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Yyy 8 years ago committed by GitHub
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@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
When displaying multiple rows of data, it is often needed that the data be sorted according to some columns
specified by end users. Yii uses a [[yii\data\Sort]] object to represent the information about a sorting schema.
In particular,
Yii 使用 [[yii\data\Sort]] 对象来代表排序方案的有关信息。
* [[yii\data\Sort::$attributes|attributes]] specifies the *attributes* by which the data can be sorted.
An attribute can be as simple as a [model attribute]( It can also be a composite
one by combining multiple model attributes or DB columns. More details will be given in the following.
* [[yii\data\Sort::$attributeOrders|attributeOrders]] gives the currently requested ordering directions for
each attribute.
* [[yii\data\Sort::$orders|orders]] gives the ordering directions in terms of the low-level columns.
* [[yii\data\Sort::$attributes|attributes]] 指定 *属性*,数据按照其排序。一个属性可以就是简单的一个 [model attribute](,也可以是结合了多个 model 属性或者 DB 列的复合属性。下面将给出更多细节。
* [[yii\data\Sort::$attributeOrders|attributeOrders]] 给出每个属性当前设置的排序方向。
* [[yii\data\Sort::$orders|orders]] 按照低级列的方式给出排序方向。
To use [[yii\data\Sort]], first declare which attributes can be sorted. Then retrieve the currently requested
ordering information from [[yii\data\Sort::$attributeOrders|attributeOrders]] or [[yii\data\Sort::$orders|orders]]
and use them to customize the data query. For example,
使用 [[yii\data\Sort]],首先要声明什么属性能进行排序。
接着从 [[yii\data\Sort::$attributeOrders|attributeOrders]] 或者 [[yii\data\Sort::$orders|orders]] 取得当前设置的排序信息,
use yii\data\Sort;
@ -37,10 +35,10 @@ $articles = Article::find()
In the above example, two attributes are declared for the [[yii\data\Sort|Sort]] object: `age` and `name`.
上述例子中,为 [[yii\data\Sort|Sort]] 对象声明了两个属性: `age``name`
The `age` attribute is a *simple* attribute corresponding to the `age` attribute of the `Article` Active Record class.
It is equivalent to the following declaration:
`age` 属性是 `Article` 与 Active Record 类中 `age` 属性对应的一个简单属性。
'age' => [
@ -51,39 +49,34 @@ It is equivalent to the following declaration:
The `name` attribute is a *composite* attribute defined by `first_name` and `last_name` of `Article`. It is declared
using the following array structure:
`name` 属性是由 `Article``firsr_name``last_name` 定义的一个复合属性。
- The `asc` and `desc` elements specify how to sort by the attribute in ascending and descending directions, respectively.
Their values represent the actual columns and the directions by which the data should be sorted by. You can specify
one or multiple columns to indicate simple ordering or composite ordering.
- The `default` element specifies the direction by which the attribute should be sorted when initially requested.
It defaults to ascending order, meaning if it is not sorted before and you request to sort by this attribute,
the data will be sorted by this attribute in ascending order.
- The `label` element specifies what label should be used when calling [[yii\data\Sort::link()]] to create a sort link.
If not set, [[yii\helpers\Inflector::camel2words()]] will be called to generate a label from the attribute name.
Note that it will not be HTML-encoded.
- `asc``desc` 元素指定了如何按照该属性进行升序和降序的排序。它们的值代表数据真正地应该按照什么列和方向进行排序。
- `default` 元素指定了当一次请求时,属性应该按照什么方向来进行排序。它默认为升序方向,意味着如果之前没有进行排序,并且
- `label` 元素指定了调用 [[yii\data\Sort::link()]] 来创建一个排序链接时应该使用什么标签,如果不设置,将调用
[[yii\helpers\Inflector::camel2words()]] 来通过属性名生成一个标签。注意,它并不是 HTML编码的。
> Info: You can directly feed the value of [[yii\data\Sort::$orders|orders]] to the database query to build
its `ORDER BY` clause. Do not use [[yii\data\Sort::$attributeOrders|attributeOrders]] because some of the
attributes may be composite and cannot be recognized by the database query.
> Info: 你可以将 [[yii\data\Sort::$orders|orders]] 的值直接提供给数据库查询来构建其 `ORDER BY` 子句。不要使用 [[yii\data\Sort::$attributeOrders|attributeOrders]] ,因为一些属性可能是复合的,是不能被数据库查询识别的。
You can call [[yii\data\Sort::link()]] to generate a hyperlink upon which end users can click to request sorting
the data by the specified attribute. You may also call [[yii\data\Sort::createUrl()]] to create a sortable URL.
For example,
你可以调用 [[yii\data\Sort::link()]] 来生成一个超链接,用户可以通过点击它来请求按照指定的属性对数据进行排序。
你也可以调用 [[yii\data\Sort::createUrl()]] 来生成一个可排序的 URL。
// specifies the route that the URL to be created should use
// If you do not specify this, the currently requested route will be used
// 指定被创建的 URL 应该使用的路由
// 如果你没有指定,将使用当前被请求的路由
$sort->route = 'article/index';
// display links leading to sort by name and age, respectively
// 显示链接,链接分别指向以 name 和 age 进行排序
echo $sort->link('name') . ' | ' . $sort->link('age');
// displays: /index.php?r=article%2Findex&sort=age
// 显示: /index.php?r=article%2Findex&sort=age
echo $sort->createUrl('age');
[[yii\data\Sort]] checks the `sort` query parameter to determine which attributes are being requested for sorting.
You may specify a default ordering via [[yii\data\Sort::defaultOrder]] when the query parameter is not present.
You may also customize the name of the query parameter by configuring the [[yii\data\Sort::sortParam|sortParam]] property.
[[yii\data\Sort]] 查看 `sort` 查询参数来决定哪一个属性正在被请求来进行排序。
当该参数不存在时,你可以通过 [[yii\data\Sort::defaultOrder]] 来指定默认的排序。
你也可以通过配置 [[yii\data\Sort::sortParam|sortParam]] 属性来自定义该查询参数的名字。
