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在创建资源类和指定资源格输出式化后, 下一步就是创建控制器操作将资源通过RESTful APIs展现给终端用户。

Yii 提供两个控制器基类来简化创建RESTful 操作的工作:yii\rest\Controlleryii\rest\ActiveController, 两个类的差别是后者提供一系列将资源处理成Active Record的操作。 因此如果使用Active Record内置的操作会比较方便,可考虑将控制器类 继承yii\rest\ActiveController, 它会让你用最少的代码完成强大的RESTful APIs.

yii\rest\Controlleryii\rest\ActiveController 提供以下功能, 一些功能在后续章节详细描述:

yii\rest\ActiveController 额外提供一下功能:

  • 一系列常用动作: index, view, create, update, delete, options;
  • 对动作和资源进行用户认证.


当创建一个新的控制器类,控制器类的命名最好使用资源名称的单数格式, 例如,提供用户信息的控制器 可命名为UserController.

创建新的操作和Web应用中创建操作类似, 唯一的差别是Web应用中调用render()方法渲染一个视图作为返回值, 对于RESTful操作直接返回数据, yii\rest\Controller::serializeryii\web\Response 会处理原始数据到请求格式的转换,例如

public function actionView($id)
    return User::findOne($id);


yii\rest\Controller提供的大多数RESTful API功能通过过滤器实现. 特别是以下过滤器会按顺序执行:

这些过滤器都在yii\rest\Controller::behaviors()方法中声明, 可覆盖该方法来配置单独的过滤器,禁用某个或增加你自定义的过滤器。 例如,如果你只想用HTTP 基础认证,可编写如下代码:

use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth;

public function behaviors()
    $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
    $behaviors['authenticator'] = [
        'class' => HttpBasicAuth::class,
    return $behaviors;


Adding the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing filter to a controller is a bit more complicated than adding other filters described above, because the CORS filter has to be applied before authentication methods and thus needs a slightly different approach compared to other filters. Also authentication has to be disabled for the CORS Preflight requests so that a browser can safely determine whether a request can be made beforehand without the need for sending authentication credentials. The following shows the code that is needed to add the yii\filters\Cors filter to an existing controller that extends from yii\rest\ActiveController:

use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth;

public function behaviors()
    $behaviors = parent::behaviors();

    // remove authentication filter
    $auth = $behaviors['authenticator'];
    // add CORS filter
    $behaviors['corsFilter'] = [
        'class' => \yii\filters\Cors::class,
    // re-add authentication filter
    $behaviors['authenticator'] = $auth;
    // avoid authentication on CORS-pre-flight requests (HTTP OPTIONS method)
    $behaviors['authenticator']['except'] = ['options'];

    return $behaviors;

继承 ActiveController

如果你的控制器继承yii\rest\ActiveController, 应设置yii\rest\ActiveController::modelClass 属性 为通过该控制器返回给用户的资源类名,该类必须继承yii\db\ActiveRecord.


yii\rest\ActiveController 默认提供一下动作:

所有这些动作通过yii\rest\ActiveController::actions() 方法申明,可覆盖actions()方法配置或禁用这些动作, 如下所示:

public function actions()
    $actions = parent::actions();

    // 禁用"delete" 和 "create" 动作
    unset($actions['delete'], $actions['create']);

    // 使用"prepareDataProvider()"方法自定义数据provider 
    $actions['index']['prepareDataProvider'] = [$this, 'prepareDataProvider'];

    return $actions;

public function prepareDataProvider()
    // 为"index"动作准备和返回数据provider



通过RESTful APIs显示数据时,经常需要检查当前用户是否有权限访问和操作所请求的资源, 在yii\rest\ActiveController中, 可覆盖yii\rest\ActiveController::checkAccess()方法来完成权限检查。

 * Checks the privilege of the current user.
 * This method should be overridden to check whether the current user has the privilege
 * to run the specified action against the specified data model.
 * If the user does not have access, a [[ForbiddenHttpException]] should be thrown.
 * @param string $action the ID of the action to be executed
 * @param \yii\base\Model $model the model to be accessed. If `null`, it means no specific model is being accessed.
 * @param array $params additional parameters
 * @throws ForbiddenHttpException if the user does not have access
public function checkAccess($action, $model = null, $params = [])
    // check if the user can access $action and $model
    // throw ForbiddenHttpException if access should be denied
    if ($action === 'update' || $action === 'delete') {
        if ($model->author_id !== \Yii::$app->user->id)
            throw new \yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException(sprintf('You can only %s articles that you\'ve created.', $action));

checkAccess() 方法默认会被yii\rest\ActiveController默认动作所调用,如果创建新的操作并想执行权限检查, 应在新的动作中明确调用该方法。

Tip: 可使用Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) 基于角色权限控制组件实现checkAccess()