getConnection(false); $sql = 'SELECT [[id]], [[]] FROM {{customer}} t'; $command = $db->createCommand($sql); $this->assertEquals('SELECT "id", "t"."name" FROM "customer" t', $command->sql); } public function testBooleanValuesInsert() { $db = $this->getConnection(); $command = $db->createCommand(); $command->insert('bool_values', ['bool_col' => true]); $this->assertEquals(1, $command->execute()); $command = $db->createCommand(); $command->insert('bool_values', ['bool_col' => false]); $this->assertEquals(1, $command->execute()); $command = $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "bool_values" WHERE bool_col = TRUE;'); $this->assertEquals(1, $command->queryScalar()); $command = $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "bool_values" WHERE bool_col = FALSE;'); $this->assertEquals(1, $command->queryScalar()); } public function testBooleanValuesBatchInsert() { $db = $this->getConnection(); $command = $db->createCommand(); $command->batchInsert('bool_values', ['bool_col'], [ [true], [false], ] ); $this->assertEquals(2, $command->execute()); $command = $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "bool_values" WHERE bool_col = TRUE;'); $this->assertEquals(1, $command->queryScalar()); $command = $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "bool_values" WHERE bool_col = FALSE;'); $this->assertEquals(1, $command->queryScalar()); } public function testLastInsertId() { $db = $this->getConnection(); $sql = 'INSERT INTO {{profile}}([[description]]) VALUES (\'non duplicate\')'; $command = $db->createCommand($sql); $command->execute(); $this->assertEquals(3, $db->getSchema()->getLastInsertID('public.profile_id_seq')); $sql = 'INSERT INTO {{schema1.profile}}([[description]]) VALUES (\'non duplicate\')'; $command = $db->createCommand($sql); $command->execute(); $this->assertEquals(3, $db->getSchema()->getLastInsertID('schema1.profile_id_seq')); } /** * @see */ public function testSaveSerializedObject() { if (\defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $this->markTestSkipped('HHVMs PgSQL implementation does not seem to support blob colums in the way they are used here.'); } $db = $this->getConnection(); $command = $db->createCommand()->insert('type', [ 'int_col' => 1, 'char_col' => 'serialize', 'float_col' => 5.6, 'bool_col' => true, 'blob_col' => serialize($db), ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $command->execute()); $command = $db->createCommand()->update('type', [ 'blob_col' => serialize($db), ], ['char_col' => 'serialize']); $this->assertEquals(1, $command->execute()); } public function batchInsertSqlProvider() { $data = parent::batchInsertSqlProvider(); $data['issue11242']['expected'] = 'INSERT INTO "type" ("int_col", "float_col", "char_col") VALUES (NULL, NULL, \'Kyiv {{city}}, Ukraine\')'; $data['wrongBehavior']['expected'] = 'INSERT INTO "type" ("type"."int_col", "float_col", "char_col") VALUES (\'\', \'\', \'Kyiv {{city}}, Ukraine\')'; $data['batchInsert binds params from expression']['expected'] = 'INSERT INTO "type" ("int_col") VALUES (:qp1)'; $data['batchInsert binds params from jsonExpression'] = [ '{{%type}}', ['json_col'], [[new JsonExpression(['username' => 'silverfire', 'is_active' => true, 'langs' => ['Ukrainian', 'Russian', 'English']])]], 'expected' => 'INSERT INTO "type" ("json_col") VALUES (:qp0)', 'expectedParams' => [':qp0' => '{"username":"silverfire","is_active":true,"langs":["Ukrainian","Russian","English"]}'] ]; $data['batchInsert binds params from arrayExpression'] = [ '{{%type}}', ['intarray_col'], [[new ArrayExpression([1,null,3], 'int')]], 'expected' => 'INSERT INTO "type" ("intarray_col") VALUES (ARRAY[:qp0, :qp1, :qp2]::int[])', 'expectedParams' => [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => null, ':qp2' => 3] ]; $data['batchInsert casts string to int according to the table schema'] = [ '{{%type}}', ['int_col'], [['3']], 'expected' => 'INSERT INTO "type" ("int_col") VALUES (3)', ]; $data['batchInsert casts JSON to JSONB when column is JSONB'] = [ '{{%type}}', ['jsonb_col'], [[['a' => true]]], 'expected' => 'INSERT INTO "type" ("jsonb_col") VALUES (:qp0::jsonb)', 'expectedParams' => [':qp0' => '{"a":true}'] ]; return $data; } /** * @see */ public function testIssue15827() { $db = $this->getConnection(); $inserted = $db->createCommand()->insert('array_and_json_types', [ 'jsonb_col' => new JsonExpression(['Solution date' => '13.01.2011']) ])->execute(); $this->assertSame(1, $inserted); $found = $db->createCommand(<< '{"Some not existing key": "random value"}' PGSQL )->execute(); $this->assertSame(0, $found); $found = $db->createCommand(<< '{"Solution date": "13.01.2011"}' PGSQL )->execute(); $this->assertSame(1, $found); $this->assertSame(1, $db->createCommand()->delete('array_and_json_types')->execute()); } }