSalary'], 'integer', 'min' => self::MIN_ADULT_FUNDS],
['childrenCount', 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 5],
[['spouseSalary', 'childrenCount'], 'default', 'value' => 0],
['description', 'string'],
### Creating validator <span id="multiple-attributes-validator"></span>
Let's say we need to check if the family income is enough for children. We can create inline validator
`validateChildrenFunds` for that which will run only when `childrenCount` is more than 0.
Note that we can't use all validated attributes (`['personalSalary', 'spouseSalary', 'childrenCount']`) when attaching
validator. This is because the same validator will run for each attribute (3 times in total) and we only need to run it
once for the whole attribute set.
You can use any of these attributes instead (or use what you think is the most relevant):
['childrenCount', 'validateChildrenFunds', 'when' => function ($model) {
return $model->childrenCount > 0;
Implementation of `validateChildrenFunds` can be like this:
public function validateChildrenFunds($attribute, $params)
$totalSalary = $this->personalSalary + $this->spouseSalary;
// Double the minimal adult funds if spouse salary is specified
$minAdultFunds = $this->spouseSalary ? self::MIN_ADULT_FUNDS * 2 : self::MIN_ADULT_FUNDS;
$childFunds = $totalSalary - $minAdultFunds;
if ($childFunds / $this->childrenCount < self::MIN_CHILD_FUNDS) {
$this->addError('childrenCount', 'Your salary is not enough for children.');
You can ignore `$attribute` parameter because validation is not related to just one attribute.
### Adding errors <span id="multiple-attributes-errors"></span>
Adding error in case of multiple attributes can vary depending on desired form design:
- Select the most relevant field in your opinion and add error to it's attribute:
$this->addError('childrenCount', 'Your salary is not enough for children.');
- Select multiple important relevant attributes or all attributes and add the same error message to them. We can store
message in separate variable before passing it to `addError` to keep code DRY.
$message = 'Your salary is not enough for children.';
$this->addError('personalSalary', $message);
$this->addError('wifeSalary', $message);
$this->addError('childrenCount', $message);
Or use a loop:
$attributes = ['personalSalary, 'wifeSalary', 'childrenCount'];
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$this->addError($attribute, 'Your salary is not enough for children.');
- Add a common error (not related to particular attribute). We can use the not existing attribute name for adding
error, for example `*`, because attribute existence is not checked at that point.
$this->addError('*', 'Your salary is not enough for children.');
As a result, we will not see error message near form fields. To display it, we can include the error summary in view:
<?= $form->errorSummary($model) ?>
### Custom validator <span id="multiple-attributes-custom-validator"></span>
If passing one attribute is not acceptable for you (for example it can be hard to choose which one is more relevant or
you consider it misleading in rules), the more advanced solution is to implement `CustomValidator` with support for
validating multiple attributes at once.
By default if multiple attributes are used for validation, the loop will be used to apply the same validation to each
of them. Let's use a separate trait and override [[yii\base\Validator:validateAttributes()]]:
namespace app\components;
trait BatchValidationTrait
* @var bool whether to validate multiple attributes at once
public $batch = false;
* Validates the specified object.
* @param \yii\base\Model $model the data model being validated.
* @param array|null $attributes the list of attributes to be validated.
* Note that if an attribute is not associated with the validator, or is is prefixed with `!` char - it will be
* ignored. If this parameter is null, every attribute listed in [[attributes]] will be validated.
public function validateAttributes($model, $attributes = null)
if (is_array($attributes)) {
$newAttributes = [];
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if (in_array($attribute, $this->attributes) || in_array('!' . $attribute, $this->attributes)) {
$newAttributes[] = $attribute;
$attributes = $newAttributes;
} else {
$attributes = [];
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
$attributes[] = $attribute[0] === '!' ? substr($attribute, 1) : $attribute;
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$skip = $this->skipOnError && $model->hasErrors($attribute)
|| $this->skipOnEmpty && $this->isEmpty($model->$attribute);
if ($skip) {
// Skip validation if at least one attribute is empty or already has error
// (according skipOnError and skipOnEmpty options must be set to true
if ($this->batch) {
// Validate all attributes at once
if ($this->when === null || call_user_func($this->when, $model, $attribute)) {
// Pass array with all attributes instead of one attribute
$this->validateAttribute($model, $attributes);
} else {
// Validate each attribute separately using the same validation logic
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if ($this->when === null || call_user_func($this->when, $model, $attribute)) {
$this->validateAttribute($model, $attribute);
Then we need to create custom validator and use the created trait:
namespace app\components;
use yii\validators\Validator;
class CustomValidator extends Validator
use BatchValidationTrait;
To support inline validation as well we can extend default inline validator and also use this trait:
namespace app\components;
use yii\validators\InlineValidator;
class CustomInlineValidator extends InlineValidator
use BatchValidationTrait;
Couple more changes are needed.
First to use our `CustomInlineValidator` instead of default `InlineValidator` we need to override
[[\yii\validators\Validator::createValidator()]] method in `CustomValidator`:
public static function createValidator($type, $model, $attributes, $params = [])
$params['attributes'] = $attributes;
if ($type instanceof \Closure || $model->hasMethod($type)) {
// method-based validator
// The following line is changed to use our CustomInlineValidator
$params['class'] = __NAMESPACE__ . '\CustomInlineValidator';
$params['method'] = $type;
} else {
if (isset(static::$builtInValidators[$type])) {
$type = static::$builtInValidators[$type];
if (is_array($type)) {
$params = array_merge($type, $params);
} else {
$params['class'] = $type;
return Yii::createObject($params);
And finally to support our custom validator in model we can create the trait and override
[[\yii\base\Model::createValidators()]] like this:
namespace app\components;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
trait CustomValidationTrait
* Creates validator objects based on the validation rules specified in [[rules()]].
* Unlike [[getValidators()]], each time this method is called, a new list of validators will be returned.
* @return ArrayObject validators
* @throws InvalidConfigException if any validation rule configuration is invalid
public function createValidators()
$validators = new ArrayObject;
foreach ($this->rules() as $rule) {
if ($rule instanceof Validator) {
} elseif (is_array($rule) && isset($rule[0], $rule[1])) { // attributes, validator type
// The following line is changed in order to use our CustomValidator
$validator = CustomValidator::createValidator($rule[1], $this, (array) $rule[0], array_slice($rule, 2));
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid validation rule: a rule must specify both attribute names and validator type.');
return $validators;
Now we can implement custom validator by extending from `CustomValidator`:
namespace app\validators;
use app\components\CustomValidator;
class ChildrenFundsValidator extends CustomValidator
public function validateAttribute($model, $attribute)
// $attribute here is not a single attribute, it's an array containing all related attributes
$totalSalary = $this->personalSalary + $this->spouseSalary;
// Double the minimal adult funds if spouse salary is specified
$minAdultFunds = $this->spouseSalary ? self::MIN_ADULT_FUNDS * 2 : self::MIN_ADULT_FUNDS;
$childFunds = $totalSalary - $minAdultFunds;
if ($childFunds / $this->childrenCount < self::MIN_CHILD_FUNDS) {
$this->addError('*', 'Your salary is not enough for children.');
Because `$attribute` contains the list of all related attributes, we can use loop in case of adding errors for all
attributes is needed:
foreach ($attribute as $singleAttribute) {
$this->addError($attribute, 'Your salary is not enough for children.');
Now it's possible to specify all related attributes in according validation rule:
['personalSalary', 'spouseSalary', 'childrenCount'],
'batch' => `true`,
'when' => function ($model) {
return $model->childrenCount > 0;
For inline validation the rule will be:
['personalSalary', 'spouseSalary', 'childrenCount'],
'batch' => `true`,
'when' => function ($model) {
return $model->childrenCount > 0;
And here is according validation method:
public function validateChildrenFunds($attribute, $params)
// $attribute here is not a single attribute, it's an array containing all related attributes
$totalSalary = $this->personalSalary + $this->spouseSalary;
// Double the minimal adult funds if spouse salary is specified
$minAdultFunds = $this->spouseSalary ? self::MIN_ADULT_FUNDS * 2 : self::MIN_ADULT_FUNDS;
$childFunds = $totalSalary - $minAdultFunds;
if ($childFunds / $this->childrenCount < self::MIN_CHILD_FUNDS) {
$this->addError('childrenCount', 'Your salary is not enough for children.');
The advantages of this approach:
- It better reflects all attributes that participate in validation (the rules become more readable);
- It respects the options [[yii\validators\Validator::skipOnError]] and [[yii\validators\Validator::skipOnEmpty]] for
**each** used attribute (not only for that you decided to choose as more relevant).
If you have problems with implementing client validation, you can:
- combine [[yii\widgets\ActiveForm::enableAjaxValidation|enableClientValidation]] and
[[yii\widgets\ActiveForm::enableAjaxValidation|enableAjaxValidation]] options, so multiple attributes will be validated
with AJAX without page reload;
- implement validation outside of [[yii\validators\Validator::clientValidateAttribute]] because it's designed to work
with single attribute.
## Client-Side Validation <span id="client-side-validation"></span>
Client-side validation based on JavaScript is desirable when end users provide inputs via HTML forms, because
