* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\console; /** * CConsoleCommandRunner manages commands and executes the requested command. * * @property string $scriptName The entry script name. * * @author Qiang Xue * @since 2.0 */ class CommandRunner extends \yii\base\Component { /** * @var array list of all available commands (command name=>command configuration). * Each command configuration can be either a string or an array. * If the former, the string should be the class name or * {@link YiiBase::getPathOfAlias class path alias} of the command. * If the latter, the array must contain a 'class' element which specifies * the command's class name or {@link YiiBase::getPathOfAlias class path alias}. * The rest name-value pairs in the array are used to initialize * the corresponding command properties. For example, *
	 * array(
	 *   'email'=>array(
	 *      'class'=>'path.to.Mailer',
	 *      'interval'=>3600,
	 *   ),
	 *   'log'=>'path.to.LoggerCommand',
	 * )
*/ public $commands=array(); private $_scriptName; /** * Executes the requested command. * @param array $args list of user supplied parameters (including the entry script name and the command name). */ public function run($args) { $this->_scriptName=$args[0]; array_shift($args); if(isset($args[0])) { $name=$args[0]; array_shift($args); } else $name='help'; if(($command=$this->createCommand($name))===null) $command=$this->createCommand('help'); $command->init(); $command->run($args); } /** * @return string the entry script name */ public function getScriptName() { return $this->_scriptName; } /** * Searches for commands under the specified directory. * @param string $path the directory containing the command class files. * @return array list of commands (command name=>command class file) */ public function findCommands($path) { if(($dir=@opendir($path))===false) return array(); $commands=array(); while(($name=readdir($dir))!==false) { $file=$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name; if(!strcasecmp(substr($name,-11),'Command.php') && is_file($file)) $commands[strtolower(substr($name,0,-11))]=$file; } closedir($dir); return $commands; } /** * Adds commands from the specified command path. * If a command already exists, the new one will be ignored. * @param string $path the alias of the directory containing the command class files. */ public function addCommands($path) { if(($commands=$this->findCommands($path))!==array()) { foreach($commands as $name=>$file) { if(!isset($this->commands[$name])) $this->commands[$name]=$file; } } } /** * @param string $name command name (case-insensitive) * @return \yii\console\Command the command object. Null if the name is invalid. */ public function createCommand($name) { $name=strtolower($name); if(isset($this->commands[$name])) { if(is_string($this->commands[$name])) // class file path or alias { if(strpos($this->commands[$name],'/')!==false || strpos($this->commands[$name],'\\')!==false) { $className=substr(basename($this->commands[$name]),0,-4); if(!class_exists($className,false)) require_once($this->commands[$name]); } else // an alias $className=\Yii::import($this->commands[$name]); return new $className($name,$this); } else // an array configuration return \Yii::create($this->commands[$name],$name,$this); } else if($name==='help') return new HelpCommand('help',$this); else return null; } }