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Data providers

Data provider abstracts data set via yii\data\DataProviderInterface and handles pagination and sorting. It can be used by grids, lists and other data widgets.

In Yii there are three built-in data providers: yii\data\ActiveDataProvider, yii\data\ArrayDataProvider and yii\data\SqlDataProvider.

Active data provider

ActiveDataProvider provides data by performing DB queries using \yii\db\Query and \yii\db\ActiveQuery.

The following is an example of using it to provide ActiveRecord instances:

$provider = new ActiveDataProvider([
	'query' => Post::find(),
	'pagination' => [
		'pageSize' => 20,

// get the posts in the current page
$posts = $provider->getModels();

And the following example shows how to use ActiveDataProvider without ActiveRecord:

$query = new Query();
$provider = new ActiveDataProvider([
	'query' => $query->from('tbl_post'),
	'pagination' => [
		'pageSize' => 20,

// get the posts in the current page
$posts = $provider->getModels();

Array data provider

ArrayDataProvider implements a data provider based on a data array.

The yii\data\ArrayDataProvider::$allModels property contains all data models that may be sorted and/or paginated. ArrayDataProvider will provide the data after sorting and/or pagination. You may configure the yii\data\ArrayDataProvider::$sort and yii\data\ArrayDataProvider::$pagination properties to customize the sorting and pagination behaviors.

Elements in the yii\data\ArrayDataProvider::$allModels array may be either objects (e.g. model objects) or associative arrays (e.g. query results of DAO). Make sure to set the yii\data\ArrayDataProvider::$key property to the name of the field that uniquely identifies a data record or false if you do not have such a field.

Compared to ActiveDataProvider, ArrayDataProvider could be less efficient because it needs to have yii\data\ArrayDataProvider::$allModels ready.

ArrayDataProvider may be used in the following way:

$query = new Query();
$provider = new ArrayDataProvider([
    'allModels' => $query->from('tbl_post')->all(),
    'sort' => [
        'attributes' => ['id', 'username', 'email'],
    'pagination' => [
        'pageSize' => 10,
// get the posts in the current page
$posts = $provider->getModels();

Note: if you want to use the sorting feature, you must configure the sort property so that the provider knows which columns can be sorted.

SQL data provider

SqlDataProvider implements a data provider based on a plain SQL statement. It provides data in terms of arrays, each representing a row of query result.

Like other data providers, SqlDataProvider also supports sorting and pagination. It does so by modifying the given yii\data\SqlDataProvider::$sql statement with "ORDER BY" and "LIMIT" clauses. You may configure the yii\data\SqlDataProvider::$sort and yii\data\SqlDataProvider::$pagination properties to customize sorting and pagination behaviors.

SqlDataProvider may be used in the following way:

$count = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_user WHERE status=:status
', [':status' => 1])->queryScalar();

$dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([
    'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM tbl_user WHERE status=:status',
    'params' => [':status' => 1],
    'totalCount' => $count,
    'sort' => [
        'attributes' => [
            'name' => [
                'asc' => ['first_name' => SORT_ASC, 'last_name' => SORT_ASC],
                'desc' => ['first_name' => SORT_DESC, 'last_name' => SORT_DESC],
                'default' => SORT_DESC,
                'label' => 'Name',
    'pagination' => [
        'pageSize' => 20,

// get the user records in the current page
$models = $dataProvider->getModels();

Note: if you want to use the pagination feature, you must configure the yii\data\SqlDataProvider::$totalCount property to be the total number of rows (without pagination). And if you want to use the sorting feature, you must configure the yii\data\SqlDataProvider::$sort property so that the provider knows which columns can be sorted.

Implementing your own custom data provider