primaryKey()->after('col_before'), 'int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY AFTER `col_before`', ], [ Schema::TYPE_PK . ' FIRST', $this->primaryKey()->first(), 'int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST', ], [ Schema::TYPE_PK . ' FIRST', $this->primaryKey()->first()->after('col_before'), 'int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST', ], [ Schema::TYPE_PK . '(8) AFTER `col_before`', $this->primaryKey(8)->after('col_before'), 'int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY AFTER `col_before`', ], [ Schema::TYPE_PK . '(8) FIRST', $this->primaryKey(8)->first(), 'int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST', ], [ Schema::TYPE_PK . '(8) FIRST', $this->primaryKey(8)->first()->after('col_before'), 'int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST', ], [ Schema::TYPE_PK . " COMMENT 'test' AFTER `col_before`", $this->primaryKey()->comment('test')->after('col_before'), "int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY COMMENT 'test' AFTER `col_before`", ], ]; /* * TODO Remove in Yii 2.1 * * Disabled due bug in MySQL extension * @link */ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6', '>=')) { $columns[] = [ Schema::TYPE_JSON, $this->json(), "json", ]; } return array_merge(parent::columnTypes(), $columns); } public function primaryKeysProvider() { $result = parent::primaryKeysProvider(); $result['drop'][0] = 'ALTER TABLE {{T_constraints_1}} DROP PRIMARY KEY'; $result['add'][0] = 'ALTER TABLE {{T_constraints_1}} ADD CONSTRAINT [[CN_pk]] PRIMARY KEY ([[C_id_1]])'; $result['add (2 columns)'][0] = 'ALTER TABLE {{T_constraints_1}} ADD CONSTRAINT [[CN_pk]] PRIMARY KEY ([[C_id_1]], [[C_id_2]])'; return $result; } public function foreignKeysProvider() { $result = parent::foreignKeysProvider(); $result['drop'][0] = 'ALTER TABLE {{T_constraints_3}} DROP FOREIGN KEY [[CN_constraints_3]]'; return $result; } public function indexesProvider() { $result = parent::indexesProvider(); $result['create'][0] = 'ALTER TABLE {{T_constraints_2}} ADD INDEX [[CN_constraints_2_single]] ([[C_index_1]])'; $result['create (2 columns)'][0] = 'ALTER TABLE {{T_constraints_2}} ADD INDEX [[CN_constraints_2_multi]] ([[C_index_2_1]], [[C_index_2_2]])'; $result['create unique'][0] = 'ALTER TABLE {{T_constraints_2}} ADD UNIQUE INDEX [[CN_constraints_2_single]] ([[C_index_1]])'; $result['create unique (2 columns)'][0] = 'ALTER TABLE {{T_constraints_2}} ADD UNIQUE INDEX [[CN_constraints_2_multi]] ([[C_index_2_1]], [[C_index_2_2]])'; return $result; } public function uniquesProvider() { $result = parent::uniquesProvider(); $result['drop'][0] = 'DROP INDEX [[CN_unique]] ON {{T_constraints_1}}'; return $result; } public function checksProvider() { $this->markTestSkipped('Adding/dropping check constraints is not supported in MySQL.'); } public function defaultValuesProvider() { $this->markTestSkipped('Adding/dropping default constraints is not supported in MySQL.'); } public function testResetSequence() { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $expected = 'ALTER TABLE `item` AUTO_INCREMENT=6'; $sql = $qb->resetSequence('item'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $sql); $expected = 'ALTER TABLE `item` AUTO_INCREMENT=4'; $sql = $qb->resetSequence('item', 4); $this->assertEquals($expected, $sql); } public function upsertProvider() { $concreteData = [ 'regular values' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO `T_upsert` (`email`, `address`, `status`, `profile_id`) VALUES (:qp0, :qp1, :qp2, :qp3) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `address`=VALUES(`address`), `status`=VALUES(`status`), `profile_id`=VALUES(`profile_id`)', ], 'regular values with update part' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO `T_upsert` (`email`, `address`, `status`, `profile_id`) VALUES (:qp0, :qp1, :qp2, :qp3) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `address`=:qp4, `status`=:qp5, `orders`=T_upsert.orders + 1', ], 'regular values without update part' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO `T_upsert` (`email`, `address`, `status`, `profile_id`) VALUES (:qp0, :qp1, :qp2, :qp3) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `email`=`T_upsert`.`email`', ], 'query' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO `T_upsert` (`email`, `status`) SELECT `email`, 2 AS `status` FROM `customer` WHERE `name`=:qp0 LIMIT 1 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `status`=VALUES(`status`)', ], 'query with update part' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO `T_upsert` (`email`, `status`) SELECT `email`, 2 AS `status` FROM `customer` WHERE `name`=:qp0 LIMIT 1 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `address`=:qp1, `status`=:qp2, `orders`=T_upsert.orders + 1', ], 'query without update part' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO `T_upsert` (`email`, `status`) SELECT `email`, 2 AS `status` FROM `customer` WHERE `name`=:qp0 LIMIT 1 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `email`=`T_upsert`.`email`', ], 'values and expressions' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO {{%T_upsert}} ({{%T_upsert}}.[[email]], [[ts]]) VALUES (:qp0, now())', ], 'values and expressions with update part' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO {{%T_upsert}} ({{%T_upsert}}.[[email]], [[ts]]) VALUES (:qp0, now())', ], 'values and expressions without update part' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO {{%T_upsert}} ({{%T_upsert}}.[[email]], [[ts]]) VALUES (:qp0, now())', ], 'query, values and expressions with update part' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO {{%T_upsert}} (`email`, [[time]]) SELECT :phEmail AS `email`, now() AS [[time]] ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ts`=:qp1, [[orders]]=T_upsert.orders + 1', ], 'query, values and expressions without update part' => [ 3 => 'INSERT INTO {{%T_upsert}} (`email`, [[time]]) SELECT :phEmail AS `email`, now() AS [[time]] ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ts`=:qp1, [[orders]]=T_upsert.orders + 1', ], ]; $newData = parent::upsertProvider(); foreach ($concreteData as $testName => $data) { $newData[$testName] = array_replace($newData[$testName], $data); } return $newData; } public function conditionProvider() { return array_merge(parent::conditionProvider(), [ // json conditions [['=', 'jsoncol', new JsonExpression(['lang' => 'uk', 'country' => 'UA'])], '[[jsoncol]] = :qp0', [':qp0' => '{"lang":"uk","country":"UA"}']], [['=', 'jsoncol', new JsonExpression([false])], '[[jsoncol]] = :qp0', [':qp0' => '[false]']], 'object with type. Type is ignored for MySQL' => [ ['=', 'prices', new JsonExpression(['seeds' => 15, 'apples' => 25], 'jsonb')], '[[prices]] = :qp0', [':qp0' => '{"seeds":15,"apples":25}'] ], 'nested json' => [ ['=', 'data', new JsonExpression(['user' => ['login' => 'silverfire', 'password' => 'c4ny0ur34d17?'], 'props' => ['mood' => 'good']])], '[[data]] = :qp0', [':qp0' => '{"user":{"login":"silverfire","password":"c4ny0ur34d17?"},"props":{"mood":"good"}}'] ], 'null value' => [['=', 'jsoncol', new JsonExpression(null)], '[[jsoncol]] = :qp0', [':qp0' => 'null']], 'null as array value' => [['=', 'jsoncol', new JsonExpression([null])], '[[jsoncol]] = :qp0', [':qp0' => '[null]']], 'null as object value' => [['=', 'jsoncol', new JsonExpression(['nil' => null])], '[[jsoncol[[ = :qp0', [':qp0' => '{"nil":null}']], [['=', 'jsoncol', new JsonExpression(new DynamicModel(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]))], '[[jsoncol]] = :qp0', [':qp0' => '{"a":1,"b":2}']], 'query' => [ ['=', 'jsoncol', new JsonExpression((new Query())->select('params')->from('user')->where(['id' => 1]))], '[[jsoncol]] = (SELECT [[params]] FROM [[user]] WHERE [[id]]=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 1] ], 'query with type, that is ignored in MySQL' => [ ['=', 'jsoncol', new JsonExpression((new Query())->select('params')->from('user')->where(['id' => 1]), 'jsonb')], '[[jsoncol]] = (SELECT [[params]] FROM [[user]] WHERE [[id]]=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 1] ], 'search by property in JSON column (issue #15838)' => [ ['=', new Expression("(jsoncol->>'$.someKey')"), '42'], "(jsoncol->>'$.someKey') = :qp0", [':qp0' => 42] ] ]); } public function updateProvider() { $items = parent::updateProvider(); $items[] = [ 'profile', [ 'description' => new JsonExpression(['abc' => 'def', 123, null]), ], [ 'id' => 1, ], $this->replaceQuotes('UPDATE [[profile]] SET [[description]]=:qp0 WHERE [[id]]=:qp1'), [ ':qp0' => '{"abc":"def","0":123,"1":null}', ':qp1' => 1, ], ]; return $items; } }