Yii2 framework backup
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yiiunit\framework\web;
use yii\web\JsonResponseFormatter;
use yiiunit\framework\web\stubs\ModelStub;
* @author Alexander Makarov <sam@rmcreative.ru>
* @since 2.0.3
* @group web
class JsonResponseFormatterTest extends FormatterTest
* @return JsonResponseFormatter
protected function getFormatterInstance($configuration = [])
return new JsonResponseFormatter($configuration);
public function formatScalarDataProvider()
return [
[1, 1],
['abc', '"abc"'],
[true, 'true'],
['<>', '"<>"'],
public function formatArrayDataProvider()
return [
// input, json, pretty json
[[], '[]', '[]'],
[[1, 'abc'], '[1,"abc"]', "[\n 1,\n \"abc\"\n]"],
'a' => 1,
'b' => 'abc',
"{\n \"a\": 1,\n \"b\": \"abc\"\n}",
[2, 'def'],
"[\n 1,\n \"abc\",\n [\n 2,\n \"def\"\n ],\n true\n]",
'a' => 1,
'b' => 'abc',
'c' => [2, '<>'],
"{\n \"a\": 1,\n \"b\": \"abc\",\n \"c\": [\n 2,\n \"<>\"\n ],\n \"0\": true\n}",
public function formatObjectDataProvider()
return [
[new Post(123, 'abc'), '{"id":123,"title":"abc"}'],
new Post(123, 'abc'),
new Post(456, 'def'),
], '[{"id":123,"title":"abc"},{"id":456,"title":"def"}]'],
new Post(123, '<>'),
'a' => new Post(456, 'def'),
], '{"0":{"id":123,"title":"<>"},"a":{"id":456,"title":"def"}}'],
public function formatTraversableObjectDataProvider()
$postsStack = new \SplStack();
$postsStack->push(new Post(915, 'record1'));
$postsStack->push(new Post(456, 'record2'));
return [
[$postsStack, '{"1":{"id":456,"title":"record2"},"0":{"id":915,"title":"record1"}}'],
public function formatModelDataProvider()
return [
[new ModelStub(['id' => 123, 'title' => 'abc', 'hidden' => 'hidden']), '{"id":123,"title":"abc"}'],
public function contentTypeGenerationDataProvider()
return [
'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'useJsonp' => false,
'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'useJsonp' => true,
'application/javascript; charset=UTF-8',
'contentType' => 'application/javascript; charset=UTF-8',
'useJsonp' => false,
'application/javascript; charset=UTF-8',
'contentType' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'useJsonp' => true,
'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'contentType' => 'application/hal+json; charset=UTF-8',
'useJsonp' => false,
'application/hal+json; charset=UTF-8',
'contentType' => 'application/hal+json; charset=UTF-8',
'useJsonp' => true,
'application/hal+json; charset=UTF-8',
* @param mixed $data the data to be formatted
* @param string $json the expected JSON body
* @param string $prettyJson the expected pretty JSON body
* @dataProvider formatArrayDataProvider
public function testFormatArraysPretty($data, $json, $prettyJson)
$this->response->data = $data;
$this->formatter->prettyPrint = true;
$this->assertEquals($prettyJson, $this->response->content);
* @param array $configuration JSON formatter configuration array.
* @param string $contentTypeExpected Expected value of the response `Content-Type` header.
* @dataProvider contentTypeGenerationDataProvider
public function testContentTypeGeneration($configuration, $contentTypeExpected)
$formatter = $this->getFormatterInstance($configuration);
$contentTypeActual = $this->response->headers->get('Content-Type');
$this->assertEquals($contentTypeExpected, $contentTypeActual);
* Formatter must return 'null' string.
public function testFormatNull()
$this->response->data = null;
$this->assertEquals('null', $this->response->content);