getConnection(false); $sql = 'SELECT [[id]], [[]] FROM {{customer}} t'; $command = $db->createCommand($sql); $this->assertEquals('SELECT "id", "t"."name" FROM "customer" t', $command->sql); } public function testLastInsertId() { $db = $this->getConnection(); $sql = 'INSERT INTO {{profile}}([[description]]) VALUES (\'non duplicate\')'; $command = $db->createCommand($sql); $command->execute(); $this->assertEquals(3, $db->getSchema()->getLastInsertID('profile_SEQ')); } public function testCreateTable() { $db = $this->getConnection(); // on the first run the 'testCreateTable' table does not exist try { $db->createCommand()->dropTable('testCreateTable')->execute(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { // 'testCreateTable' table does not exist } $db->createCommand()->createTable('testCreateTable', ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER])->execute(); $db->createCommand()->insert('testCreateTable', ['bar' => 1])->execute(); $records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]], [[bar]] FROM {{testCreateTable}};')->queryAll(); $this->assertEquals([ ['id' => 1, 'bar' => 1], ], $records); } public function testAlterTable() { if ($this->driverName === 'sqlite'){ $this->markTestSkipped('Sqlite does not support alterTable'); } $db = $this->getConnection(); // on the first run the 'testAlterTable' table does not exist try { $db->createCommand()->dropTable('testAlterTable')->execute(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { // 'testAlterTable' table does not exist } $db->createCommand()->createTable('testAlterTable', ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER])->execute(); $db->createCommand()->insert('testAlterTable', ['bar' => 1])->execute(); $db->createCommand()->alterColumn('testAlterTable', 'bar', Schema::TYPE_STRING)->execute(); $db->createCommand()->insert('testAlterTable', ['bar' => 'hello'])->execute(); $records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]], [[bar]] FROM {{testAlterTable}};')->queryAll(); $this->assertEquals([ ['id' => 1, 'bar' => 1], ['id' => 2, 'bar' => 'hello'], ], $records); } }