Shared Hosting Environment ========================== Shared hosting environments are often quite limited about configuration and directory structure. Still in most cases you can run Yii 2.0 on a shared hosting environment with a few adjustments. ## Deploying a basic project template Since in a shared hosting environment there's typically only one webroot, use the basic project template if you can. Refer to the [Installing Yii chapter]( and install the basic project template locally. After you have the application working locally, we'll make some adjustments so it can be hosted on your shared hosting server. ### Renaming webroot Connect to your shared host using FTP or by other means. You will probably see something like the following. ``` config logs www ``` In the above, `www` is your webserver webroot directory. It could be named differently. Common names are: `www`, `htdocs`, and `public_html`. The webroot in our basic project template is named `web`. Before uploading the application to your webserver rename your local webroot to match your server, i.e., from `web` to `www`, `public_html` or whatever the name of your hosting webroot. ### FTP root directory is writeable If you can write to the root level directory i.e. where `config`, `logs` and `www` are, then upload `assets`, `commands` etc. as is to the root level directory. ### Add extras for webserver If your webserver is Apache you'll need to add an `.htaccess` file with the following content to `web` (or `public_html` or whatever) (where the `index.php` file is located): ``` Options +FollowSymLinks IndexIgnore */* RewriteEngine on # if a directory or a file exists, use it directly RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d # otherwise forward it to index.php RewriteRule . index.php ``` In case of nginx you should not need any extra config files. ### Check requirements In order to run Yii, your webserver must meet its requirements. The very minimum requirement is PHP 5.4. In order to check the requirements copy `requirements.php` from your root directory into the webroot directory and run it via browser using `` URL. Don't forget to delete the file afterwards. ## Deploying an advanced project template Deploying an advanced application to shared hosting is a bit trickier than a basic application but it could be achieved. Follow instructions described in [advanced project template documentation](