* @since 2.0 */ class View extends Component { /** * @var Object the owner of this view */ public $owner; /** * @var string|array the base path where the view file should be looked for using the specified view name. * This can be either a string representing a single base path, or an array representing multiple base paths. * If the latter, the view file will be looked for in the given base paths in the order they are specified. * This property must be set before calling [[render()]]. */ public $basePath; /** * @var string the language that the view should be rendered in. If not set, it will use * the value of [[Application::language]]. */ public $language; /** * @var string the language that the original view is in. If not set, it will use * the value of [[Application::sourceLanguage]]. */ public $sourceLanguage; /** * Renders a view. * * The method first identifies the actual view file corresponding to the specified view. * It then calls [[renderFile()]] to render the view file. The rendering result is returned * as a string. If the view file does not exist, an exception will be thrown. * * To determine which view file should be rendered, the method calls [[findViewFile()]] which * will search in the directories as specified by [[basePath]]. * * View name can be a path alias representing an absolute file path (e.g. `@app/views/layout/index`), * or a path relative to [[basePath]]. The file suffix is optional and defaults to `.php` if not given * in the view name. * * @param string $view the view to be rendered. This can be a path alias or a path relative to [[basePath]]. * @param array $params the parameters that should be made available in the view. The PHP function `extract()` * will be called on this variable to extract the variables from this parameter. * @return string the rendering result * @throws Exception if the view file cannot be found */ public function render($view, $params = array()) { $file = $this->findViewFile($view); if ($file !== false) { $this->renderFile($file, $params); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to find the view file for view '$view'."); } } public function renderFile($file, $params = array()) { $this->renderFileInternal($file, $params); } public function widget($class, $properties = array()) { $widget = $this->createWidget($class, $properties); $widget->run(); return $widget; } private $_widgetStack = array(); public function beginWidget($class, $properties = array()) { $widget = $this->createWidget($class, $properties); $this->_widgetStack[] = $widget; return $widget; } public function endWidget() { if (($widget = array_pop($this->_widgetStack)) !== null) { $widget->run(); return $widget; } else { throw new Exception("Unmatched beginWidget() and endWidget() calls."); } } public function createWidget($class, $properties = array()) { $properties['class'] = $class; // todo: widget skin should be something global, similar to theme if ($this->enableSkin) { if ($this->skinnableWidgets === null || in_array($class, $this->skinnableWidgets)) { $skinName = isset($properties['skin']) ? $properties['skin'] : 'default'; if ($skinName !== false && ($skin = $this->getSkin($class, $skinName)) !== array()) { $properties = $properties === array() ? $skin : ArrayHelper::merge($skin, $properties); } } } return \Yii::createObject($properties, $this->owner); } /** * Begins recording a clip. * This method is a shortcut to beginning [[yii\web\widgets\ClipWidget]] * @param string $id the clip ID. * @param array $properties initial property values for [[yii\web\widgets\ClipWidget]] */ public function beginClip($id, $properties = array()) { $properties['id'] = $id; $this->beginWidget('yii\web\widgets\ClipWidget', $properties); } /** * Ends recording a clip. * This method is an alias to {@link endWidget}. */ public function endClip() { $this->endWidget(); } /** * Begins fragment caching. * This method will display cached content if it is available. * If not, it will start caching and would expect an [[endCache()]] * call to end the cache and save the content into cache. * A typical usage of fragment caching is as follows, * * ~~~ * if($this->beginCache($id)) { * // ...generate content here * $this->endCache(); * } * ~~~ * * @param string $id a unique ID identifying the fragment to be cached. * @param array $properties initial property values for [[yii\web\widgets\OutputCache]] * @return boolean whether we need to generate content for caching. False if cached version is available. * @see endCache */ public function beginCache($id, $properties = array()) { $properties['id'] = $id; $cache = $this->beginWidget('yii\web\widgets\OutputCache', $properties); if ($cache->getIsContentCached()) { $this->endCache(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Ends fragment caching. * This is an alias to [[endWidget()]] * @see beginCache */ public function endCache() { $this->endWidget(); } /** * Begins the rendering of content that is to be decorated by the specified view. * @param mixed $view the name of the view that will be used to decorate the content. The actual view script * is resolved via {@link getViewFile}. If this parameter is null (default), * the default layout will be used as the decorative view. * Note that if the current controller does not belong to * any module, the default layout refers to the application's {@link CWebApplication::layout default layout}; * If the controller belongs to a module, the default layout refers to the module's * {@link CWebModule::layout default layout}. * @param array $params the variables (name=>value) to be extracted and made available in the decorative view. * @see endContent * @see yii\web\widgets\ContentDecorator */ public function beginContent($view = null, $params = array()) { $this->beginWidget('yii\web\widgets\ContentDecorator', array( 'view' => $view, 'params' => $params, )); } /** * Ends the rendering of content. * @see beginContent */ public function endContent() { $this->endWidget(); } protected function renderFileInternal($_file_, $_params_ = array()) { extract($_params_, EXTR_OVERWRITE); require($_file_); } public function findViewFile($view) { if ($view[0] === '/') { throw new Exception('The view name "$view" should not start with a slash "/".'); } if (($extension = FileHelper::getExtension($view)) === '') { $view .= '.php'; } if ($view[0] === '@') { $file = \Yii::getAlias($view); } elseif (!empty($this->basePath)) { $basePaths = is_array($this->basePath) ? $this->basePath : array($this->basePath); foreach ($basePaths as $basePath) { $file = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $view; if (is_file($file)) { break; } } } if (isset($file) && is_file($file)) { $file = FileHelper::localize($file, $this->language, $this->sourceLanguage); return is_file($file) ? $file : false; } else { return false; } } }