primaryKey()->first()->after('col_before'), 'integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL' ], ]); } public function conditionProvider() { return array_merge(parent::conditionProvider(), [ 'composite in using array objects' => [ ['in', new TraversableObject(['id', 'name']), new TraversableObject([ ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'oy'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'yo'], ])], '(([[id]] = :qp0 AND [[name]] = :qp1) OR ([[id]] = :qp2 AND [[name]] = :qp3))', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 'oy', ':qp2' => 2, ':qp3' => 'yo'] ], 'composite in' => [ ['in', ['id', 'name'], [['id' =>1, 'name' => 'oy']]], '(([[id]] = :qp0 AND [[name]] = :qp1))', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 'oy'] ], ]); } public function primaryKeysProvider() { $this->markTestSkipped('Adding/dropping primary keys is not supported in SQLite.'); } public function foreignKeysProvider() { $this->markTestSkipped('Adding/dropping foreign keys is not supported in SQLite.'); } public function indexesProvider() { $result = parent::indexesProvider(); $result['drop'][0] = 'DROP INDEX [[CN_constraints_2_single]]'; return $result; } public function uniquesProvider() { $this->markTestSkipped('Adding/dropping unique constraints is not supported in SQLite.'); } public function checksProvider() { $this->markTestSkipped('Adding/dropping check constraints is not supported in SQLite.'); } public function defaultValuesProvider() { $this->markTestSkipped('Adding/dropping default constraints is not supported in SQLite.'); } public function testCommentColumn() { $this->markTestSkipped('Comments are not supported in SQLite'); } public function testCommentTable() { $this->markTestSkipped('Comments are not supported in SQLite'); } public function batchInsertProvider() { $data = parent::batchInsertProvider(); $data['escape-danger-chars']['expected'] = "INSERT INTO `customer` (`address`) VALUES ('SQL-danger chars are escaped: ''); --')"; return $data; } public function testBatchInsertOnOlderVersions() { $db = $this->getConnection(); if (version_compare($db->pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION), '3.7.11', '>=')) { $this->markTestSkipped('This test is only relevant for SQLite < 3.7.11'); } $sql = $this->getQueryBuilder()->batchInsert('{{customer}} t', ['', ''], [[1, 'a'], [2, 'b']]); $this->assertEquals("INSERT INTO {{customer}} t (`t`.`id`, `t`.`name`) SELECT 1, 'a' UNION SELECT 2, 'b'", $sql); } public function testRenameTable() { $sql = $this->getQueryBuilder()->renameTable('table_from', 'table_to'); $this->assertEquals("ALTER TABLE `table_from` RENAME TO `table_to`", $sql); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function testBuildUnion() { $expectedQuerySql = $this->replaceQuotes( "SELECT `id` FROM `TotalExample` `t1` WHERE (w > 0) AND (x < 2) UNION SELECT `id` FROM `TotalTotalExample` `t2` WHERE w > 5 UNION ALL SELECT `id` FROM `TotalTotalExample` `t3` WHERE w = 3" ); $query = new Query(); $secondQuery = new Query(); $secondQuery->select('id') ->from('TotalTotalExample t2') ->where('w > 5'); $thirdQuery = new Query(); $thirdQuery->select('id') ->from('TotalTotalExample t3') ->where('w = 3'); $query->select('id') ->from('TotalExample t1') ->where(['and', 'w > 0', 'x < 2']) ->union($secondQuery) ->union($thirdQuery, TRUE); list($actualQuerySql, $queryParams) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $this->assertEquals($expectedQuerySql, $actualQuerySql); $this->assertEquals([], $queryParams); } public function testResetSequence() { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(true, true); $expected = "UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq='5' WHERE name='item'"; $sql = $qb->resetSequence('item'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $sql); $expected = "UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq='3' WHERE name='item'"; $sql = $qb->resetSequence('item', 4); $this->assertEquals($expected, $sql); } }