* @since 2.0.3 * * @group web */ class JsonResponseFormatterTest extends FormatterTest { /** * @return JsonResponseFormatter */ protected function getFormatterInstance() { return new JsonResponseFormatter(); } public function formatScalarDataProvider() { return [ [1, 1], ['abc', '"abc"'], [true, 'true'], ["<>", '"<>"'], ]; } public function formatArrayDataProvider() { return [ // input, json, pretty json [[], "[]", "[]"], [[1, 'abc'], '[1,"abc"]', "[\n 1,\n \"abc\"\n]"], [[ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 'abc', ], '{"a":1,"b":"abc"}', "{\n \"a\": 1,\n \"b\": \"abc\"\n}"], [[ 1, 'abc', [2, 'def'], true, ], '[1,"abc",[2,"def"],true]', "[\n 1,\n \"abc\",\n [\n 2,\n \"def\"\n ],\n true\n]"], [[ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 'abc', 'c' => [2, '<>'], true, ], '{"a":1,"b":"abc","c":[2,"<>"],"0":true}', "{\n \"a\": 1,\n \"b\": \"abc\",\n \"c\": [\n 2,\n \"<>\"\n ],\n \"0\": true\n}"], ]; } public function formatObjectDataProvider() { return [ [new Post(123, 'abc'), '{"id":123,"title":"abc"}'], [[ new Post(123, 'abc'), new Post(456, 'def'), ], '[{"id":123,"title":"abc"},{"id":456,"title":"def"}]'], [[ new Post(123, '<>'), 'a' => new Post(456, 'def'), ], '{"0":{"id":123,"title":"<>"},"a":{"id":456,"title":"def"}}'], ]; } public function formatTraversableObjectDataProvider() { $postsStack = new \SplStack(); $postsStack->push(new Post(915, 'record1')); $postsStack->push(new Post(456, 'record2')); return [ [$postsStack, '{"1":{"id":456,"title":"record2"},"0":{"id":915,"title":"record1"}}'] ]; } /** * @param mixed $data the data to be formatted * @param string $json the expected JSON body * @param string $prettyJson the expected pretty JSON body * @dataProvider formatArrayDataProvider */ public function testFormatArraysPretty($data, $json, $prettyJson) { $this->response->data = $data; $this->formatter->prettyPrint = true; $this->formatter->format($this->response); $this->assertEquals($prettyJson, $this->response->content); } }