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namespace yiiunit\framework\db\pgsql;
use yii\db\pgsql\ArrayParser;
use yiiunit\TestCase;
class ArrayParserTest extends TestCase
* @var ArrayParser
protected $arrayParser;
protected function setUp()
$this->arrayParser = new ArrayParser();
public function convertProvider()
return [
['{}', []],
['{,}', [null, null]],
['{,,}', [null, null, null]],
['{1,2,}', ['1','2',null]],
['{{},,1}', [[], null, '1']],
['{"{\"key\":\"value\"}",NULL,"NULL","{}"}', ['{"key":"value"}', null, "NULL", '{}']],
['{boo,",",,test', ['boo', ',', null, 'test']],
['{"string1","str\\\\in\\"g2","str,ing3"}', ['string1','str\\in"g2','str,ing3']],
['{{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}', [['1','2','3'], ['4','5','6'], ['7','8','9']]],
['{utf8€,👍}', ['utf8€', '👍']],
* @dataProvider convertProvider
public function testConvert($string, $expected)
$this->assertSame($expected, $this->arrayParser->parse($string));