* @since 2.0 */ class ReleaseController extends Controller { public $defaultAction = 'release'; /** * @var string base path to use for releases. */ public $basePath; /** * @var bool whether to make actual changes. If true, it will run without changing or pushing anything. */ public $dryRun = false; /** * @var bool whether to fetch latest tags. */ public $update = false; /** * @var string override the default version. e.g. for major or patch releases. */ public $version; public function options($actionID) { $options = ['basePath']; if ($actionID === 'release') { $options[] = 'dryRun'; $options[] = 'version'; } elseif ($actionID === 'info') { $options[] = 'update'; } return array_merge(parent::options($actionID), $options); } public function beforeAction($action) { if (!$this->interactive) { throw new Exception('Sorry, but releases should be run interactively to ensure you actually verify what you are doing ;)'); } if ($this->basePath === null) { $this->basePath = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)); } $this->basePath = rtrim($this->basePath, '\\/'); return parent::beforeAction($action); } /** * Shows information about current framework and extension versions. */ public function actionInfo() { $items = [ 'framework', 'app-basic', 'app-advanced', ]; $extensionPath = "{$this->basePath}/extensions"; foreach (scandir($extensionPath) as $extension) { if (ctype_alpha($extension) && is_dir($extensionPath . '/' . $extension)) { $items[] = $extension; } } if ($this->update) { foreach($items as $item) { $this->stdout("fetching tags for $item..."); if ($item === 'framework') { $this->gitFetchTags("{$this->basePath}"); } elseif (strncmp('app-', $item, 4) === 0) { $this->gitFetchTags("{$this->basePath}/apps/" . substr($item, 4)); } else { $this->gitFetchTags("{$this->basePath}/extensions/$item"); } $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); } } else { $this->stdout("\nInformation may be outdated, re-run with `--update` to fetch latest tags.\n\n"); } $versions = $this->getCurrentVersions($items); $nextVersions = $this->getNextVersions($versions, self::PATCH); // print version table $w = $this->minWidth(array_keys($versions)); $this->stdout(str_repeat(' ', $w + 2) . "Current Version Next Version\n", Console::BOLD); foreach($versions as $ext => $version) { $this->stdout($ext . str_repeat(' ', $w + 3 - mb_strlen($ext)) . $version . ""); $this->stdout(str_repeat(' ', 17 - mb_strlen($version)) . $nextVersions[$ext] . "\n"); } } private function minWidth($a) { $w = 1; foreach($a as $s) { if (($l = mb_strlen($s)) > $w) { $w = $l; } } return $w; } /** * Automation tool for making Yii framework and official extension releases. * * Usage: * * To make a release, make sure your git is clean (no uncommitted changes) and run the following command in * the yii dev repo root: * * ``` * ./build/build release framework * ``` * * or * * ``` * ./build/build release redis,bootstrap,apidoc * ``` * * You may use the `--dryRun` switch to test the command without changing or pushing anything: * * ``` * ./build/build release redis --dryRun * ``` * * The command will guide you through the complete release process including changing of files, * committing and pushing them. Each git command must be confirmed and can be skipped individually. * You may adjust changes in a separate shell or your IDE while the command is waiting for confirmation. * * @param array $what what do you want to release? this can either be: * * - an extension name such as `redis` or `bootstrap`, * - an application indicated by prefix `app-`, e.g. `app-basic`, * - or `framework` if you want to release a new version of the framework itself. * * @return int */ public function actionRelease(array $what) { if (count($what) > 1) { $this->stdout("Currently only one simultaneous release is supported.\n"); return 1; } $this->stdout("This is the Yii release manager\n\n", Console::BOLD); if ($this->dryRun) { $this->stdout("Running in \"dry-run\" mode, nothing will actually be changed.\n\n", Console::BOLD, Console::FG_GREEN); } $this->validateWhat($what); $versions = $this->getCurrentVersions($what); if ($this->version !== null) { // if a version is explicitly given $newVersions = []; foreach($versions as $k => $v) { $newVersions[$k] = $this->version; } } else { // otherwise get next patch or minor $newVersions = $this->getNextVersions($versions, self::PATCH); } $this->stdout("You are about to prepare a new release for the following things:\n\n"); $this->printWhat($what, $newVersions, $versions); $this->stdout("\n"); $this->stdout("Before you make a release briefly go over the changes and check if you spot obvious mistakes:\n\n", Console::BOLD); if (strncmp('app-', reset($what), 4) !== 0) { $this->stdout("- no accidentally added CHANGELOG lines for other versions than this one?\n"); $this->stdout("- are all new `@since` tags for this relase version?\n"); } $travisUrl = reset($what) === 'framework' ? '' : '-'.reset($what); $this->stdout("- are unit tests passing on travis? https://travis-ci.org/yiisoft/yii2$travisUrl/builds\n"); $this->stdout("- other issues with code changes?\n"); $this->stdout("- also make sure the milestone on github is complete and no issues or PRs are left open.\n\n"); $this->printWhatUrls($what, $versions); $this->stdout("\n"); if (!$this->confirm('When you continue, this tool will run cleanup jobs and update the changelog as well as other files (locally). Continue?', false)) { $this->stdout("Canceled.\n"); return 1; } foreach($what as $ext) { if ($ext === 'framework') { $this->releaseFramework("{$this->basePath}/framework", $newVersions['framework']); } elseif (strncmp('app-', $ext, 4) === 0) { $this->releaseApplication(substr($ext, 4), "{$this->basePath}/apps/" . substr($ext, 4), $newVersions[$ext]); } else { $this->releaseExtension($ext, "{$this->basePath}/extensions/$ext", $newVersions[$ext]); } } return 0; } /** * This will generate application packages for download page. * * Usage: * * ``` * ./build/build release/package app-basic * ``` * * @param array $what what do you want to package? this can either be: * * - an application indicated by prefix `app-`, e.g. `app-basic`, * * @return int */ public function actionPackage(array $what) { $this->validateWhat($what, ['app']); $versions = $this->getCurrentVersions($what); $this->stdout("You are about to generate packages for the following things:\n\n"); foreach($what as $ext) { if (strncmp('app-', $ext, 4) === 0) { $this->stdout(" - "); $this->stdout(substr($ext, 4), Console::FG_RED); $this->stdout(" application version "); } elseif ($ext === 'framework') { $this->stdout(" - Yii Framework version "); } else { $this->stdout(" - "); $this->stdout($ext, Console::FG_RED); $this->stdout(" extension version "); } $this->stdout($versions[$ext], Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n"); } $this->stdout("\n"); $packagePath = "{$this->basePath}/packages"; $this->stdout("Packages will be stored in $packagePath\n\n"); if (!$this->confirm('Continue?', false)) { $this->stdout("Canceled.\n"); return 1; } foreach($what as $ext) { if ($ext === 'framework') { throw new Exception('Can not package framework.'); } elseif (strncmp('app-', $ext, 4) === 0) { $this->packageApplication(substr($ext, 4), $versions[$ext], $packagePath); } else { throw new Exception('Can not package extension.'); } } $this->stdout("\ndone. verify the versions composer installed above and push it to github!\n\n"); return 0; } protected function printWhat(array $what, $newVersions, $versions) { foreach($what as $ext) { if (strncmp('app-', $ext, 4) === 0) { $this->stdout(" - "); $this->stdout(substr($ext, 4), Console::FG_RED); $this->stdout(" application version "); } elseif ($ext === 'framework') { $this->stdout(" - Yii Framework version "); } else { $this->stdout(" - "); $this->stdout($ext, Console::FG_RED); $this->stdout(" extension version "); } $this->stdout($newVersions[$ext], Console::BOLD); $this->stdout(", last release was {$versions[$ext]}\n"); } } protected function printWhatUrls(array $what, $oldVersions) { foreach($what as $ext) { if ($ext === 'framework') { $this->stdout("framework: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-framework/compare/{$oldVersions[$ext]}...master\n"); $this->stdout("app-basic: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-app-basic/compare/{$oldVersions[$ext]}...master\n"); $this->stdout("app-advanced: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced/compare/{$oldVersions[$ext]}...master\n"); } else { $this->stdout($ext, Console::FG_RED); $this->stdout(": https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-$ext/compare/{$oldVersions[$ext]}...master\n"); } } } /** * @param array $what list of items * @param array $limit list of things to allow, or empty to allow any, can be `app`, `framework`, `extension` * @throws \yii\base\Exception */ protected function validateWhat(array $what, $limit = []) { foreach($what as $w) { if (strncmp('app-', $w, 4) === 0) { if (!empty($limit) && !in_array('app', $limit)) { throw new Exception("Only the following types are allowed: ".implode(', ', $limit)."\n"); } if (!is_dir($appPath = "{$this->basePath}/apps/" . substr($w, 4))) { throw new Exception("Application path does not exist: \"{$appPath}\"\n"); } $this->ensureGitClean($appPath); } elseif ($w === 'framework') { if (!empty($limit) && !in_array('framework', $limit)) { throw new Exception("Only the following types are allowed: ".implode(', ', $limit)."\n"); } if (!is_dir($fwPath = "{$this->basePath}/framework")) { throw new Exception("Framework path does not exist: \"{$this->basePath}/framework\"\n"); } $this->ensureGitClean($fwPath); } else { if (!empty($limit) && !in_array('ext', $limit)) { throw new Exception("Only the following types are allowed: ".implode(', ', $limit)."\n"); } if (!is_dir($extPath = "{$this->basePath}/extensions/$w")) { throw new Exception("Extension path for \"$w\" does not exist: \"{$this->basePath}/extensions/$w\"\n"); } $this->ensureGitClean($extPath); } } } protected function releaseFramework($frameworkPath, $version) { $this->stdout("\n"); $this->stdout($h = "Preparing framework release version $version", Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($h)) . "\n\n", Console::BOLD); if (!$this->confirm('Make sure you are on the right branch for this release and that it tracks the correct remote branch! Continue?')) { exit(1); } $this->runGit('git pull', $frameworkPath); // checks $this->stdout('check if framework composer.json matches yii2-dev composer.json...'); $this->checkComposer($frameworkPath); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); // adjustments $this->stdout('prepare classmap...', Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || Yii::$app->runAction('classmap', [$frameworkPath]); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('updating mimetype magic file...', Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || Yii::$app->runAction('mime-type', ["$frameworkPath/helpers/mimeTypes.php"]); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("fixing various PHPdoc style issues...\n", Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || Yii::$app->runAction('php-doc/fix', [$frameworkPath]); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("updating PHPdoc @property annotations...\n", Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || Yii::$app->runAction('php-doc/property', [$frameworkPath]); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('sorting changelogs...', Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || $this->resortChangelogs(['framework'], $version); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('closing changelogs...', Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || $this->closeChangelogs(['framework'], $version); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('updating Yii version...'); $this->dryRun || $this->updateYiiVersion($frameworkPath, $version); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\nIn the following you can check the above changes using git diff.\n\n"); do { $this->runGit("git diff --color", $frameworkPath); $this->stdout("\n\n\nCheck whether the above diff is okay, if not you may change things as needed before continuing.\n"); $this->stdout("You may abort the program with Ctrl + C and reset the changes by running `git checkout -- .` in the repo.\n\n"); } while(!$this->confirm("Type `yes` to continue, `no` to view git diff again. Continue?")); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->stdout(" **** RELEASE TIME! ****\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout(" **** Commit, Tag and Push it! ****\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n\nHint: if you decide 'no' for any of the following, the command will not be executed. You may manually run them later if needed. E.g. try the release locally without pushing it.\n\n"); $this->runGit("git commit -a -m \"release version $version\"", $frameworkPath); $this->runGit("git tag -a $version -m \"version $version\"", $frameworkPath); $this->runGit("git push", $frameworkPath); $this->runGit("git push --tags", $frameworkPath); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->stdout("CONGRATULATIONS! You have just released ", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('framework', Console::FG_RED, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout(" version ", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout($version, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("!\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); // TODO release applications // $this->composerSetStability($what, $version); // $this->resortChangelogs($what, $version); // $this->closeChangelogs($what, $version); // $this->composerSetStability($what, $version); // if (in_array('framework', $what)) { // $this->updateYiiVersion($version); // } // if done: // * ./build/build release/done framework 2.0.0-dev 2.0.0-rc // * ./build/build release/done redis 2.0.0-dev 2.0.0-rc // $this->openChangelogs($what, $nextVersion); // $this->composerSetStability($what, 'dev'); // if (in_array('framework', $what)) { // $this->updateYiiVersion($devVersion); // } // prepare next release $this->stdout("Time to prepare the next release...\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('opening changelogs...', Console::BOLD); $nextVersion = $this->getNextVersions(['framework' => $version], self::PATCH); // TODO support other versions $this->dryRun || $this->openChangelogs(['framework'], $nextVersion['framework']); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('updating Yii version...'); $this->dryRun || $this->updateYiiVersion($frameworkPath, $nextVersion['framework'] . '-dev'); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n"); $this->runGit("git diff --color", $frameworkPath); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->runGit("git commit -a -m \"prepare for next release\"", $frameworkPath); $this->runGit("git push", $frameworkPath); $this->stdout("\n\nDONE!", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n\nThe following steps are left for you to do manually:\n\n"); $nextVersion2 = $this->getNextVersions($nextVersion, self::PATCH); // TODO support other versions $this->stdout("- wait for your changes to be propagated to the repo and create a tag $version on https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-framework\n\n"); $this->stdout("- close the $version milestone on github and open new ones for {$nextVersion['framework']} and {$nextVersion2['framework']}: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/milestones\n"); $this->stdout("- create a release on github.\n"); $this->stdout("- release news and announcement.\n"); $this->stdout("- update the website (will be automated soon and is only relevant for the new website).\n"); $this->stdout("\n"); $this->stdout("- release applications: ./build/build release app-basic\n"); $this->stdout("- release applications: ./build/build release app-advanced\n"); $this->stdout("\n"); } protected function releaseApplication($name, $path, $version) { $this->stdout("\n"); $this->stdout($h = "Preparing release for application $name version $version", Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($h)) . "\n\n", Console::BOLD); if (!$this->confirm('Make sure you are on the right branch for this release and that it tracks the correct remote branch! Continue?')) { exit(1); } $this->runGit('git pull', $path); // adjustments $this->stdout("fixing various PHPdoc style issues...\n", Console::BOLD); $this->setAppAliases($name, $path); $this->dryRun || Yii::$app->runAction('php-doc/fix', [$path, 'skipFrameworkRequirements' => true]); $this->resetAppAliases(); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("updating PHPdoc @property annotations...\n", Console::BOLD); $this->setAppAliases($name, $path); $this->dryRun || Yii::$app->runAction('php-doc/property', [$path, 'skipFrameworkRequirements' => true]); $this->resetAppAliases(); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("updating composer stability...\n", Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || $this->composerSetStability(["app-$name"], $version); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\nIn the following you can check the above changes using git diff.\n\n"); do { $this->runGit("git diff --color", $path); $this->stdout("\n\n\nCheck whether the above diff is okay, if not you may change things as needed before continuing.\n"); $this->stdout("You may abort the program with Ctrl + C and reset the changes by running `git checkout -- .` in the repo.\n\n"); } while(!$this->confirm("Type `yes` to continue, `no` to view git diff again. Continue?")); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->stdout(" **** RELEASE TIME! ****\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout(" **** Commit, Tag and Push it! ****\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n\nHint: if you decide 'no' for any of the following, the command will not be executed. You may manually run them later if needed. E.g. try the release locally without pushing it.\n\n"); $this->runGit("git commit -a -m \"release version $version\"", $path); $this->runGit("git tag -a $version -m \"version $version\"", $path); $this->runGit("git push", $path); $this->runGit("git push --tags", $path); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->stdout("CONGRATULATIONS! You have just released application ", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout($name, Console::FG_RED, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout(" version ", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout($version, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("!\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); // prepare next release $this->stdout("Time to prepare the next release...\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("updating composer stability...\n", Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || $this->composerSetStability(["app-$name"], 'dev'); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $nextVersion = $this->getNextVersions(["app-$name" => $version], self::PATCH); // TODO support other versions $this->stdout("\n"); $this->runGit("git diff --color", $path); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->runGit("git commit -a -m \"prepare for next release\"", $path); $this->runGit("git push", $path); $this->stdout("\n\nDONE!", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n\nThe following steps are left for you to do manually:\n\n"); $nextVersion2 = $this->getNextVersions($nextVersion, self::PATCH); // TODO support other versions $this->stdout("- close the $version milestone on github and open new ones for {$nextVersion["app-$name"]} and {$nextVersion2["app-$name"]}: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-app-$name/milestones\n"); $this->stdout("- Create Application packages and upload them to github: ./build release/package app-$name\n"); $this->stdout("\n"); } private $_oldAlias; protected function setAppAliases($app, $path) { $this->_oldAlias = Yii::getAlias('@app'); switch($app) { case 'basic': Yii::setAlias('@app', $path); break; case 'advanced': // setup @frontend, @backend etc... require("$path/common/config/bootstrap.php"); break; } } protected function resetAppAliases() { Yii::setAlias('@app', $this->_oldAlias); } protected function packageApplication($name, $version, $packagePath) { FileHelper::createDirectory($packagePath); $this->runCommand("composer create-project yiisoft/yii2-app-$name $name $version", $packagePath); // clear cookie validation key in basic app if (is_file($configFile = "$packagePath/$name/config/web.php")) { $this->sed( "/'cookieValidationKey' => '.*?',/", "'cookieValidationKey' => '',", $configFile ); } $this->runCommand("tar zcf yii-$name-app-$version.tgz $name", $packagePath); } protected function releaseExtension($name, $path, $version) { $this->stdout("\n"); $this->stdout($h = "Preparing release for extension $name version $version", Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($h)) . "\n\n", Console::BOLD); if (!$this->confirm('Make sure you are on the right branch for this release and that it tracks the correct remote branch! Continue?')) { exit(1); } $this->runGit('git pull', $path); // adjustments $this->stdout("fixing various PHPdoc style issues...\n", Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || Yii::$app->runAction('php-doc/fix', [$path]); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("updating PHPdoc @property annotations...\n", Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || Yii::$app->runAction('php-doc/property', [$path]); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('sorting changelogs...', Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || $this->resortChangelogs([$name], $version); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('closing changelogs...', Console::BOLD); $this->dryRun || $this->closeChangelogs([$name], $version); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\nIn the following you can check the above changes using git diff.\n\n"); do { $this->runGit("git diff --color", $path); $this->stdout("\n\n\nCheck whether the above diff is okay, if not you may change things as needed before continuing.\n"); $this->stdout("You may abort the program with Ctrl + C and reset the changes by running `git checkout -- .` in the repo.\n\n"); } while(!$this->confirm("Type `yes` to continue, `no` to view git diff again. Continue?")); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->stdout(" **** RELEASE TIME! ****\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout(" **** Commit, Tag and Push it! ****\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n\nHint: if you decide 'no' for any of the following, the command will not be executed. You may manually run them later if needed. E.g. try the release locally without pushing it.\n\n"); $this->runGit("git commit -a -m \"release version $version\"", $path); $this->runGit("git tag -a $version -m \"version $version\"", $path); $this->runGit("git push", $path); $this->runGit("git push --tags", $path); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->stdout("CONGRATULATIONS! You have just released extension ", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout($name, Console::FG_RED, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout(" version ", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout($version, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("!\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); // prepare next release $this->stdout("Time to prepare the next release...\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout('opening changelogs...', Console::BOLD); $nextVersion = $this->getNextVersions([$name => $version], self::PATCH); // TODO support other versions $this->dryRun || $this->openChangelogs([$name], $nextVersion[$name]); $this->stdout("done.\n", Console::FG_GREEN, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n"); $this->runGit("git diff --color", $path); $this->stdout("\n\n"); $this->runGit("git commit -a -m \"prepare for next release\"", $path); $this->runGit("git push", $path); $this->stdout("\n\nDONE!", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); $this->stdout("\n\nThe following steps are left for you to do manually:\n\n"); $nextVersion2 = $this->getNextVersions($nextVersion, self::PATCH); // TODO support other versions $this->stdout("- close the $version milestone on github and open new ones for {$nextVersion[$name]} and {$nextVersion2[$name]}: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-$name/milestones\n"); $this->stdout("- release news and announcement.\n"); $this->stdout("- update the website (will be automated soon and is only relevant for the new website).\n"); $this->stdout("\n"); } protected function runCommand($cmd, $path) { $this->stdout("running $cmd ...", Console::BOLD); if ($this->dryRun) { $this->stdout("dry run, command `$cmd` not executed.\n"); return; } chdir($path); exec($cmd, $output, $ret); if ($ret != 0) { echo implode("\n", $output); throw new Exception("Command \"$cmd\" failed with code " . $ret); } $this->stdout("\ndone.\n", Console::BOLD, Console::FG_GREEN); } protected function runGit($cmd, $path) { if ($this->confirm("Run `$cmd`?", true)) { if ($this->dryRun) { $this->stdout("dry run, command `$cmd` not executed.\n"); return; } chdir($path); exec($cmd, $output, $ret); echo implode("\n", $output); if ($ret != 0) { throw new Exception("Command \"$cmd\" failed with code " . $ret); } echo "\n"; } } protected function ensureGitClean($path) { chdir($path); exec('git status --porcelain -uno', $changes, $ret); if ($ret != 0) { throw new Exception('Command "git status --porcelain -uno" failed with code ' . $ret); } if (!empty($changes)) { throw new Exception("You have uncommitted changes in $path: " . print_r($changes, true)); } } protected function gitFetchTags($path) { chdir($path); exec('git fetch --tags', $output, $ret); if ($ret != 0) { throw new Exception('Command "git fetch --tags" failed with code ' . $ret); } } protected function checkComposer($fwPath) { if (!$this->confirm("\nNot yet automated: Please check if composer.json dependencies in framework dir match the one in repo root. Continue?", false)) { exit; } } protected function closeChangelogs($what, $version) { $v = str_replace('\\-', '[\\- ]', preg_quote($version, '/')); $headline = $version . ' ' . date('F d, Y'); $this->sed( '/'.$v.' under development\n(-+?)\n/', $headline . "\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($headline)) . "\n", $this->getChangelogs($what) ); } protected function openChangelogs($what, $version) { $headline = "\n$version under development\n"; $headline .= str_repeat('-', strlen($headline) - 2) . "\n\n- no changes in this release.\n"; foreach($this->getChangelogs($what) as $file) { $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)); $hl = [ array_shift($lines), array_shift($lines), ]; array_unshift($lines, $headline); file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", array_merge($hl, $lines))); } } protected function resortChangelogs($what, $version) { foreach($this->getChangelogs($what) as $file) { // split the file into relevant parts list($start, $changelog, $end) = $this->splitChangelog($file, $version); $changelog = $this->resortChangelog($changelog); file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", array_merge($start, $changelog, $end))); } } /** * Extract changelog content for a specific version */ protected function splitChangelog($file, $version) { $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)); // split the file into relevant parts $start = []; $changelog = []; $end = []; $state = 'start'; foreach($lines as $l => $line) { // starting from the changelogs headline if (isset($lines[$l-2]) && strpos($lines[$l-2], $version) !== false && isset($lines[$l-1]) && strncmp($lines[$l-1], '---', 3) === 0) { $state = 'changelog'; } if ($state === 'changelog' && isset($lines[$l+1]) && strncmp($lines[$l+1], '---', 3) === 0) { $state = 'end'; } ${$state}[] = $line; } return [$start, $changelog, $end]; } /** * Ensure sorting of the changelog lines */ protected function resortChangelog($changelog) { // cleanup whitespace foreach($changelog as $i => $line) { $changelog[$i] = rtrim($line); } $changelog = array_filter($changelog); $i = 0; ArrayHelper::multisort($changelog, function($line) use (&$i) { if (preg_match('/^- (Chg|Enh|Bug|New)( #\d+(, #\d+)*)?: .+$/', $line, $m)) { $o = ['Bug' => 'C', 'Enh' => 'D', 'Chg' => 'E', 'New' => 'F']; return $o[$m[1]] . ' ' . (!empty($m[2]) ? $m[2] : 'AAAA' . $i++); } return 'B' . $i++; }, SORT_ASC, SORT_NATURAL); // re-add leading and trailing lines array_unshift($changelog, ''); $changelog[] = ''; $changelog[] = ''; return $changelog; } protected function getChangelogs($what) { $changelogs = []; if (in_array('framework', $what)) { $changelogs[] = $this->getFrameworkChangelog(); } return array_merge($changelogs, $this->getExtensionChangelogs($what)); } protected function getFrameworkChangelog() { return $this->basePath . '/framework/CHANGELOG.md'; } protected function getExtensionChangelogs($what) { return array_filter(glob($this->basePath . '/extensions/*/CHANGELOG.md'), function($elem) use ($what) { foreach($what as $ext) { if (strpos($elem, "extensions/$ext/CHANGELOG.md") !== false) { return true; } } return false; }); } protected function composerSetStability($what, $version) { $apps = []; if (in_array('app-advanced', $what)) { $apps[] = $this->basePath . '/apps/advanced/composer.json'; } if (in_array('app-basic', $what)) { $apps[] = $this->basePath . '/apps/basic/composer.json'; } if (in_array('app-benchmark', $what)) { $apps[] = $this->basePath . '/apps/benchmark/composer.json'; } if (empty($apps)) { return; } $stability = 'stable'; if (strpos($version, 'alpha') !== false) { $stability = 'alpha'; } elseif (strpos($version, 'beta') !== false) { $stability = 'beta'; } elseif (strpos($version, 'rc') !== false) { $stability = 'RC'; } elseif (strpos($version, 'dev') !== false) { $stability = 'dev'; } $this->sed( '/"minimum-stability": "(.+?)",/', '"minimum-stability": "' . $stability . '",', $apps ); } protected function updateYiiVersion($frameworkPath, $version) { $this->sed( '/function getVersion\(\)\n \{\n return \'(.+?)\';/', "function getVersion()\n {\n return '$version';", $frameworkPath . '/BaseYii.php'); } protected function sed($pattern, $replace, $files) { foreach((array) $files as $file) { file_put_contents($file, preg_replace($pattern, $replace, file_get_contents($file))); } } protected function getCurrentVersions(array $what) { $versions = []; foreach($what as $ext) { if ($ext === 'framework') { chdir("{$this->basePath}/framework"); } elseif (strncmp('app-', $ext, 4) === 0) { chdir("{$this->basePath}/apps/" . substr($ext, 4)); } else { chdir("{$this->basePath}/extensions/$ext"); } $tags = []; exec('git tag', $tags, $ret); if ($ret != 0) { throw new Exception('Command "git tag" failed with code ' . $ret); } rsort($tags, SORT_NATURAL); // TODO this can not deal with alpha/beta/rc... $versions[$ext] = reset($tags); } return $versions; } const MINOR = 'minor'; const PATCH = 'patch'; protected function getNextVersions(array $versions, $type) { foreach($versions as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { $versions[$k] = '2.0.0'; continue; } $parts = explode('.', $v); switch($type) { case self::MINOR: $parts[1]++; break; case self::PATCH: $parts[2]++; break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown version type.'); } $versions[$k] = implode('.', $parts); } return $versions; } }