Yii Framework 2 Change Log ========================== 2.0.14 under development ------------------------ - Bug #8983: Only truncate the original log file for rotation (matthewyang, developeruz) - Bug #14276: Fixed I18N format with dotted parameters (developeruz) - Bug #14604: Fixed `yii\validators\CompareValidator` `compareAttribute` does not work if `compareAttribute` form ID has been changed (mikk150) - Bug #15142: Fixed array params replacing in `yii\helpers\BaseUrl::current()` (IceJOKER) - Bug #15194: Fixed `yii\db\QueryBuilder::insert()` to preserve passed params when building a `INSERT INTO ... SELECT` query for MSSQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite (sergeymakinen) - Bug #15229: Fixed `yii\console\widgets\Table` default value for `getScreenWidth()`, when `Console::getScreenSize()` can't determine screen size (webleaf) - Bug #15234: Fixed `\yii\widgets\LinkPager` removed `tag` from `disabledListItemSubTagOptions` (SDKiller) - Bug #15249: Controllers in subdirectories were not visible in commands list (IceJOKER) - Bug #15270: Resolved potential race conditions when writing generated php-files (kalessil) - Bug #15301: Fixed `ArrayHelper::filter()` to work properly with `0` in values (hhniao) - Bug #15302: Fixed `yii\caching\DbCache` so that `getValues` now behaves the same as `getValue` with regards to streams (edwards-sj) - Bug #15320: Fixed special role checks in `yii\filters\AccessRule::matchRole()` (Izumi-kun) - Bug #15322: Fixed PHP 7.2 compatibility of `FileHelper::getExtensionsByMimeType()` (samdark) - Enh #5515: Added default value for `yii\behaviors\BlameableBehavior` for cases when the user is guest (dmirogin) - Enh #8752: Allow specify `$attributeNames` as a string for `yii\base\Model` `validate()` method (developeruz) - Enh #9137: Added `Access-Control-Allow-Method` header for the OPTIONS request (developeruz) - Enh #14043: Added `yii\helpers\IpHelper` (silverfire, cebe) - Enh #14568: Refactored migration templates to use `safeUp()` and `safeDown()` methods (Kolyunya) - Enh #14662: Added support for custom `Content-Type` specification to `yii\web\JsonResponseFormatter` (Kolyunya) - Enh #15024: `yii\web\Pjax` widget does not prevent CSS files from sending anymore because they are handled by client-side plugin correctly (onmotion) - Enh #15135: Automatic completion for help in bash and zsh (Valkeru) - Enh #15221: Added support for specifying `--camelCase` console options in `--kebab-case` (brandonkelly) - Enh #15221: Added support for the `--