SluggableBehavior::className(), * 'attribute' => 'title', * // 'slugAttribute' => 'slug', * ], * ]; * } * ``` * * By default, SluggableBehavior will fill the `slug` attribute with a value that can be used a slug in a URL * when the associated AR object is being validated. If your attribute name is different, you may configure * the [[slugAttribute]] property like the following: * * ```php * public function behaviors() * { * return [ * [ * 'class' => SluggableBehavior::className(), * 'slugAttribute' => 'alias', * ], * ]; * } * ``` * * @author Alexander Kochetov * @author Paul Klimov * @since 2.0 */ class SluggableBehavior extends AttributeBehavior { /** * @var string the attribute that will receive the slug value */ public $slugAttribute = 'slug'; /** * @var string|array the attribute or list of attributes whose value will be converted into a slug */ public $attribute; /** * @var string|callable the value that will be used as a slug. This can be an anonymous function * or an arbitrary value. If the former, the return value of the function will be used as a slug. * The signature of the function should be as follows, * * ```php * function ($event) * { * // return slug * } * ``` */ public $value; /** * @var boolean whether to ensure generated slug value to be unique among owner class records. * If enabled behavior will validate slug uniqueness automatically. If validation fails it will attempt * generating unique slug value from based one until success. */ public $ensureUnique = false; /** * @var array configuration for slug uniqueness validator. Parameter 'class' may be omitted - by default * [[UniqueValidator]] will be used. * @see UniqueValidator */ public $uniqueValidator = []; /** * @var callable slug unique value generator. It is used in case [[ensureUnique]] enabled and generated * slug is not unique. This should be a PHP callable with following signature: * * ```php * function ($baseSlug, $iteration, $model) * { * // return uniqueSlug * } * ``` * * If not set unique slug will be generated adding incrementing suffix to the base slug. */ public $uniqueSlugGenerator; /** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { parent::init(); if (empty($this->attributes)) { $this->attributes = [BaseActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE => $this->slugAttribute]; } if ($this->attribute === null && $this->value === null) { throw new InvalidConfigException('Either "attribute" or "value" property must be specified.'); } } /** * @inheritdoc */ protected function getValue($event) { $isNewSlug = true; if ($this->attribute !== null) { $attributes = (array) $this->attribute; /* @var $owner BaseActiveRecord */ $owner = $this->owner; if (!$owner->getIsNewRecord() && !empty($owner->{$this->slugAttribute})) { $isNewSlug = false; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if ($owner->isAttributeChanged($attribute)) { $isNewSlug = true; break; } } } if ($isNewSlug) { $slugParts = []; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $slugParts[] = $owner->{$attribute}; } $slug = Inflector::slug(implode('-', $slugParts)); } else { $slug = $owner->{$this->slugAttribute}; } } else { $slug = parent::getValue($event); } if ($this->ensureUnique && $isNewSlug) { $baseSlug = $slug; $iteration = 0; while (!$this->validateSlug($slug)) { $iteration++; $slug = $this->generateUniqueSlug($baseSlug, $iteration); } } return $slug; } /** * Checks if given slug value is unique. * @param string $slug slug value * @return boolean whether slug is unique. */ private function validateSlug($slug) { /* @var $validator UniqueValidator */ /* @var $model BaseActiveRecord */ $validator = Yii::createObject(array_merge( [ 'class' => UniqueValidator::className() ], $this->uniqueValidator )); $model = clone $this->owner; $model->clearErrors(); $model->{$this->slugAttribute} = $slug; $validator->validateAttribute($model, $this->slugAttribute); return !$model->hasErrors(); } /** * Generates slug using configured callback or increment of iteration. * @param string $baseSlug base slug value * @param integer $iteration iteration number * @return string new slug value * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException */ private function generateUniqueSlug($baseSlug, $iteration) { if (is_callable($this->uniqueSlugGenerator)) { return call_user_func($this->uniqueSlugGenerator, $baseSlug, $iteration, $this->owner); } else { return $baseSlug . '-' . ($iteration + 1); } } }