* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CDbLogRoute stores log messages in a database table. * * To specify the database table for storing log messages, set {@link logTableName} as * the name of the table and specify {@link connectionID} to be the ID of a {@link CDbConnection} * application component. If they are not set, a SQLite3 database named 'log-YiiVersion.db' will be created * and used under the application runtime directory. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Id: CDbLogRoute.php 3069 2011-03-14 00:28:38Z qiang.xue $ * @package system.logging * @since 1.0 */ class CDbLogRoute extends CLogRoute { /** * @var string the ID of CDbConnection application component. If not set, a SQLite database * will be automatically created and used. The SQLite database file is * protected/runtime/log-YiiVersion.db. */ public $connectionID; /** * @var string the name of the DB table that stores log content. Defaults to 'YiiLog'. * If {@link autoCreateLogTable} is false and you want to create the DB table manually by yourself, * you need to make sure the DB table is of the following structure: *
	 *  (
	 *		level    VARCHAR(128),
	 *		category VARCHAR(128),
	 *		logtime  INTEGER,
	 *		message  TEXT
	 *   )
* Note, the 'id' column must be created as an auto-incremental column. * In MySQL, this means it should be id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY; * In PostgreSQL, it is id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY. * @see autoCreateLogTable */ public $logTableName = 'YiiLog'; /** * @var boolean whether the log DB table should be automatically created if not exists. Defaults to true. * @see logTableName */ public $autoCreateLogTable = true; /** * @var CDbConnection the DB connection instance */ private $_db; /** * Initializes the route. * This method is invoked after the route is created by the route manager. */ public function init() { parent::init(); if ($this->autoCreateLogTable) { $db = $this->getDbConnection(); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->logTableName} WHERE 0=1"; try { $db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->createLogTable($db, $this->logTableName); } } } /** * Creates the DB table for storing log messages. * @param CDbConnection $db the database connection * @param string $tableName the name of the table to be created */ protected function createLogTable($db, $tableName) { $driver = $db->getDriverName(); if ($driver === 'mysql') $logID = 'id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY'; elseif ($driver === 'pgsql') $logID = 'id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY'; else $logID = 'id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY'; $sql = " CREATE TABLE $tableName ( $logID, level VARCHAR(128), category VARCHAR(128), logtime INTEGER, message TEXT )"; $db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); } /** * @return CDbConnection the DB connection instance * @throws CException if {@link connectionID} does not point to a valid application component. */ protected function getDbConnection() { if ($this->_db !== null) return $this->_db; elseif (($id = $this->connectionID) !== null) { if (($this->_db = Yii::app()->getComponent($id)) instanceof CDbConnection) return $this->_db; else throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'CDbLogRoute.connectionID "{id}" does not point to a valid CDbConnection application component.', array('{id}' => $id))); } else { $dbFile = Yii::app()->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'log-' . Yii::getVersion() . '.db'; return $this->_db = new CDbConnection('sqlite:' . $dbFile); } } /** * Stores log messages into database. * @param array $logs list of log messages */ protected function processLogs($logs) { $sql = " INSERT INTO {$this->logTableName} (level, category, logtime, message) VALUES (:level, :category, :logtime, :message) "; $command = $this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql); foreach ($logs as $log) { $command->bindValue(':level', $log[1]); $command->bindValue(':category', $log[2]); $command->bindValue(':logtime', (int)$log[3]); $command->bindValue(':message', $log[0]); $command->execute(); } } }