mockApplication([ 'timeZone' => 'UTC', 'language' => 'ru-RU', ]); $this->formatter = new Formatter(['locale' => 'en-US']); } protected function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); IntlTestHelper::resetIntlStatus(); $this->formatter = null; } public function testFormat() { $value = time(); $this->assertSame(date('M j, Y', $value), $this->formatter->format($value, 'date')); $this->assertSame(date('M j, Y', $value), $this->formatter->format($value, 'DATE')); $this->assertSame(date('Y/m/d', $value), $this->formatter->format($value, ['date', 'php:Y/m/d'])); $this->expectException('\yii\base\InvalidParamException'); $this->assertSame(date('Y-m-d', $value), $this->formatter->format($value, 'data')); $this->assertSame(date('Y-m-d', $value), $this->formatter->format($value, function ($value) { return date('Y-m-d', $value); })); $this->assertSame('from: ' . date('Y-m-d', $value), $this->formatter->format($value, function ($value, $formatter) { /** @var $formatter Formatter */ return 'from: ' . $formatter->asDate($value, 'php:Y-m-d'); })); } public function testLocale() { // locale is configured explicitly $f = new Formatter(['locale' => 'en-US']); $this->assertEquals('en-US', $f->locale); // if not, take from application $f = new Formatter(); $this->assertEquals('ru-RU', $f->locale); } public function testAsRaw() { $value = '123'; $this->assertSame($value, $this->formatter->asRaw($value)); $value = 123; $this->assertSame($value, $this->formatter->asRaw($value)); $value = '<>'; $this->assertSame($value, $this->formatter->asRaw($value)); // null display $this->assertSame($this->formatter->nullDisplay, $this->formatter->asRaw(null)); } public function testAsText() { $value = '123'; $this->assertSame($value, $this->formatter->asText($value)); $value = 123; $this->assertSame("$value", $this->formatter->asText($value)); $value = '<>'; $this->assertSame('<>', $this->formatter->asText($value)); // null display $this->assertSame($this->formatter->nullDisplay, $this->formatter->asText(null)); } public function testAsNtext() { $value = '123'; $this->assertSame($value, $this->formatter->asNtext($value)); $value = 123; $this->assertSame("$value", $this->formatter->asNtext($value)); $value = '<>'; $this->assertSame('<>', $this->formatter->asNtext($value)); $value = "123\n456"; $this->assertSame("123
\n456", $this->formatter->asNtext($value)); // null display $this->assertSame($this->formatter->nullDisplay, $this->formatter->asNtext(null)); } public function testAsParagraphs() { $value = '123'; $this->assertSame("


", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = 123; $this->assertSame("


", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = '<>'; $this->assertSame('


', $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\n456"; $this->assertSame("


", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\n\n456"; $this->assertSame("




", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\n\n\n456"; $this->assertSame("




", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\r\n456"; $this->assertSame("


", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\r\n\r\n456"; $this->assertSame("




", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\r\n\r\n\r\n456"; $this->assertSame("




", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\r456"; $this->assertSame("


", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\r\r456"; $this->assertSame("




", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); $value = "123\r\r\r456"; $this->assertSame("




", $this->formatter->asParagraphs($value)); // null display $this->assertSame($this->formatter->nullDisplay, $this->formatter->asParagraphs(null)); } /*public function testAsHtml() { // todo: dependency on HtmlPurifier }*/ public function testAsEmail() { $value = ''; $this->assertSame("$value", $this->formatter->asEmail($value)); $value = ''; $this->assertSame("$value", $this->formatter->asEmail($value, ['target' => '_blank'])); // null display $this->assertSame($this->formatter->nullDisplay, $this->formatter->asEmail(null)); } public function testAsUrl() { $value = ''; $this->assertSame("$value", $this->formatter->asUrl($value)); $value = ''; $this->assertSame("$value", $this->formatter->asUrl($value)); $value = ''; $this->assertSame("$value", $this->formatter->asUrl($value)); $value = '"'; $this->assertSame('"', $this->formatter->asUrl($value)); $value = ''; $this->assertSame("$value", $this->formatter->asUrl($value, ['target' => '_blank'])); // null display $this->assertSame($this->formatter->nullDisplay, $this->formatter->asUrl(null)); } public function testAsImage() { $value = ''; $this->assertSame("\"\"", $this->formatter->asImage($value)); $value = ''; $alt = 'Hello!'; $this->assertSame("\"$alt\"", $this->formatter->asImage($value, ['alt' => $alt])); // null display $this->assertSame($this->formatter->nullDisplay, $this->formatter->asImage(null)); } public function testAsBoolean() { $this->assertSame('Yes', $this->formatter->asBoolean(true)); $this->assertSame('No', $this->formatter->asBoolean(false)); $this->assertSame('Yes', $this->formatter->asBoolean('111')); $this->assertSame('No', $this->formatter->asBoolean('')); $this->assertSame('No', $this->formatter->asBoolean(0)); // null display $this->assertSame($this->formatter->nullDisplay, $this->formatter->asBoolean(null)); } public function testAsTimestamp() { $this->assertSame('1451606400', $this->formatter->asTimestamp(1451606400)); $this->assertSame('1451606400', $this->formatter->asTimestamp(1451606400.1234)); $this->assertSame('1451606400', $this->formatter->asTimestamp(1451606400.0000)); $this->assertSame('1451606400', $this->formatter->asTimestamp('1451606400')); $this->assertSame('1451606400', $this->formatter->asTimestamp('1451606400.1234')); $this->assertSame('1451606400', $this->formatter->asTimestamp('1451606400.0000')); $this->assertSame('1451606400', $this->formatter->asTimestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00')); $dateTime = new \DateTime('2016-01-01 00:00:00.000'); $this->assertSame('1451606400', $this->formatter->asTimestamp($dateTime)); $dateTime = new \DateTime('2016-01-01 00:00:00.000', new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin')); $this->assertSame('1451602800', $this->formatter->asTimestamp($dateTime)); } public function lengthDataProvider() { return [ [ 'Empty value gets proper output', [null], '(not set)', '(not set)', ], [ 'Wrong value is casted properly', ['NaN'], '0 millimeters', '0 mm', ['yii\base\InvalidParamException', "'NaN' is not a numeric value"], ], [ 'Negative value works', [-3], '-3 meters', '-3 m', ], [ 'Zero value works', [0], '0 millimeters', '0 mm', ], [ 'Decimal value is resolved in base units', [0.001], '1 millimeter', '1 mm', ], [ 'Decimal value smaller than minimum base unit gets rounded (#1)', [0.0004], '0 millimeters', '0 mm', ], [ 'Decimal value smaller than minimum base unit gets rounded (#2)', [0.00169], '2 millimeters', '2 mm', ], [ 'Integer value #1 works', [1], '1 meter', '1 m', ], [ 'Integer value #2 works', [453], '453 meters', '453 m', ], [ 'Double value works', [19913.13], '19.913 kilometers', '19.913 km', ], [ 'It is possible to change number of decimals', [19913.13, 1], '19.9 kilometers', '19.9 km', ], [ 'It is possible to change number formatting options', [100, null, [ \NumberFormatter::MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS => 4, ]], '100.0000 meters', '100.0000 m', ], [ 'It is possible to change text options', [-19913.13, null, null, [ \NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_PREFIX => 'MINUS', ]], 'MINUS19.913 kilometers', 'MINUS19.913 km', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider lengthDataProvider * @param mixed $message * @param mixed $arguments * @param mixed $expected * @param mixed $_shortLength * @param mixed $expectedException */ public function testIntlAsLength($message, $arguments, $expected, $_shortLength, $expectedException = []) { $this->ensureIntlUnitDataIsAvailable(); if ($expectedException !== []) { $this->expectException($expectedException[0]); $this->expectExceptionMessage($expectedException[1]); } $this->assertSame($expected, call_user_func_array([$this->formatter, 'asLength'], $arguments), 'Failed asserting that ' . $message); } /** * @dataProvider lengthDataProvider * @param mixed $message * @param mixed $arguments * @param mixed $_length * @param mixed $expected * @param mixed $expectedException */ public function testIntlAsShortLength($message, $arguments, $_length, $expected, $expectedException = []) { $this->ensureIntlUnitDataIsAvailable(); if ($expectedException !== []) { $this->expectException($expectedException[0]); $this->expectExceptionMessage($expectedException[1]); } $this->assertSame($expected, call_user_func_array([$this->formatter, 'asShortLength'], $arguments), 'Failed asserting that ' . $message); } public function weightDataProvider() { return [ [ 'Empty value gets proper output', [null], '(not set)', '(not set)', ], [ 'Wrong value is casted properly', ['NaN'], '0 grams', '0 g', ['yii\base\InvalidParamException', "'NaN' is not a numeric value"], ], [ 'Negative value works', [-3], '-3 kilograms', '-3 kg', ], [ 'Zero value works', [0], '0 grams', '0 g', ], [ 'Decimal value is resolved in base units', [0.001], '1 gram', '1 g', ], [ 'Decimal value smaller than minimum base unit gets rounded (#1)', [0.0004], '0 grams', '0 g', ], [ 'Decimal value smaller than minimum base unit gets rounded (#2)', [0.00169], '2 grams', '2 g', ], [ 'Integer value #1 works', [1], '1 kilogram', '1 kg', ], [ 'Integer value #2 works', [453], '453 kilograms', '453 kg', ], [ 'Double value works', [19913.13], '19.913 tons', '19.913 tn', ], [ 'It is possible to change number of decimals', [19913.13, 1], '19.9 tons', '19.9 tn', ], [ 'It is possible to change number formatting options', [100, null, [ \NumberFormatter::MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS => 4, ]], '100.0000 kilograms', '100.0000 kg', ], [ 'It is possible to change text options', [-19913.13, null, null, [ \NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_PREFIX => 'MINUS', ]], 'MINUS19.913 tons', 'MINUS19.913 tn', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider weightDataProvider * @param mixed $message * @param mixed $arguments * @param mixed $expected * @param mixed $_shortWeight * @param mixed $expectedException */ public function testIntlAsWeight($message, $arguments, $expected, $_shortWeight, $expectedException = []) { $this->ensureIntlUnitDataIsAvailable(); if ($expectedException !== []) { $this->expectException($expectedException[0]); $this->expectExceptionMessage($expectedException[1]); } $this->assertSame($expected, call_user_func_array([$this->formatter, 'asWeight'], $arguments), 'Failed asserting that ' . $message); } /** * @dataProvider weightDataProvider * @param mixed $message * @param mixed $arguments * @param mixed $_weight * @param mixed $expected * @param mixed $expectedException */ public function testIntlAsShortWeight($message, $arguments, $_weight, $expected, $expectedException = []) { $this->ensureIntlUnitDataIsAvailable(); if ($expectedException !== []) { $this->expectException($expectedException[0]); $this->expectExceptionMessage($expectedException[1]); } $this->assertSame($expected, call_user_func_array([$this->formatter, 'asShortWeight'], $arguments), 'Failed asserting that ' . $message); } /** * @expectedException \yii\base\InvalidConfigException * @expectedExceptionMessage Format of mass is only supported when PHP intl extension is installed. */ public function testAsWeight() { $this->formatter->asWeight(10); } /** * @expectedException \yii\base\InvalidConfigException * @expectedExceptionMessage Format of length is only supported when PHP intl extension is installed. */ public function testAsLength() { $this->formatter->asShortLength(10); } protected function ensureIntlUnitDataIsAvailable() { $skip = function () { $this->markTestSkipped('ICU data does not contain measure units information.'); }; if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { return $skip(); } try { $bundle = new \ResourceBundle($this->formatter->locale, 'ICUDATA-unit'); $massUnits = $bundle['units']['mass']; $lengthUnits = $bundle['units']['length']; if ($massUnits === null || $lengthUnits === null) { $skip(); } } catch (\IntlException $e) { $skip(); } } }