/** * This is the database schema for testing PostgreSQL support of yii Active Record. * To test this feature, you need to create a database named 'yiitest' on 'localhost' * and create an account 'postgres/postgres' which owns this test database. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_order_item CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_item CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_order CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_category CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_customer CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_type CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_null_values CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_constraints CASCADE; CREATE TABLE tbl_constraints ( id integer not null, field1 varchar(255) ); CREATE TABLE tbl_customer ( id serial not null primary key, email varchar(128) NOT NULL, name varchar(128), address text, status integer DEFAULT 0 ); comment on column public.tbl_customer.email is 'someone@example.com'; CREATE TABLE tbl_category ( id serial not null primary key, name varchar(128) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE tbl_item ( id serial not null primary key, name varchar(128) NOT NULL, category_id integer NOT NULL references tbl_category(id) on UPDATE CASCADE on DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE tbl_order ( id serial not null primary key, customer_id integer NOT NULL references tbl_customer(id) on UPDATE CASCADE on DELETE CASCADE, create_time integer NOT NULL, total decimal(10,0) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE tbl_order_item ( order_id integer NOT NULL references tbl_order(id) on UPDATE CASCADE on DELETE CASCADE, item_id integer NOT NULL references tbl_item(id) on UPDATE CASCADE on DELETE CASCADE, quantity integer NOT NULL, subtotal decimal(10,0) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (order_id,item_id) ); CREATE TABLE tbl_null_values ( id INT NOT NULL, var1 INT NULL, var2 INT NULL, var3 INT DEFAULT NULL, stringcol VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE tbl_type ( int_col integer NOT NULL, int_col2 integer DEFAULT '1', char_col char(100) NOT NULL, char_col2 varchar(100) DEFAULT 'something', char_col3 text, float_col double precision NOT NULL, float_col2 double precision DEFAULT '1.23', blob_col bytea, numeric_col decimal(5,2) DEFAULT '33.22', time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2002-01-01 00:00:00', bool_col smallint NOT NULL, bool_col2 smallint DEFAULT '1' ); INSERT INTO tbl_customer (email, name, address, status) VALUES ('user1@example.com', 'user1', 'address1', 1); INSERT INTO tbl_customer (email, name, address, status) VALUES ('user2@example.com', 'user2', 'address2', 1); INSERT INTO tbl_customer (email, name, address, status) VALUES ('user3@example.com', 'user3', 'address3', 2); INSERT INTO tbl_category (name) VALUES ('Books'); INSERT INTO tbl_category (name) VALUES ('Movies'); INSERT INTO tbl_item (name, category_id) VALUES ('Agile Web Application Development with Yii1.1 and PHP5', 1); INSERT INTO tbl_item (name, category_id) VALUES ('Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook', 1); INSERT INTO tbl_item (name, category_id) VALUES ('Ice Age', 2); INSERT INTO tbl_item (name, category_id) VALUES ('Toy Story', 2); INSERT INTO tbl_item (name, category_id) VALUES ('Cars', 2); INSERT INTO tbl_order (customer_id, create_time, total) VALUES (1, 1325282384, 110.0); INSERT INTO tbl_order (customer_id, create_time, total) VALUES (2, 1325334482, 33.0); INSERT INTO tbl_order (customer_id, create_time, total) VALUES (2, 1325502201, 40.0); INSERT INTO tbl_order_item (order_id, item_id, quantity, subtotal) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 30.0); INSERT INTO tbl_order_item (order_id, item_id, quantity, subtotal) VALUES (1, 2, 2, 40.0); INSERT INTO tbl_order_item (order_id, item_id, quantity, subtotal) VALUES (2, 4, 1, 10.0); INSERT INTO tbl_order_item (order_id, item_id, quantity, subtotal) VALUES (2, 5, 1, 15.0); INSERT INTO tbl_order_item (order_id, item_id, quantity, subtotal) VALUES (2, 3, 1, 8.0); INSERT INTO tbl_order_item (order_id, item_id, quantity, subtotal) VALUES (3, 2, 1, 40.0); /** * (Postgres-)Database Schema for validator tests */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_validator_main CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_validator_ref CASCADE; CREATE TABLE tbl_validator_main ( id integer not null primary key, field1 VARCHAR(255) ); CREATE TABLE tbl_validator_ref ( id integer not null primary key, a_field VARCHAR(255), ref integer ); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_main (id, field1) VALUES (1, 'just a string1'); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_main (id, field1) VALUES (2, 'just a string2'); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_main (id, field1) VALUES (3, 'just a string3'); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_main (id, field1) VALUES (4, 'just a string4'); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_ref (id, a_field, ref) VALUES (1, 'ref_to_2', 2); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_ref (id, a_field, ref) VALUES (2, 'ref_to_2', 2); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_ref (id, a_field, ref) VALUES (3, 'ref_to_3', 3); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_ref (id, a_field, ref) VALUES (4, 'ref_to_4', 4); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_ref (id, a_field, ref) VALUES (5, 'ref_to_4', 4); INSERT INTO tbl_validator_ref (id, a_field, ref) VALUES (6, 'ref_to_5', 5);