* @author Qiang Xue * @since 2.0 */ class ViewAction extends Action { /** * @var string the name of the GET parameter that contains the requested view name. */ public $viewParam = 'view'; /** * @var string the name of the default view when [[\yii\web\ViewAction::$viewParam]] GET parameter is not provided * by user. Defaults to 'index'. This should be in the format of 'path/to/view', similar to that given in the * GET parameter. * @see \yii\web\ViewAction::$viewPrefix */ public $defaultView = 'index'; /** * @var string a string to be prefixed to the user-specified view name to form a complete view name. * For example, if a user requests for `tutorial/chap1`, the corresponding view name will * be `pages/tutorial/chap1`, assuming the prefix is `pages`. * The actual view file is determined by [[\yii\base\View::findViewFile()]]. * @see \yii\base\View::findViewFile() */ public $viewPrefix = 'pages'; /** * @var mixed the name of the layout to be applied to the requested view. * This will be assigned to [[\yii\base\Controller::$layout]] before the view is rendered. * Defaults to null, meaning the controller's layout will be used. * If false, no layout will be applied. */ public $layout; /** * Runs the action. * This method displays the view requested by the user. * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the view file cannot be found */ public function run() { $viewName = $this->resolveViewName(); $controllerLayout = null; if($this->layout !== null) { $controllerLayout = $this->controller->layout; $this->controller->layout = $this->layout; } try { $output = $this->render($viewName); if ($controllerLayout) { $this->controller->layout = $controllerLayout; } } catch (InvalidParamException $e) { if ($controllerLayout) { $this->controller->layout = $controllerLayout; } if (YII_DEBUG) { throw new NotFoundHttpException($e->getMessage()); } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException( Yii::t('yii', 'The requested view "{name}" was not found.', ['name' => $viewName]) ); } } return $output; } /** * Renders a view * * @param string $viewName view name * @return string result of the rendering */ protected function render($viewName) { return $this->controller->render($viewName); } /** * Resolves the view name currently being requested. * * @return string the resolved view name * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the specified view name is invalid */ protected function resolveViewName() { $viewName = Yii::$app->request->get($this->viewParam, $this->defaultView); if (!is_string($viewName) || !preg_match('/^\w[\w\/\-\.]*$/', $viewName)) { if (YII_DEBUG) { throw new NotFoundHttpException("The requested view \"$viewName\" must start with a word character and can contain only word characters, forward slashes, dots and dashes."); } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('yii', 'The requested view "{name}" was not found.', ['name' => $viewName])); } } return empty($this->viewPrefix) ? $viewName : $this->viewPrefix . '/' . $viewName; } }