# Yii Documentation Style Guide Guidelines to go by when writing or editing any Yii documentation. *This needs to be expanded.* ## General Style * Try to use an active voice. * Use short, declarative sentences. * Demonstrate ideas using code as much as possible. * Never use "we". It's the Yii development team or the Yii core team. Better yet to put things in terms of the framework or the guide. * Use the Oxford comma (e.g., "this, that, and the other" not "this, that and the other"). * Numeric lists should be complete sentences that end with periods (or other punctuation). * Bullet lists should be fragments that don't end with periods. ## Formatting ## Blocks Blocks use the Markdown `> Type: `. There are four block types: * `Warning`, for bad security things and other problems * `Note`, to emphasize key concepts, things to avoid * `Info`, general information (an aside); not as strong as a "Note" * `Tip`, pro tips, extras, can be useful but may not be needed by everyone all the time ## References * Yii 2.0 or Yii 2 (not Yii2 or Yii2.0) * Each "page" of the guide is referred to as a "section". ## Capitalizations * Web, not web * the guide or this guide, not the Guide