secret; } } class Post3 extends Object { public $id = 33; /** @var Object */ public $subObject; public function init() { $this->subObject = new Post2(); } } /** * @group helpers */ class ArrayHelperTest extends TestCase { protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->mockApplication(); } public function testToArray() { $object = new Post1; $this->assertEquals(get_object_vars($object), ArrayHelper::toArray($object)); $object = new Post2; $this->assertEquals(get_object_vars($object), ArrayHelper::toArray($object)); $object1 = new Post1; $object2 = new Post2; $this->assertEquals([ get_object_vars($object1), get_object_vars($object2), ], ArrayHelper::toArray([ $object1, $object2, ])); $object = new Post2; $this->assertEquals([ 'id' => 123, 'secret' => 's', '_content' => 'test', 'length' => 4, ], ArrayHelper::toArray($object, [ $object->className() => [ 'id', 'secret', '_content' => 'content', 'length' => function ($post) { return strlen($post->content); } ] ])); $object = new Post3(); $this->assertEquals(get_object_vars($object), ArrayHelper::toArray($object, [], false)); $this->assertEquals([ 'id' => 33, 'subObject' => [ 'id' => 123, 'content' => 'test', ], ], ArrayHelper::toArray($object)); //recursive with attributes of object and subobject $this->assertEquals([ 'id' => 33, 'id_plus_1' => 34, 'subObject' => [ 'id' => 123, 'id_plus_1' => 124, ], ], ArrayHelper::toArray($object, [ $object->className() => [ 'id', 'subObject', 'id_plus_1' => function ($post) { return $post->id+1; } ], $object->subObject->className() => [ 'id', 'id_plus_1' => function ($post) { return $post->id+1; } ], ])); //recursive with attributes of subobject only $this->assertEquals([ 'id' => 33, 'subObject' => [ 'id' => 123, 'id_plus_1' => 124, ], ], ArrayHelper::toArray($object, [ $object->subObject->className() => [ 'id', 'id_plus_1' => function ($post) { return $post->id+1; } ], ])); } public function testRemove() { $array = ['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3]; $name = ArrayHelper::remove($array, 'name'); $this->assertEquals($name, 'b'); $this->assertEquals($array, ['age' => 3]); $default = ArrayHelper::remove($array, 'nonExisting', 'defaultValue'); $this->assertEquals('defaultValue', $default); } public function testRemoveValueMultiple() { $array = [ 'Bob' => 'Dylan', 'Michael' => 'Jackson', 'Mick' => 'Jagger', 'Janet' => 'Jackson' ]; $removed = ArrayHelper::removeValue($array, 'Jackson'); $this->assertEquals([ 'Bob' => 'Dylan', 'Mick' => 'Jagger' ], $array); $this->assertEquals([ 'Michael' => 'Jackson', 'Janet' => 'Jackson' ], $removed); } public function testRemoveValueNotExisting() { $array = [ 'Bob' => 'Dylan', 'Michael' => 'Jackson', 'Mick' => 'Jagger', 'Janet' => 'Jackson' ]; $removed = ArrayHelper::removeValue($array, 'Marley'); $this->assertEquals([ 'Bob' => 'Dylan', 'Michael' => 'Jackson', 'Mick' => 'Jagger', 'Janet' => 'Jackson' ], $array); $this->assertEquals([], $removed); } public function testMultisort() { // single key $array = [ ['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3], ['name' => 'a', 'age' => 1], ['name' => 'c', 'age' => 2], ]; ArrayHelper::multisort($array, 'name'); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'a', 'age' => 1], $array[0]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3], $array[1]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'c', 'age' => 2], $array[2]); // multiple keys $array = [ ['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3], ['name' => 'a', 'age' => 2], ['name' => 'a', 'age' => 1], ]; ArrayHelper::multisort($array, ['name', 'age']); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'a', 'age' => 1], $array[0]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'a', 'age' => 2], $array[1]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3], $array[2]); // case-insensitive $array = [ ['name' => 'a', 'age' => 3], ['name' => 'b', 'age' => 2], ['name' => 'B', 'age' => 4], ['name' => 'A', 'age' => 1], ]; ArrayHelper::multisort($array, ['name', 'age'], SORT_ASC, [SORT_STRING, SORT_REGULAR]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'A', 'age' => 1], $array[0]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'B', 'age' => 4], $array[1]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'a', 'age' => 3], $array[2]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'b', 'age' => 2], $array[3]); ArrayHelper::multisort($array, ['name', 'age'], SORT_ASC, [SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE, SORT_REGULAR]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'A', 'age' => 1], $array[0]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'a', 'age' => 3], $array[1]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'b', 'age' => 2], $array[2]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'B', 'age' => 4], $array[3]); } public function testMultisortNestedObjects() { $obj1 = new \stdClass(); $obj1->type = "def"; $obj1->owner = $obj1; $obj2 = new \stdClass(); $obj2->type = "abc"; $obj2->owner = $obj2; $obj3 = new \stdClass(); $obj3->type = "abc"; $obj3->owner = $obj3; $models = [ $obj1, $obj2, $obj3 ]; $this->assertEquals($obj2, $obj3); ArrayHelper::multisort($models, 'type', SORT_ASC); $this->assertEquals($obj2, $models[0]); $this->assertEquals($obj3, $models[1]); $this->assertEquals($obj1, $models[2]); ArrayHelper::multisort($models, 'type', SORT_DESC); $this->assertEquals($obj1, $models[0]); $this->assertEquals($obj2, $models[1]); $this->assertEquals($obj3, $models[2]); } public function testMultisortUseSort() { // single key $sort = new Sort([ 'attributes' => ['name', 'age'], 'defaultOrder' => ['name' => SORT_ASC], ]); $orders = $sort->getOrders(); $array = [ ['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3], ['name' => 'a', 'age' => 1], ['name' => 'c', 'age' => 2], ]; ArrayHelper::multisort($array, array_keys($orders), array_values($orders)); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'a', 'age' => 1], $array[0]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3], $array[1]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'c', 'age' => 2], $array[2]); // multiple keys $sort = new Sort([ 'attributes' => ['name', 'age'], 'defaultOrder' => ['name' => SORT_ASC, 'age' => SORT_DESC], ]); $orders = $sort->getOrders(); $array = [ ['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3], ['name' => 'a', 'age' => 2], ['name' => 'a', 'age' => 1], ]; ArrayHelper::multisort($array, array_keys($orders), array_values($orders)); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'a', 'age' => 2], $array[0]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'a', 'age' => 1], $array[1]); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'b', 'age' => 3], $array[2]); } public function testMerge() { $a = [ 'name' => 'Yii', 'version' => '1.0', 'options' => [ 'namespace' => false, 'unittest' => false, ], 'features' => [ 'mvc', ], ]; $b = [ 'version' => '1.1', 'options' => [ 'unittest' => true, ], 'features' => [ 'gii', ], ]; $c = [ 'version' => '2.0', 'options' => [ 'namespace' => true, ], 'features' => [ 'debug', ], ]; $result = ArrayHelper::merge($a, $b, $c); $expected = [ 'name' => 'Yii', 'version' => '2.0', 'options' => [ 'namespace' => true, 'unittest' => true, ], 'features' => [ 'mvc', 'gii', 'debug', ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } public function testMergeWithUnset() { $a = [ 'name' => 'Yii', 'version' => '1.0', 'options' => [ 'namespace' => false, 'unittest' => false, ], 'features' => [ 'mvc', ], ]; $b = [ 'version' => '1.1', 'options' => new \yii\helpers\UnsetArrayValue(), 'features' => [ 'gii', ], ]; $result = ArrayHelper::merge($a, $b); $expected = [ 'name' => 'Yii', 'version' => '1.1', 'features' => [ 'mvc', 'gii', ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } public function testMergeWithReplace() { $a = [ 'name' => 'Yii', 'version' => '1.0', 'options' => [ 'namespace' => false, 'unittest' => false, ], 'features' => [ 'mvc', ], ]; $b = [ 'version' => '1.1', 'options' => [ 'unittest' => true, ], 'features' => new \yii\helpers\ReplaceArrayValue([ 'gii', ]), ]; $result = ArrayHelper::merge($a, $b); $expected = [ 'name' => 'Yii', 'version' => '1.1', 'options' => [ 'namespace' => false, 'unittest' => true, ], 'features' => [ 'gii', ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } /** * @see */ public function test() { $array = []; $array[1.0] = 'some value'; $result = ArrayHelper::getValue($array, 1.0); $this->assertEquals('some value', $result); } public function testIndex() { $array = [ ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'], ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'], ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'ghi'] ]; $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, 'id'); $this->assertEquals([ '123' => ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'], '345' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'ghi'], ], $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, function ($element) { return $element['data']; }); $this->assertEquals([ 'abc' => ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'], 'def' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'], 'ghi' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'ghi'], ], $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, null); $this->assertEquals([], $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, function ($element) { return null; }); $this->assertEquals([], $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, function ($element) { return $element['id'] == '345' ? null : $element['id']; }); $this->assertEquals([ '123' => ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'] ], $result); } public function testIndexGroupBy() { $array = [ ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'], ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'], ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'ghi'] ]; $expected = [ '123' => [ ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'] ], '345' => [ ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'], ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'ghi'] ], ]; $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, null, ['id']); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, null, 'id'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, null, ['id', 'data']); $this->assertEquals([ '123' => [ 'abc' => [ ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'] ] ], '345' => [ 'def' => [ ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'] ], 'ghi' => [ ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'ghi'] ] ], ], $result); $expected = [ '123' => [ 'abc' => ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'] ], '345' => [ 'def' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'], 'ghi' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'ghi'] ], ]; $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, 'data', ['id']); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, 'data', 'id'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, function ($element) { return $element['data']; }, 'id'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $expected = [ '123' => [ 'abc' => [ 'abc' => ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'] ] ], '345' => [ 'def' => [ 'def' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'] ], 'ghi' => [ 'ghi' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'ghi'] ] ], ]; $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, 'data', ['id', 'data']); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, function ($element) { return $element['data']; }, ['id', 'data']); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } /** * @see */ public function testIndexFloat() { $array = [ ['id' => 1e6], ['id' => 1e32], ['id' => 1e64], ['id' => 1465540807.522109], ]; $expected = [ '1000000' => ['id' => 1e6], '1.0E+32' => ['id' => 1e32], '1.0E+64' => ['id' => 1e64], '1465540807.5221' => ['id' => 1465540807.522109], ]; $result = ArrayHelper::index($array, 'id'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } public function testGetColumn() { $array = [ 'a' => ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'], 'b' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'], ]; $result = ArrayHelper::getColumn($array, 'id'); $this->assertEquals(['a' => '123', 'b' => '345'], $result); $result = ArrayHelper::getColumn($array, 'id', false); $this->assertEquals(['123', '345'], $result); $result = ArrayHelper::getColumn($array, function ($element) { return $element['data']; }); $this->assertEquals(['a' => 'abc', 'b' => 'def'], $result); $result = ArrayHelper::getColumn($array, function ($element) { return $element['data']; }, false); $this->assertEquals(['abc', 'def'], $result); } public function testMap() { $array = [ ['id' => '123', 'name' => 'aaa', 'class' => 'x'], ['id' => '124', 'name' => 'bbb', 'class' => 'x'], ['id' => '345', 'name' => 'ccc', 'class' => 'y'], ]; $result = ArrayHelper::map($array, 'id', 'name'); $this->assertEquals([ '123' => 'aaa', '124' => 'bbb', '345' => 'ccc', ], $result); $result = ArrayHelper::map($array, 'id', 'name', 'class'); $this->assertEquals([ 'x' => [ '123' => 'aaa', '124' => 'bbb', ], 'y' => [ '345' => 'ccc', ], ], $result); } public function testKeyExists() { $array = [ 'a' => 1, 'B' => 2, ]; $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::keyExists('a', $array)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::keyExists('b', $array)); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::keyExists('B', $array)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::keyExists('c', $array)); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::keyExists('a', $array, false)); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::keyExists('b', $array, false)); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::keyExists('B', $array, false)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::keyExists('c', $array, false)); } public function valueProvider() { return [ ['name', 'test'], ['noname', null], ['noname', 'test', 'test'], ['', 5], ['', 5, 'test'], ['', null], ['', 'test', 'test'], ['', 'cebe'], ['', null], ['', 'test', 'test'], ['', '1337'], ['admin.firstname', 'Qiang'], ['admin.firstname', 'Qiang', 'test'], ['admin.lastname', 'Xue'], [ function ($array, $defaultValue) { return $array['date'] . $defaultValue; }, '31-12-2113test', 'test' ], [['version', '1.0', 'status'], 'released'], [['version', '1.0', 'date'], 'defaultValue', 'defaultValue'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider valueProvider * * @param $key * @param $expected * @param null $default */ public function testGetValue($key, $expected, $default = null) { $array = [ 'name' => 'test', 'date' => '31-12-2113', 'post' => [ 'id' => 5, 'author' => [ 'name' => 'cebe', 'profile' => [ 'title' => '1337', ], ], ], 'admin.firstname' => 'Qiang', 'admin.lastname' => 'Xue', 'admin' => [ 'lastname' => 'cebe', ], 'version' => [ '1.0' => [ 'status' => 'released' ] ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, ArrayHelper::getValue($array, $key, $default)); } public function testGetValueObjects() { $arrayObject = new \ArrayObject(['id' => 23], \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); $this->assertEquals(23, ArrayHelper::getValue($arrayObject, 'id')); $object = new Post1(); $this->assertEquals(23, ArrayHelper::getValue($object, 'id')); } /** * This is expected to result in a PHP error * @expectedException \PHPUnit_Framework_Error */ public function testGetValueNonexistingProperties1() { $object = new Post1(); $this->assertEquals(null, ArrayHelper::getValue($object, 'nonExisting')); } /** * This is expected to result in a PHP error * @expectedException \PHPUnit_Framework_Error */ public function testGetValueNonexistingProperties2() { $arrayObject = new \ArrayObject(['id' => 23], \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); $this->assertEquals(23, ArrayHelper::getValue($arrayObject, 'nonExisting')); } public function testIsAssociative() { $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isAssociative('test')); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isAssociative([])); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isAssociative([1, 2, 3])); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isAssociative(['name' => 1, 'value' => 'test'])); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isAssociative(['name' => 1, 'value' => 'test', 3])); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isAssociative(['name' => 1, 'value' => 'test', 3], false)); } public function testIsIndexed() { $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIndexed('test')); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIndexed([])); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIndexed([1, 2, 3])); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIndexed([2 => 'a', 3 => 'b'])); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIndexed([2 => 'a', 3 => 'b'], true)); } public function testHtmlEncode() { $array = [ 'abc' => '123', '<' => '>', 'cde' => false, 3 => 'blank', [ '<>' => 'a<>b', '23' => true, ], 'invalid' => "a\x80b", ]; $this->assertEquals([ 'abc' => '123', '<' => '>', 'cde' => false, 3 => 'blank', [ '<>' => 'a<>b', '23' => true, ], 'invalid' => 'a�b', ], ArrayHelper::htmlEncode($array)); $this->assertEquals([ 'abc' => '123', '<' => '>', 'cde' => false, 3 => 'blank', [ '<>' => 'a<>b', '23' => true, ], 'invalid' => 'a�b', ], ArrayHelper::htmlEncode($array, false)); } public function testHtmlDecode() { $array = [ 'abc' => '123', '<' => '>', 'cde' => false, 3 => 'blank', [ '<>' => 'a<>b', '23' => true, ] ]; $this->assertEquals([ 'abc' => '123', '<' => '>', 'cde' => false, 3 => 'blank', [ '<>' => 'a<>b', '23' => true, ] ], ArrayHelper::htmlDecode($array)); $this->assertEquals([ 'abc' => '123', '<' => '>', 'cde' => false, 3 => 'blank', [ '<>' => 'a<>b', '23' => true, ] ], ArrayHelper::htmlDecode($array, false)); } public function testIsIn() { $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIn('a', new \ArrayObject(['a', 'b']))); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIn('a', ['a', 'b'])); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIn('1', new \ArrayObject([1, 'b']))); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIn('1', [1, 'b'])); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIn('1', new \ArrayObject([1, 'b']), true)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIn('1', [1, 'b'], true)); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIn(['a'], new \ArrayObject([['a'], 'b']))); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIn('a', new \ArrayObject([['a'], 'b']))); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIn('a', [['a'], 'b'])); } public function testIsInStrict() { // strict comparison $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIn(1, new \ArrayObject([1, 'a']), true)); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isIn(1, [1, 'a'], true)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIn('1', new \ArrayObject([1, 'a']), true)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isIn('1', [1, 'a'], true)); } /** * @expectedException \yii\base\InvalidParamException * @expectedExceptionMessage Argument $haystack must be an array or implement Traversable */ public function testInException() { ArrayHelper::isIn('value', null); } public function testIsSubset() { $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isSubset(['a'], new \ArrayObject(['a', 'b']))); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isSubset(new \ArrayObject(['a']), ['a', 'b'])); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isSubset([1], new \ArrayObject(['1', 'b']))); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isSubset(new \ArrayObject([1]), ['1', 'b'])); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isSubset([1], new \ArrayObject(['1', 'b']), true)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isSubset(new \ArrayObject([1]), ['1', 'b'], true)); } /** * @expectedException \yii\base\InvalidParamException * @expectedExceptionMessage Argument $needles must be an array or implement Traversable */ public function testIsSubsetException() { ArrayHelper::isSubset('a', new \ArrayObject(['a', 'b'])); } public function testIsArray() { $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isTraversable(['a'])); $this->assertTrue(ArrayHelper::isTraversable(new \ArrayObject(['1']))); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isTraversable(new \stdClass())); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isTraversable("A,B,C")); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isTraversable(12)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isTraversable(false)); $this->assertFalse(ArrayHelper::isTraversable(null)); } public function testFilter() { $array = [ 'A' => [ 'B' => 1, 'C' => 2, ], 'G' => 1, ]; $this->assertEquals(ArrayHelper::filter($array, ['A']), [ 'A' => [ 'B' => 1, 'C' => 2, ], ]); $this->assertEquals(ArrayHelper::filter($array, ['A.B']), [ 'A' => [ 'B' => 1, ], ]); $this->assertEquals(ArrayHelper::filter($array, ['A', '!A.B']), [ 'A' => [ 'C' => 2, ], ]); $this->assertEquals(ArrayHelper::filter($array, ['!A.B', 'A']), [ 'A' => [ 'C' => 2, ], ]); $this->assertEquals(ArrayHelper::filter($array, ['A', 'G']), [ 'A' => [ 'B' => 1, 'C' => 2, ], 'G' => 1, ]); $this->assertEquals(ArrayHelper::filter($array, ['X']), []); $this->assertEquals(ArrayHelper::filter($array, ['X.Y']), []); } }