Browse Source

Croatian language updated, Serbian - Fixed

close #9865
trbsi 9 years ago committed by Carsten Brandt
  1. 82
  2. 2


@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
return [
'(not set)' => '(nije postavljeno)',
'An internal server error occurred.' => 'Došlo je to interne pogreške servera.',
'An internal server error occurred.' => 'Došlo je do interne pogreške servera.',
'Are you sure you want to delete this item' => 'Želiš li to obrisati?',
'Delete' => 'Obrisati',
'Error' => 'Pogreška',
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ return [
'Invalid data received for parameter "{param}".' => 'Nevažeći podaci primljeni za parametar "{param}"',
'Login Required' => 'Prijava potrebna',
'Missing required arguments: {params}' => 'Nedostaju potrebni argunenti: {params}',
'Missing required parameters: {params}' => 'Falten paràmetres requerits: {params}',
'Missing required parameters: {params}' => 'Nedostaju potrebni parametri: {params}',
'No' => 'Ne',
'No help for unknown command "{command}".' => 'Nema pomoći za nepoznatu naredbu "{command}"',
'No help for unknown sub-command "{command}".' => 'Nema pomoći za nepoznatu pod-naredbu "{command}"',
@ -37,35 +37,35 @@ return [
'Page not found.' => 'Stranica nije pronađena.',
'Please fix the following errors:' => 'Molimo vas ispravite pogreške:',
'Please upload a file.' => 'Molimo vas da uploadate datoteku.',
'Showing <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> of <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, one{item} other{items}}.' => 'Prikazuj <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> od <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, one{red} other{redova}}.',
'Showing <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> of <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, one{item} other{items}}.' => 'Prikazuj <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> od <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, =1{stavka} one{# stavka} few{# stavke} many{# stavki} other{# stavki}}.',
'The file "{file}" is not an image.' => 'Podatak "{file}" nije slika.',
'The file "{file}" is too big. Its size cannot exceed {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}.' => 'Podatak "{file}" je prevelik.Nesmije biti veči od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}.',
'The file "{file}" is too small. Its size cannot be smaller than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}.' => 'Podatak "{file}" je premalen. Nesmije biti manji od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}.',
'The file "{file}" is too big. Its size cannot exceed {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}.' => 'Podatak "{file}" je prevelik. Ne smije biti veći od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{bajt} other{bajtova}}.',
'The file "{file}" is too small. Its size cannot be smaller than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}.' => 'Podatak "{file}" je premalen. Ne smije biti manji od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{bajt} other{bajtova}}.',
'The format of {attribute} is invalid.' => 'Format od {attribute} je nevažeći.',
'The image "{file}" is too large. The height cannot be larger than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{pixel} other{pixels}}.' => 'Slika "{file}" je prevelika. Visina slike nesmije biti veča od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{piksel} other{piksela}}.',
'The image "{file}" is too large. The width cannot be larger than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{pixel} other{pixels}}.' => 'Slika "{file}" je prevelika. Širina slike nesmije biti veča od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{piksel} other{piksela}}.',
'The image "{file}" is too small. The height cannot be smaller than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{pixel} other{pixels}}.' => 'Slika "{file}" je premalena. Visina slike nesmije biti manja od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{piksel} other{piksela}}.',
'The image "{file}" is too small. The width cannot be smaller than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{pixel} other{pixels}}.' => 'Slika "{file}" je premalena. Širina slike nesmije biti manja od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{piksel} other{piksela}}.',
'The image "{file}" is too large. The height cannot be larger than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{pixel} other{pixels}}.' => 'Slika "{file}" je prevelika. Visina slike ne smije biti veća od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{piksel} other{piksela}}.',
'The image "{file}" is too large. The width cannot be larger than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{pixel} other{pixels}}.' => 'Slika "{file}" je prevelika. Širina slike ne smije biti veća od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{piksel} other{piksela}}.',
'The image "{file}" is too small. The height cannot be smaller than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{pixel} other{pixels}}.' => 'Slika "{file}" je premalena. Visina slike ne smije biti manja od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{piksel} other{piksela}}.',
'The image "{file}" is too small. The width cannot be smaller than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{pixel} other{pixels}}.' => 'Slika "{file}" je premalena. Širina slike ne smije biti manja od {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{piksel} other{piksela}}.',
'The verification code is incorrect.' => 'Kod za provjeru nije točan.',
'Total <b>{count, number}</b> {count, plural, one{item} other{items}}.' => 'Ukupni <b>{count, number}</b> {count, plural, one{red} other{redova}}.',
'Total <b>{count, number}</b> {count, plural, one{item} other{items}}.' => 'Ukupno <b>{count, number}</b> {count, plural, =1{stavka} one{# stavka} few{# stavke} many{# stavki} other{# stavki}}.',
'Unable to verify your data submission.' => 'Nije moguće provjeriti podnesene podatke.',
'Unknown command "{command}".' => 'Nepoznata naredba "{command}".',
'Unknown option: --{name}' => 'Nepoznata opcija: --{name}',
'Update' => 'Actualitzar',
'Update' => 'Uredi',
'View' => 'Pregled',
'Yes' => 'Da',
'You are not allowed to perform this action.' => 'Nije vam dopušteno obavljati tu radnju.',
'You can upload at most {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{file} other{files}}.' => 'Najviše možete uploadat {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{arxiu} other{arxius}}.',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a day} other{# days}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{un dia} other{# dies}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a minute} other{# minutes}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{un minut} other{# minuts}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a month} other{# months}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{un mes} other{# mesos}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a second} other{# seconds}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{un segon} other{# segons}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a year} other{# years}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{un any} other{# anys}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{an hour} other{# hours}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{una hora} other{# hores}}',
'You can upload at most {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{file} other{files}}.' => 'Najviše možete uploadat {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{fajl} other{fajlova}}.',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a day} other{# days}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{dan} one{# dan} few{# dana} many{# dana} other{# dana}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a minute} other{# minutes}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{minuta} one{# minuta} few{# minute} many{# minuta} other{# minuta}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a month} other{# months}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{mjesec} one{# mjesec} few{# mjeseca} many{# mjeseci} other{# mjeseci}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a second} other{# seconds}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{sekunda} one{# sekunda} few{# sekunde} many{# sekundi} other{# sekundi}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{a year} other{# years}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{godina} one{# godine} few{# godine} many{# godina} other{# godina}}',
'in {delta, plural, =1{an hour} other{# hours}}' => 'u {delta, plural, =1{sat} one{# sat} few{# sata} many{# sati} other{# sati}}',
'the input value' => 'ulazna vrijednost',
'{attribute} "{value}" has already been taken.' => '{attribute} "{value}" već se koristi.',
'{attribute} cannot be blank.' => '{attribute} nesmije biti prazno.',
'{attribute} is invalid.' => '{attribute} je neispravan.',
'{attribute} cannot be blank.' => '{attribute} ne smije biti prazan.',
'{attribute} is invalid.' => 'Atribut "{attribute}" je neispravan.',
'{attribute} is not a valid URL.' => '{attribute} nije valjan URL.',
'{attribute} is not a valid email address.' => '{attribute} nije valjana email adresa.',
'{attribute} must be "{requiredValue}".' => '{attribute} mora biti "{requiredValue}".',
@ -73,29 +73,29 @@ return [
'{attribute} must be a string.' => '{attribute} mora biti string(riječ,tekst).',
'{attribute} must be an integer.' => '{attribute} mora biti cijeli broj.',
'{attribute} must be either "{true}" or "{false}".' => '{attribute} mora biti "{true}" ili "{false}".',
'{attribute} must be greater than "{compareValue}".' => '{attribute} mora biti veči od "{compareValue}',
'{attribute} must be greater than or equal to "{compareValue}".' => '{attribute} mora biti veči ili jednak "{compareValue}".',
'{attribute} must be greater than "{compareValue}".' => '{attribute} mora biti veći od "{compareValue}',
'{attribute} must be greater than or equal to "{compareValue}".' => '{attribute} mora biti veći ili jednak "{compareValue}".',
'{attribute} must be less than "{compareValue}".' => '{attribute} mora biti manji od "{compareValue}".',
'{attribute} must be less than or equal to "{compareValue}".' => '{attribute} mora biti jednak "{compareValue}".',
'{attribute} must be no greater than {max}.' => '{attribute} nesmije biti veči od {max}.',
'{attribute} must be no less than {min}.' => '{attribute} nesmije biti manji od {min}.',
'{attribute} must be repeated exactly.' => '{attribute} mora biti ponovljeno.',
'{attribute} must not be equal to "{compareValue}".' => '{attribute} nesmije biti jednnak "{compareValue}".',
'{attribute} should contain at least {min, number} {min, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.' => '{attribute} mora najmanje sadržavati {min, number} {min, plural, one{znak} other{znakova}}.',
'{attribute} should contain at most {max, number} {max, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.' => '{attribute} moze sadržavati do {max, number} {max, plural, one{znak} other{znakova}}.',
'{attribute} should contain {length, number} {length, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.' => '{attribute} mora sadržavati {length, number} {length, plural, one{znak} other{znakova}}.',
'{delta, plural, =1{a day} other{# days}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{dan} other{# dana}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{a minute} other{# minutes}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{minuta} other{# minuta}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{a month} other{# months}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{mjesec} other{# mjeseci}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{a second} other{# seconds}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{sekunda} other{# sekundi}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{a year} other{# years}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{un godine} other{# godina}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{an hour} other{# hours}} ago' => ' {delta, plural, =1{sat} other{# sati}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# byte} other{# bytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# byte} other{# bytes}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# gigabyte} other{# gigabytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# gigabyte} other{# gigabytes}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# kilobyte} other{# kilobytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# kilobyte} other{# kilobytes}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# megabyte} other{# megabytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# megabyte} other{# megabytes}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# petabyte} other{# petabytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# petabyte} other{# petabytes}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# terabyte} other{# terabytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# terabyte} other{# terabytes}}',
'{attribute} must be no greater than {max}.' => '{attribute} ne smije biti veći od {max}.',
'{attribute} must be no less than {min}.' => '{attribute} ne smije biti manji od {min}.',
'{attribute} must be repeated exactly.' => '{attribute} mora biti točno ponovljeno.',
'{attribute} must not be equal to "{compareValue}".' => '{attribute} ne smije biti jednak "{compareValue}".',
'{attribute} should contain at least {min, number} {min, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.' => '{attribute} mora najmanje sadržavati {min, number} {min, plural, =1{znak} one{# znak} few{# znaka} many{# znakova} other{# znakova}}.',
'{attribute} should contain at most {max, number} {max, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.' => '{attribute} moze sadržavati najviše do {max, number} {max, plural, =1{znak} one{# znak} few{# znaka} many{# znakova} other{# znakova}}.',
'{attribute} should contain {length, number} {length, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.' => '{attribute} mora sadržavati {length, number} {length, plural, =1{znak} one{# znak} few{# znaka} many{# znakova} other{# znakova}}.',
'{delta, plural, =1{a day} other{# days}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{dan} one{# dan} few{# dana} many{# dana} other{# dana}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{a minute} other{# minutes}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{minuta} one{# minuta} few{# minute} many{# minuta} other{# minuta}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{a month} other{# months}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{mjesec} one{# mjesec} few{# mjeseca} many{# mjeseci} other{# mjeseci}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{a second} other{# seconds}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{sekunda} one{# sekunda} few{# sekunde} many{# sekundi} other{# sekundi}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{a year} other{# years}} ago' => '{delta, plural, =1{godina} one{# godine} few{# godine} many{# godina} other{# godina}}',
'{delta, plural, =1{an hour} other{# hours}} ago' => ' {delta, plural, =1{sat} one{# sat} few{# sata} many{# sati} other{# sati}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# byte} other{# bytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# bajt} other{# bajta}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# gigabyte} other{# gigabytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# gigabajt} other{# gigabajta}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# kilobyte} other{# kilobytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# kilobajt} other{# kilobajta}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# megabyte} other{# megabytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# megabajt} other{# megabajta}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# petabyte} other{# petabytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# petabajt} other{# petabajta}}',
'{n, plural, =1{# terabyte} other{# terabytes}}' => '{n, plural, =1{# terabajt} other{# terabajta}}',
'{n} B' => '{n} B',
'{n} GB' => '{n} GB',
'{n} KB' => '{n} KB',


@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ return [
'Page not found.' => 'Страница није пронађена.',
'Please fix the following errors:' => 'Молимо вас исправите следеће грешке:',
'Please upload a file.' => 'Молимо вас поставите фајл.',
'Showing <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> of <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, one{item} other{items}}.' => 'Приказано <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> од <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, one{ред} other{редова}}.',
'Showing <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> of <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, one{item} other{items}}.' => 'Приказано <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> од <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, =1{# ставке} one{# ставкe} few{# ставке} many{# ставки} other{# ставки}}.',
'The file "{file}" is not an image.' => 'Фајл "{file}" није слика.',
'The file "{file}" is too big. Its size cannot exceed {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}.' => 'Фајл "{file}" је превелик. Величина не може бити већа од {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{бајт} few{бајтa} other{бајтa}}.',
'The file "{file}" is too small. Its size cannot be smaller than {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}.' => 'Фајл "{file}" је премали. Величина не може бити мања од {limit, number} {limit, plural, one{бајт} few{бајтa} other{бајтa}}.',
