getConnection(false, false); } /** * @throws \Exception * @return QueryBuilder */ protected function getQueryBuilder() { $connection = $this->getConnection(true, false); \Yii::$container->set('db', $connection); switch ($this->driverName) { case 'mysql': return new MysqlQueryBuilder($connection); case 'sqlite': return new SqliteQueryBuilder($connection); case 'mssql': return new MssqlQueryBuilder($connection); case 'pgsql': return new PgsqlQueryBuilder($connection); case 'cubrid': return new CubridQueryBuilder($connection); case 'oci': return new OracleQueryBuilder($connection); } throw new \Exception('Test is not implemented for ' . $this->driverName); } /** * adjust dbms specific escaping * @param $sql * @return mixed */ protected function replaceQuotes($sql) { if (!in_array($this->driverName, ['mssql', 'mysql', 'sqlite'], true)) { return str_replace('`', '"', $sql); } return $sql; } /** * this is not used as a dataprovider for testGetColumnType to speed up the test * when used as dataprovider every single line will cause a reconnect with the database which is not needed here */ public function columnTypes() { return [ [Schema::TYPE_PK, $this->primaryKey(), 'int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY'], [Schema::TYPE_PK . '(8)', $this->primaryKey(8), 'int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY'], [Schema::TYPE_PK . ' CHECK (value > 5)', $this->primaryKey()->check('value > 5'), 'int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (value > 5)'], [Schema::TYPE_PK . '(8) CHECK (value > 5)', $this->primaryKey(8)->check('value > 5'), 'int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (value > 5)'], [Schema::TYPE_STRING, $this->string(), 'varchar(255)'], [Schema::TYPE_STRING . '(32)', $this->string(32), 'varchar(32)'], [Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', $this->string()->check('value LIKE "test%"'), 'varchar(255) CHECK (value LIKE "test%")'], [Schema::TYPE_STRING . '(32) CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', $this->string(32)->check('value LIKE "test%"'), 'varchar(32) CHECK (value LIKE "test%")'], [Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', $this->string()->notNull(), 'varchar(255) NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_TEXT, $this->text(), 'text'], [Schema::TYPE_TEXT . '(255)', $this->text(), 'text', Schema::TYPE_TEXT], [Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', $this->text()->check('value LIKE "test%"'), 'text CHECK (value LIKE "test%")'], [Schema::TYPE_TEXT . '(255) CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', $this->text()->check('value LIKE "test%"'), 'text CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' CHECK (value LIKE "test%")'], [Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' NOT NULL', $this->text()->notNull(), 'text NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_TEXT . '(255) NOT NULL', $this->text()->notNull(), 'text NOT NULL', Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT, $this->smallInteger(), 'smallint(6)'], [Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT . '(8)', $this->smallInteger(8), 'smallint(8)'], [Schema::TYPE_INTEGER, $this->integer(), 'int(11)'], [Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . '(8)', $this->integer(8), 'int(8)'], [Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' CHECK (value > 5)', $this->integer()->check('value > 5'), 'int(11) CHECK (value > 5)'], [Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . '(8) CHECK (value > 5)', $this->integer(8)->check('value > 5'), 'int(8) CHECK (value > 5)'], [Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', $this->integer()->notNull(), 'int(11) NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_BIGINT, $this->bigInteger(), 'bigint(20)'], [Schema::TYPE_BIGINT . '(8)', $this->bigInteger(8), 'bigint(8)'], [Schema::TYPE_BIGINT . ' CHECK (value > 5)', $this->bigInteger()->check('value > 5'), 'bigint(20) CHECK (value > 5)'], [Schema::TYPE_BIGINT . '(8) CHECK (value > 5)', $this->bigInteger(8)->check('value > 5'), 'bigint(8) CHECK (value > 5)'], [Schema::TYPE_BIGINT . ' NOT NULL', $this->bigInteger()->notNull(), 'bigint(20) NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_FLOAT, $this->float(), 'float'], [Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . '(16)', $this->float(16), 'float'], [Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' CHECK (value > 5.6)', $this->float()->check('value > 5.6'), 'float CHECK (value > 5.6)'], [Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . '(16) CHECK (value > 5.6)', $this->float(16)->check('value > 5.6'), 'float CHECK (value > 5.6)'], [Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' NOT NULL', $this->float()->notNull(), 'float NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE, $this->double(), 'double'], [Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE . '(16)', $this->double(16), 'double'], [Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE . ' CHECK (value > 5.6)', $this->double()->check('value > 5.6'), 'double CHECK (value > 5.6)'], [Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE . '(16) CHECK (value > 5.6)', $this->double(16)->check('value > 5.6'), 'double CHECK (value > 5.6)'], [Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE . ' NOT NULL', $this->double()->notNull(), 'double NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL, $this->decimal(), 'decimal(10,0)'], [Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL . '(12,4)', $this->decimal(12, 4), 'decimal(12,4)'], [Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL . ' CHECK (value > 5.6)', $this->decimal()->check('value > 5.6'), 'decimal(10,0) CHECK (value > 5.6)'], [Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL . '(12,4) CHECK (value > 5.6)', $this->decimal(12, 4)->check('value > 5.6'), 'decimal(12,4) CHECK (value > 5.6)'], [Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL . ' NOT NULL', $this->decimal()->notNull(), 'decimal(10,0) NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_DATETIME, $this->dateTime(), 'datetime'], [Schema::TYPE_DATETIME . " CHECK (value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')", $this->dateTime()->check("value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01'"), "datetime CHECK (value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')"], [Schema::TYPE_DATETIME . ' NOT NULL', $this->dateTime()->notNull(), 'datetime NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, $this->timestamp(), 'timestamp'], [Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP . " CHECK (value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')", $this->timestamp()->check("value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01'"), "timestamp CHECK (value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')"], [Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP . ' NOT NULL', $this->timestamp()->notNull(), 'timestamp NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_TIME, $this->time(), 'time'], [Schema::TYPE_TIME . " CHECK (value BETWEEN '12:00:00' AND '13:01:01')", $this->time()->check("value BETWEEN '12:00:00' AND '13:01:01'"), "time CHECK (value BETWEEN '12:00:00' AND '13:01:01')"], [Schema::TYPE_TIME . ' NOT NULL', $this->time()->notNull(), 'time NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_DATE, $this->date(), 'date'], [Schema::TYPE_DATE . " CHECK (value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')", $this->date()->check("value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01'"), "date CHECK (value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')"], [Schema::TYPE_DATE . ' NOT NULL', $this->date()->notNull(), 'date NOT NULL'], [Schema::TYPE_BINARY, $this->binary(), 'blob'], [Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN, $this->boolean(), 'tinyint(1)'], [Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', $this->boolean()->notNull()->defaultValue(1), 'tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1'], [Schema::TYPE_MONEY, $this->money(), 'decimal(19,4)'], [Schema::TYPE_MONEY . '(16,2)', $this->money(16, 2), 'decimal(16,2)'], [Schema::TYPE_MONEY . ' CHECK (value > 0.0)', $this->money()->check('value > 0.0'), 'decimal(19,4) CHECK (value > 0.0)'], [Schema::TYPE_MONEY . '(16,2) CHECK (value > 0.0)', $this->money(16, 2)->check('value > 0.0'), 'decimal(16,2) CHECK (value > 0.0)'], [Schema::TYPE_MONEY . ' NOT NULL', $this->money()->notNull(), 'decimal(19,4) NOT NULL'], ]; } public function testGetColumnType() { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); foreach ($this->columnTypes() as $item) { list ($column, $builder, $expected) = $item; $expectedColumnSchemaBuilder = isset($item[3]) ? $item[3] : $column; $this->assertEquals($expected, $qb->getColumnType($column)); $this->assertEquals($expected, $qb->getColumnType($builder)); $this->assertEquals($expectedColumnSchemaBuilder, $builder->__toString()); } } public function testCreateTableColumnTypes() { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); if ($qb->db->getTableSchema('column_type_table', true) !== null) { $this->getConnection(false)->createCommand($qb->dropTable('column_type_table'))->execute(); } $columns = []; $i = 0; foreach ($this->columnTypes() as $item) { list ($column, $builder, $expected) = $item; if (strncmp($column, 'pk', 2) !== 0) { $columns['col' . ++$i] = str_replace('CHECK (value', 'CHECK ([[col' . $i . ']]', $column); } } $this->getConnection(false)->createCommand($qb->createTable('column_type_table', $columns))->execute(); } public function conditionProvider() { $conditions = [ // empty values [ ['like', 'name', []], '0=1', [] ], [ ['not like', 'name', []], '', [] ], [ ['or like', 'name', []], '0=1', [] ], [ ['or not like', 'name', []], '', [] ], // simple like [ ['like', 'name', 'heyho'], '`name` LIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%heyho%'] ], [ ['not like', 'name', 'heyho'], '`name` NOT LIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%heyho%'] ], [ ['or like', 'name', 'heyho'], '`name` LIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%heyho%'] ], [ ['or not like', 'name', 'heyho'], '`name` NOT LIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%heyho%'] ], // like for many values [ ['like', 'name', ['heyho', 'abc']], '`name` LIKE :qp0 AND `name` LIKE :qp1', [':qp0' => '%heyho%', ':qp1' => '%abc%'] ], [ ['not like', 'name', ['heyho', 'abc']], '`name` NOT LIKE :qp0 AND `name` NOT LIKE :qp1', [':qp0' => '%heyho%', ':qp1' => '%abc%'] ], [ ['or like', 'name', ['heyho', 'abc']], '`name` LIKE :qp0 OR `name` LIKE :qp1', [':qp0' => '%heyho%', ':qp1' => '%abc%'] ], [ ['or not like', 'name', ['heyho', 'abc']], '`name` NOT LIKE :qp0 OR `name` NOT LIKE :qp1', [':qp0' => '%heyho%', ':qp1' => '%abc%'] ], // like with Expression [ ['like', 'name', new Expression('CONCAT("test", colname, "%")')], '`name` LIKE CONCAT("test", colname, "%")', [] ], [ ['not like', 'name', new Expression('CONCAT("test", colname, "%")')], '`name` NOT LIKE CONCAT("test", colname, "%")', [] ], [ ['or like', 'name', new Expression('CONCAT("test", colname, "%")')], '`name` LIKE CONCAT("test", colname, "%")', [] ], [ ['or not like', 'name', new Expression('CONCAT("test", colname, "%")')], '`name` NOT LIKE CONCAT("test", colname, "%")', [] ], [ ['like', 'name', [new Expression('CONCAT("test", colname, "%")'), 'abc']], '`name` LIKE CONCAT("test", colname, "%") AND `name` LIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%abc%'] ], [ ['not like', 'name', [new Expression('CONCAT("test", colname, "%")'), 'abc']], '`name` NOT LIKE CONCAT("test", colname, "%") AND `name` NOT LIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%abc%'] ], [ ['or like', 'name', [new Expression('CONCAT("test", colname, "%")'), 'abc']], '`name` LIKE CONCAT("test", colname, "%") OR `name` LIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%abc%'] ], [ ['or not like', 'name', [new Expression('CONCAT("test", colname, "%")'), 'abc']], '`name` NOT LIKE CONCAT("test", colname, "%") OR `name` NOT LIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%abc%'] ], // not [ ['not', 'name'], 'NOT (name)', [] ], // and [ ['and', 'id=1', 'id=2'], '(id=1) AND (id=2)', [] ], [ ['and', 'type=1', ['or', 'id=1', 'id=2']], '(type=1) AND ((id=1) OR (id=2))', [] ], // or [ ['or', 'id=1', 'id=2'], '(id=1) OR (id=2)', [] ], [ ['or', 'type=1', ['or', 'id=1', 'id=2']], '(type=1) OR ((id=1) OR (id=2))', [] ], // between [ ['between', 'id', 1, 10], '`id` BETWEEN :qp0 AND :qp1', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 10] ], [ ['not between', 'id', 1, 10], '`id` NOT BETWEEN :qp0 AND :qp1', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 10] ], [ ['between', 'date', new Expression('(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)'), new Expression('NOW()')], '`date` BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND NOW()', [] ], [ ['between', 'date', new Expression('(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)'), 123], '`date` BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND :qp0', [':qp0' => 123] ], [ ['not between', 'date', new Expression('(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)'), new Expression('NOW()')], '`date` NOT BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND NOW()', [] ], [ ['not between', 'date', new Expression('(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)'), 123], '`date` NOT BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND :qp0', [':qp0' => 123] ], // in [ ['in', 'id', [1, 2, 3]], '`id` IN (:qp0, :qp1, :qp2)', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 2, ':qp2' => 3] ], [ ['not in', 'id', [1, 2, 3]], '`id` NOT IN (:qp0, :qp1, :qp2)', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 2, ':qp2' => 3] ], [ ['in', 'id', (new Query())->select('id')->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])], '`id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `active`=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 1] ], [ ['not in', 'id', (new Query())->select('id')->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])], '`id` NOT IN (SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `active`=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 1] ], // exists [ ['exists', (new Query())->select('id')->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])], 'EXISTS (SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `active`=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 1] ], [ ['not exists', (new Query())->select('id')->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])], 'NOT EXISTS (SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `active`=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 1] ], // simple conditions [ ['=', 'a', 'b'], '`a` = :qp0', [':qp0' => 'b'] ], [ ['>', 'a', 1], '`a` > :qp0', [':qp0' => 1] ], [ ['>=', 'a', 'b'], '`a` >= :qp0', [':qp0' => 'b'] ], [ ['<', 'a', 2], '`a` < :qp0', [':qp0' => 2] ], [ ['<=', 'a', 'b'], '`a` <= :qp0', [':qp0' => 'b'] ], [ ['<>', 'a', 3], '`a` <> :qp0', [':qp0' => 3] ], [ ['!=', 'a', 'b'], '`a` != :qp0', [':qp0' => 'b'] ], [ ['>=', 'date', new Expression('DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)')], '`date` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)', [] ], [ ['>=', 'date', new Expression('DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL :month MONTH)', [':month' => 2])], '`date` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL :month MONTH)', [':month' => 2] ], [ ['=', 'date', (new Query())->select('max(date)')->from('test')->where(['id' => 5])], '`date` = (SELECT max(date) FROM `test` WHERE `id`=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 5] ], // hash condition [ ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], '(`a`=:qp0) AND (`b`=:qp1)', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 2] ], [ ['a' => new Expression('CONCAT(col1, col2)'), 'b' => 2], '(`a`=CONCAT(col1, col2)) AND (`b`=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 2] ], ]; switch ($this->driverName) { case 'mssql': case 'sqlite': $conditions = array_merge($conditions, [ [ ['in', ['id', 'name'], [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar']]], '((`id` = :qp0 AND `name` = :qp1) OR (`id` = :qp2 AND `name` = :qp3))', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 'foo', ':qp2' => 2, ':qp3' => 'bar'] ], [ ['not in', ['id', 'name'], [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar']]], '((`id` != :qp0 OR `name` != :qp1) AND (`id` != :qp2 OR `name` != :qp3))', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 'foo', ':qp2' => 2, ':qp3' => 'bar'] ], //[ ['in', ['id', 'name'], (new Query())->select(['id', 'name'])->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])], 'EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `users` WHERE `active`=:qp0) AS a WHERE a.`id` = `id AND a.`name` = `name`)', [':qp0' => 1] ], //[ ['not in', ['id', 'name'], (new Query())->select(['id', 'name'])->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])], 'NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `users` WHERE `active`=:qp0) AS a WHERE a.`id` = `id` AND a.`name = `name`)', [':qp0' => 1] ], ]); break; default: $conditions = array_merge($conditions, [ [ ['in', ['id', 'name'], [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar']]], '(`id`, `name`) IN ((:qp0, :qp1), (:qp2, :qp3))', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 'foo', ':qp2' => 2, ':qp3' => 'bar'] ], [ ['not in', ['id', 'name'], [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar']]], '(`id`, `name`) NOT IN ((:qp0, :qp1), (:qp2, :qp3))', [':qp0' => 1, ':qp1' => 'foo', ':qp2' => 2, ':qp3' => 'bar'] ], [ ['in', ['id', 'name'], (new Query())->select(['id', 'name'])->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])], '(`id`, `name`) IN (SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `users` WHERE `active`=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 1] ], [ ['not in', ['id', 'name'], (new Query())->select(['id', 'name'])->from('users')->where(['active' => 1])], '(`id`, `name`) NOT IN (SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `users` WHERE `active`=:qp0)', [':qp0' => 1] ], ]); break; } // adjust dbms specific escaping foreach($conditions as $i => $condition) { $conditions[$i][1] = $this->replaceQuotes($condition[1]); } return $conditions; } public function filterConditionProvider() { $conditions = [ // like [ ['like', 'name', []], '', [] ], [ ['not like', 'name', []], '', [] ], [ ['or like', 'name', []], '', [] ], [ ['or not like', 'name', []], '', [] ], // not [ ['not', ''], '', [] ], // and [ ['and', '', ''], '', [] ], [ ['and', '', 'id=2'], '(id=2)', [] ], [ ['and', 'id=1', ''], '(id=1)', [] ], [ ['and', 'type=1', ['or', '', 'id=2']], '(type=1) AND ((id=2))', [] ], // or [ ['or', 'id=1', ''], '(id=1)', [] ], [ ['or', 'type=1', ['or', '', 'id=2']], '(type=1) OR ((id=2))', [] ], // between [ ['between', 'id', 1, null], '', [] ], [ ['not between', 'id', null, 10], '', [] ], // in [ ['in', 'id', []], '', [] ], [ ['not in', 'id', []], '', [] ], // simple conditions [ ['=', 'a', ''], '', [] ], [ ['>', 'a', ''], '', [] ], [ ['>=', 'a', ''], '', [] ], [ ['<', 'a', ''], '', [] ], [ ['<=', 'a', ''], '', [] ], [ ['<>', 'a', ''], '', [] ], [ ['!=', 'a', ''], '', [] ], ]; // adjust dbms specific escaping foreach($conditions as $i => $condition) { $conditions[$i][1] = $this->replaceQuotes($condition[1]); } return $conditions; } /** * @dataProvider conditionProvider */ public function testBuildCondition($condition, $expected, $expectedParams) { $query = (new Query())->where($condition); list($sql, $params) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $this->assertEquals('SELECT *' . (empty($expected) ? '' : ' WHERE ' . $expected), $sql); $this->assertEquals($expectedParams, $params); } /** * @dataProvider filterConditionProvider */ public function testBuildFilterCondition($condition, $expected, $expectedParams) { $query = (new Query())->filterWhere($condition); list($sql, $params) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $this->assertEquals('SELECT *' . (empty($expected) ? '' : ' WHERE ' . $expected), $sql); $this->assertEquals($expectedParams, $params); } public function testAddDropPrimaryKey() { $tableName = 'constraints'; $pkeyName = $tableName . "_pkey"; // ADD $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->db->createCommand()->addPrimaryKey($pkeyName, $tableName, ['id'])->execute(); $tableSchema = $qb->db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($tableName); $this->assertEquals(1, count($tableSchema->primaryKey)); //DROP $qb->db->createCommand()->dropPrimaryKey($pkeyName, $tableName)->execute(); $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); // resets the schema $tableSchema = $qb->db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($tableName); $this->assertEquals(0, count($tableSchema->primaryKey)); } public function existsParamsProvider() { return [ ['exists', $this->replaceQuotes("SELECT `id` FROM `TotalExample` `t` WHERE EXISTS (SELECT `1` FROM `Website` `w`)")], ['not exists', $this->replaceQuotes("SELECT `id` FROM `TotalExample` `t` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT `1` FROM `Website` `w`)")] ]; } /** * @dataProvider existsParamsProvider */ public function testBuildWhereExists($cond, $expectedQuerySql) { $expectedQueryParams = []; $subQuery = new Query(); $subQuery->select('1') ->from('Website w'); $query = new Query(); $query->select('id') ->from('TotalExample t') ->where([$cond, $subQuery]); list($actualQuerySql, $actualQueryParams) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $this->assertEquals($expectedQuerySql, $actualQuerySql); $this->assertEquals($expectedQueryParams, $actualQueryParams); } public function testBuildWhereExistsWithParameters() { $expectedQuerySql = $this->replaceQuotes( "SELECT `id` FROM `TotalExample` `t` WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT `1` FROM `Website` `w` WHERE ( = t.website_id) AND (w.merchant_id = :merchant_id))) AND (t.some_column = :some_value)" ); $expectedQueryParams = [':some_value' => "asd", ':merchant_id' => 6]; $subQuery = new Query(); $subQuery->select('1') ->from('Website w') ->where(' = t.website_id') ->andWhere('w.merchant_id = :merchant_id', [':merchant_id' => 6]); $query = new Query(); $query->select('id') ->from('TotalExample t') ->where(['exists', $subQuery]) ->andWhere('t.some_column = :some_value', [':some_value' => "asd"]); list($actualQuerySql, $queryParams) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $this->assertEquals($expectedQuerySql, $actualQuerySql); $this->assertEquals($expectedQueryParams, $queryParams); } public function testBuildWhereExistsWithArrayParameters() { $expectedQuerySql = $this->replaceQuotes( "SELECT `id` FROM `TotalExample` `t` WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT `1` FROM `Website` `w` WHERE ( = t.website_id) AND ((`w`.`merchant_id`=:qp0) AND (`w`.`user_id`=:qp1)))) AND (`t`.`some_column`=:qp2)" ); $expectedQueryParams = [':qp0' => 6, ':qp1' => 210, ':qp2' => 'asd']; $subQuery = new Query(); $subQuery->select('1') ->from('Website w') ->where(' = t.website_id') ->andWhere(['w.merchant_id' => 6, 'w.user_id' => '210']); $query = new Query(); $query->select('id') ->from('TotalExample t') ->where(['exists', $subQuery]) ->andWhere(['t.some_column' => "asd"]); list($actualQuerySql, $queryParams) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $this->assertEquals($expectedQuerySql, $actualQuerySql); $this->assertEquals($expectedQueryParams, $queryParams); } /** * This test contains three select queries connected with UNION and UNION ALL constructions. * It could be useful to use "phpunit --group=db --filter testBuildUnion" command for run it. */ public function testBuildUnion() { $expectedQuerySql = $this->replaceQuotes( "(SELECT `id` FROM `TotalExample` `t1` WHERE (w > 0) AND (x < 2)) UNION ( SELECT `id` FROM `TotalTotalExample` `t2` WHERE w > 5 ) UNION ALL ( SELECT `id` FROM `TotalTotalExample` `t3` WHERE w = 3 )" ); $query = new Query(); $secondQuery = new Query(); $secondQuery->select('id') ->from('TotalTotalExample t2') ->where('w > 5'); $thirdQuery = new Query(); $thirdQuery->select('id') ->from('TotalTotalExample t3') ->where('w = 3'); $query->select('id') ->from('TotalExample t1') ->where(['and', 'w > 0', 'x < 2']) ->union($secondQuery) ->union($thirdQuery, TRUE); list($actualQuerySql, $queryParams) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $this->assertEquals($expectedQuerySql, $actualQuerySql); $this->assertEquals([], $queryParams); } public function testSelectSubquery() { $subquery = (new Query()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('operations') ->where('account_id ='); $query = (new Query()) ->select('*') ->from('accounts') ->addSelect(['operations_count' => $subquery]); list ($sql, $params) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $expected = $this->replaceQuotes('SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `operations` WHERE account_id = AS `operations_count` FROM `accounts`'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $sql); $this->assertEmpty($params); } public function testComplexSelect() { $query = (new Query()) ->select([ 'ID' => '', 'gsm.username as GSM', 'part.Part', 'Part Cost' => 't.Part_Cost', 'st_x(location::geometry) as lon', new Expression("case t.Status_Id when 1 then 'Acknowledge' when 2 then 'No Action' else 'Unknown Action' END as [[Next Action]]"), ]) ->from('tablename'); list ($sql, $params) = $this->getQueryBuilder()->build($query); $expected = $this->replaceQuotes( 'SELECT `t`.`id` AS `ID`, `gsm`.`username` AS `GSM`, `part`.`Part`, `t`.`Part_Cost` AS `Part Cost`, st_x(location::geometry) as lon,' . ' case t.Status_Id when 1 then \'Acknowledge\' when 2 then \'No Action\' else \'Unknown Action\' END as [[Next Action]] FROM `tablename`'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $sql); $this->assertEmpty($params); } public function testCompositeInCondition() { $condition = [ 'in', ['id', 'name'], [ ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar'], ], ]; (new Query())->from('customer')->where($condition)->all($this->getConnection()); } }