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Finished alias guide.

Qiang Xue 11 years ago
  1. 12
  2. 144
  3. 20
  4. 2


@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Application Structure
* [Models](
* **TBD** [Widgets](
* **TBD** [Modules](
* **TBD** [Extensions](
Handling Requests
@ -49,17 +50,16 @@ Handling Requests
* **TBD** [Filtering](
Basic Concepts
Key Concepts
* [Components](
* [Properties](
* [Events](
* [Behaviors](
* [Configurations](
* [Class Autoloading](
* [Aliases](
* **TBD** [Extensions](
* [Class Autoloading](
* [Service Locator](
* [Dependency Injection Container](
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ Working with Databases
* **TBD** [ElasticSearch](
Collecting Inputs
Getting User Inputs
* [Creating Forms](
* [Input Validation](


@ -1,25 +1,131 @@
Path Aliases
> Note: This chapter is under development.
Aliases are used to represent file paths or URLs to avoid hard-coding absolute paths or URLs in your code.
An alias must start with a `@` character so that it can be differentiated from file paths and URLs.
For example, the alias `@yii` represents the installation path of the Yii framework, while `@web` represents
the base URL for the currently running Web application.
Yii 2.0 expands the usage of path aliases to both file/directory paths and URLs. An alias
must start with an `@` symbol so that it can be differentiated from file/directory paths and URLs.
For example, the alias `@yii` refers to the Yii installation directory while `@web` contains the base URL for the currently running web application. Path aliases are supported in most places in the Yii core code. For example, `FileCache::cachePath` can accept both a path alias and a normal directory path.
Path aliases are also closely related to class namespaces. It is recommended that a path
alias should be defined for each root namespace so that Yii's class autoloader can be used without
any further configuration. For example, because `@yii` refers to the Yii installation directory,
a class like `yii\web\Request` can be autoloaded by Yii. If you use a third party library
such as Zend Framework, you may define a path alias `@Zend` which refers to its installation
directory and Yii will be able to autoload any class in this library.
Defining Aliases
The following aliases are predefined by the core framework:
You can call [[Yii::setAlias()]] to define an alias for a given file path or URL. For example,
- `@yii` - framework directory.
- `@app` - base path of currently running application.
- `@runtime` - runtime directory.
- `@vendor` - Composer vendor directory.
- `@webroot` - web root directory of currently running web application.
- `@web` - base URL of currently running web application.
// an alias of file path
Yii::setAlias('@foo', '/path/to/foo');
// an alias of URL
Yii::setAlias('@bar', '');
> Note: A file path or URL being aliased may NOT necessarily refer to an existing file or resource.
Given an alias, you may derive a new alias (without the need of calling [[Yii::setAlias()]]) by appending
a slash `/` followed with one or several path segments. We call the aliases defined via [[Yii::setAlias()]]
*root aliases*, while the aliases derived from them *derived aliases*. For example, `@foo` is a root alias,
while `@foo/bar/file.php` is a derived alias.
You can define an alias using another alias (either root alias or derived alias is fine):
Yii::setAlias('@foobar', '@foo/bar');
Root aliases are usually defined during the [bootstrapping]( stage.
For example, you may call [[Yii::setAlias()]] in the [entry script](
For convenience, [Application]( provides writable property named `aliases`
that you can configure in the application [configuration](, like the following,
return [
// ...
'aliases' => [
'@foo' => '/path/to/foo',
'@bar' => '',
Resolving Aliases
You can call [[Yii::getAlias()]] to resolve a root alias into the file path or URL it is representing.
The same method can also resolve a derived alias into the corresponding file path or URL. For example,
echo Yii::getAlias('@foo'); // displays: /path/to/foo
echo Yii::getAlias('@bar'); // displays:
echo Yii::getAlias('@foo/bar/file.php'); // displays: /path/to/foo/bar/file.php
The path/URL represented by a derived alias is determined by replacing the root alias part with its corresponding
path/URL in the derived alias.
> Note: The [[Yii::getAlias()]] method does not check whether the resulting path/URL refers to an existing file or resource.
A root alias may also contain slash `/` characters. The [[Yii::getAlias()]] method
is intelligent enough to tell which part of an alias is a root alias and thus correctly determines
the corresponding file path or URL. For example,
Yii::setAlias('@foo', '/path/to/foo');
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar', '/path2/bar');
Yii::getAlias('@foo/test/file.php'); // displays: /path/to/foo/test/file.php
Yii::getAlias('@foo/bar/file.php'); // displays: /path2/bar/file.php
If `@foo/bar` is not defined as a root alias, the last statement would display `/path/to/foo/bar/file.php`.
Using Aliases
Aliases are recognized in many places in Yii without the need of calling [[Yii::getAlias()]] to convert
them into paths/URLs. For example, [[yii\caching\FileCache::cachePath]] can accept both a file path
and an alias representing a file path, thanks to the `@` prefix which allows it to differentiate a file path
from an alias.
use yii\caching\FileCache;
$cache = new FileCache([
'cachePath' => '@runtime/cache',
Please pay attention to the API documentation to see if a property or method parameter supports aliases.
Predefined Aliases
Yii predefines a set of aliases to ease the need of referencing commonly used file paths and URLs.
The following is the list of the predefined aliases:
- `@yii`: the directory where the `BaseYii.php` file is located (also called the framework directory).
- `@app`: the [[yii\base\Application::basePath|base path]] of the currently running application.
- `@runtime`: the [[yii\base\Application::runtimePath|runtime path]] of the currently running application.
- `@vendor`: the Composer vendor directory.
- `@webroot`: the Web root directory of the currently running Web application.
- `@web`: the base URL of the currently running Web application.
The `@yii` alias is defined when you include the `Yii.php` file in your [entry script](,
while the rest of the aliases are defined in the application constructor when applying the application
Extension Aliases
An alias is automatically defined for each [extension]( that is installed via Composer.
The alias is named after the root namespace of the extension as declared in its `composer.json` file, and it
represents the root directory of the package. For example, if you install the `yiisoft/yii2-jui` extension,
you will automatically have the alias `@yii/jui` defined during the [bootstrapping]( stage:
Yii::setAlias('@yii/jui', 'VendorPath/yiisoft/yii2-jui');


@ -1,8 +1,24 @@
Class Autoloading
> Note: This chapter is under development.
Yii relies on the [class autoloading mechanism](
to locate and include required class files. A class file will be automatically included by a class autoloader
when the corresponding class is referenced for the first time during the code execution. Because only
the necessary files are included and parsed, it improves the application performance.
Yii comes with a high-performance class autoloader which is installed when you include the `framework/Yii.php` file
in your [entry script]( The autoloader is compliant to the
[PSR-4 standard](
Below is a list of the rules that you should follow if you want to use the Yii class autoloader to autoload
your class files.
It has the benefit that a class file is included onl
All classes, interfaces and traits are loaded automatically at the moment they are used.
There's no need to use `include` or `require`. It is true for Composer-loaded packages as well as Yii extensions.


@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Environment Constants
Configurations often vary according to the environment in which an application runs. For example,
in development environment, you may want to use a database named `mydb_dev`, while on production server
you may want to use the `mydb_prod` database. To facilitate switching environments, Yii provides a constant
named `YII_ENV` that you may define in the [entry script]( of your application.
named `YII_ENV` that you may define in the [entry script]( of your application.
For example,
