select('*'); $this->assertEquals(['*'], $query->select); $this->assertNull($query->distinct); $this->assertEquals(null, $query->selectOption); $query = new Query; $query->select('id, name', 'something')->distinct(true); $this->assertEquals(['id', 'name'], $query->select); $this->assertTrue($query->distinct); $this->assertEquals('something', $query->selectOption); } public function testFrom() { $query = new Query; $query->from('user'); $this->assertEquals(['user'], $query->from); } public function testWhere() { $query = new Query; $query->where('id = :id', [':id' => 1]); $this->assertEquals('id = :id', $query->where); $this->assertEquals([':id' => 1], $query->params); $query->andWhere('name = :name', [':name' => 'something']); $this->assertEquals(['and', 'id = :id', 'name = :name'], $query->where); $this->assertEquals([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'something'], $query->params); $query->orWhere('age = :age', [':age' => '30']); $this->assertEquals(['or', ['and', 'id = :id', 'name = :name'], 'age = :age'], $query->where); $this->assertEquals([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'something', ':age' => '30'], $query->params); } public function testFilterWhere() { // should work with hash format $query = new Query; $query->filterWhere([ 'id' => 0, 'title' => ' ', 'author_ids' => [], ]); $this->assertEquals(['id' => 0], $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['status' => null]); $this->assertEquals(['id' => 0], $query->where); $query->orFilterWhere(['name' => '']); $this->assertEquals(['id' => 0], $query->where); // should work with operator format $query = new Query; $condition = ['like', 'name', 'Alex']; $query->filterWhere($condition); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['between', 'id', null, null]); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->orFilterWhere(['not between', 'id', null, null]); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['in', 'id', []]); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['not in', 'id', []]); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['not in', 'id', []]); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'id', '']); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['or like', 'id', '']); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['not like', 'id', ' ']); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); $query->andFilterWhere(['or not like', 'id', null]); $this->assertEquals($condition, $query->where); } public function testFilterRecursively() { $query = new Query(); $query->filterWhere(['and', ['like', 'name', ''], ['like', 'title', ''], ['id' => 1], ['not', ['like', 'name', '']]]); $this->assertEquals(['and', ['id' => 1]], $query->where); } public function testJoin() { } public function testGroup() { $query = new Query; $query->groupBy('team'); $this->assertEquals(['team'], $query->groupBy); $query->addGroupBy('company'); $this->assertEquals(['team', 'company'], $query->groupBy); $query->addGroupBy('age'); $this->assertEquals(['team', 'company', 'age'], $query->groupBy); } public function testHaving() { $query = new Query; $query->having('id = :id', [':id' => 1]); $this->assertEquals('id = :id', $query->having); $this->assertEquals([':id' => 1], $query->params); $query->andHaving('name = :name', [':name' => 'something']); $this->assertEquals(['and', 'id = :id', 'name = :name'], $query->having); $this->assertEquals([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'something'], $query->params); $query->orHaving('age = :age', [':age' => '30']); $this->assertEquals(['or', ['and', 'id = :id', 'name = :name'], 'age = :age'], $query->having); $this->assertEquals([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'something', ':age' => '30'], $query->params); } public function testOrder() { $query = new Query; $query->orderBy('team'); $this->assertEquals(['team' => SORT_ASC], $query->orderBy); $query->addOrderBy('company'); $this->assertEquals(['team' => SORT_ASC, 'company' => SORT_ASC], $query->orderBy); $query->addOrderBy('age'); $this->assertEquals(['team' => SORT_ASC, 'company' => SORT_ASC, 'age' => SORT_ASC], $query->orderBy); $query->addOrderBy(['age' => SORT_DESC]); $this->assertEquals(['team' => SORT_ASC, 'company' => SORT_ASC, 'age' => SORT_DESC], $query->orderBy); $query->addOrderBy('age ASC, company DESC'); $this->assertEquals(['team' => SORT_ASC, 'company' => SORT_DESC, 'age' => SORT_ASC], $query->orderBy); } public function testLimitOffset() { $query = new Query; $query->limit(10)->offset(5); $this->assertEquals(10, $query->limit); $this->assertEquals(5, $query->offset); } public function testUnion() { } public function testOne() { $db = $this->getConnection(); $result = (new Query)->from('customer')->where(['status' => 2])->one($db); $this->assertEquals('user3', $result['name']); $result = (new Query)->from('customer')->where(['status' => 3])->one($db); $this->assertFalse($result); } }