Yii2 framework backup
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* Khmer initialisation for the jQuery calendar extension. */
/* Written by Chandara Om (chandara.teacher@gmail.com). */
$.datepicker.regional['km'] = {
closeText: 'ធច',
prevText: 'មន',
nextText: 'បន',
currentText: 'ថ',
monthNames: ['មករ','ក','ម','ម','ឧសភ','ម',
monthNamesShort: ['មករ','ក','ម','ម','ឧសភ','ម',
dayNames: ['អយ', 'ចនទ', 'អងរ', 'ពធ', 'ពរហសបត', 'សរ', 'ស'],
dayNamesShort: ['អ', 'ច', 'អ', 'ព', 'ពរហ', 'ស', 'ស'],
dayNamesMin: ['អ', 'ច', 'អ', 'ព', 'ពរហ', 'ស', 'ស'],
weekHeader: 'សប',
dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',
firstDay: 1,
isRTL: false,
showMonthAfterYear: false,
yearSuffix: ''};