* @since 2.0.6 */ class ColumnSchemaBuilder extends Object { /** * @var string the column type definition such as INTEGER, VARCHAR, DATETIME, etc. */ protected $type; /** * @var integer|string|array column size or precision definition. This is what goes into the parenthesis after * the column type. This can be either a string, an integer or an array. If it is an array, the array values will * be joined into a string separated by comma. */ protected $length; /** * @var boolean whether the column is not nullable. If this is `true`, a `NOT NULL` constraint will be added. */ protected $isNotNull = false; /** * @var boolean whether the column values should be unique. If this is `true`, a `UNIQUE` constraint will be added. */ protected $isUnique = false; /** * @var string the `CHECK` constraint for the column. */ protected $check; /** * @var mixed default value of the column. */ protected $default; /** * @var boolean whether the column values should be unsigned. If this is `true`, an `UNSIGNED` keyword will be added. * @since 2.0.7 */ protected $isUnsigned = false; /** * Create a column schema builder instance giving the type and value precision. * * @param string $type type of the column. See [[$type]]. * @param integer|string|array $length length or precision of the column. See [[$length]]. * @param array $config name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties */ public function __construct($type, $length = null, $config = []) { $this->type = $type; $this->length = $length; parent::__construct($config); } /** * Adds a `NOT NULL` constraint to the column. * @return $this */ public function notNull() { $this->isNotNull = true; return $this; } /** * Adds a `UNIQUE` constraint to the column. * @return $this */ public function unique() { $this->isUnique = true; return $this; } /** * Sets a `CHECK` constraint for the column. * @param string $check the SQL of the `CHECK` constraint to be added. * @return $this */ public function check($check) { $this->check = $check; return $this; } /** * Specify the default value for the column. * @param mixed $default the default value. * @return $this */ public function defaultValue($default) { $this->default = $default; return $this; } /** * Marks column as unsigned. * @return $this * @since 2.0.7 */ public function unsigned() { $this->isUnsigned = true; return $this; } /** * Specify the default SQL expression for the column. * @param string $default the default value expression. * @return $this * @since 2.0.7 */ public function defaultExpression($default) { $this->default = new Expression($default); return $this; } /** * Build full string for create the column's schema * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->type . $this->buildLengthString() . $this->buildUnsignedString() . $this->buildNotNullString() . $this->buildUniqueString() . $this->buildDefaultString() . $this->buildCheckString(); } /** * Builds the length/precision part of the column. * @return string */ protected function buildLengthString() { if ($this->length === null || $this->length === []) { return ''; } if (is_array($this->length)) { $this->length = implode(',', $this->length); } return "({$this->length})"; } /** * Builds the not null constraint for the column. * @return string returns 'NOT NULL' if [[isNotNull]] is true, otherwise it returns an empty string. */ protected function buildNotNullString() { return $this->isNotNull ? ' NOT NULL' : ''; } /** * Builds the unique constraint for the column. * @return string returns string 'UNIQUE' if [[isUnique]] is true, otherwise it returns an empty string. */ protected function buildUniqueString() { return $this->isUnique ? ' UNIQUE' : ''; } /** * Builds the default value specification for the column. * @return string string with default value of column. */ protected function buildDefaultString() { if ($this->default === null) { return ''; } $string = ' DEFAULT '; switch (gettype($this->default)) { case 'integer': $string .= (string) $this->default; break; case 'double': // ensure type cast always has . as decimal separator in all locales $string .= str_replace(',', '.', (string) $this->default); break; case 'boolean': $string .= $this->default ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; break; case 'object': $string .= (string) $this->default; break; default: $string .= "'{$this->default}'"; } return $string; } /** * Builds the check constraint for the column. * @return string a string containing the CHECK constraint. */ protected function buildCheckString() { return $this->check !== null ? " CHECK ({$this->check})" : ''; } /** * Builds the unsigned string for column. * @return string a string containing UNSIGNED keyword. * @since 2.0.7 */ protected function buildUnsignedString() { return $this->isUnsigned ? ' UNSIGNED' : ''; } }