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namespace yiiunit\framework\db\mysql\connection;
use yii\db\Connection;
use yii\db\Exception;
use yii\db\Transaction;
* @group db
* @group mysql
class DeadLockTest extends \yiiunit\framework\db\mysql\ConnectionTest
/** @var string Shared log filename for children */
private $logFile;
* Test deadlock exception
* Accident deadlock exception lost while rolling back a transaction or savepoint
* @link https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/12715
* @link https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/pull/13346
public function testDeadlockException()
if (!function_exists('pcntl_fork')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('pcntl_fork() is not available');
if (!function_exists('posix_kill')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('posix_kill() is not available');
// HHVM does not support this (?)
if (!function_exists('pcntl_sigtimedwait')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('pcntl_sigtimedwait() is not available');
$this->setLogFile(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/deadlock_' . posix_getpid());
try {
// to cause deadlock we do:
// 1. FIRST errornously forgot "FOR UPDATE" while read the row for next update.
// 2. SECOND does update the row and locks it exclusively.
// 3. FIRST tryes to update the row too, but it already has shared lock. Here comes deadlock.
// FIRST child will send the signal to the SECOND child.
// So, SECOND child should be forked at first to obtain its PID.
$pidSecond = pcntl_fork();
if (-1 === $pidSecond) {
$this->markTestIncomplete('cannot fork');
if (0 === $pidSecond) {
// SECOND child
$pidFirst = pcntl_fork();
if (-1 === $pidFirst) {
$this->markTestIncomplete('cannot fork second child');
if (0 === $pidFirst) {
// FIRST child
// nothing to do
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// wait all children
while (-1 !== pcntl_wait($status)) {
// nothing to do
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// wait all children
while (-1 !== pcntl_wait($status)) {
// nothing to do
throw $e;
// wait all children
// all must exit with success
$errors = [];
$deadlockHitCount = 0;
while (-1 !== pcntl_wait($status)) {
if (!pcntl_wifexited($status)) {
$errors[] = 'child did not exit itself';
} else {
$exitStatus = pcntl_wexitstatus($status);
if (self::CHILD_EXIT_CODE_DEADLOCK === $exitStatus) {
} elseif (0 !== $exitStatus) {
$errors[] = 'child exited with error status';
$logContent = $this->getLogContentAndDelete();
if ($errors) {
join('; ', $errors)
. ($logContent ? ". Shared children log:\n$logContent" : '')
$this->assertEquals(1, $deadlockHitCount, "exactly one child must hit deadlock; shared children log:\n" . $logContent);
* Main body of first child process.
* First child initializes test row and runs two nested [[Connection::transaction()]]
* to perform following operations:
* 1. `SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE` the test row with shared lock instead of needed exclusive lock.
* 2. Send signal to SECOND child identified by PID [[$pidSecond]].
* 3. Waits few seconds.
* 4. `UPDATE` the test row.
* @param int $pidSecond
* @return int Exit code. In case of deadlock exit code is [[CHILD_EXIT_CODE_DEADLOCK]].
* In case of success exit code is 0. Other codes means an error.
private function childrenSelectAndAccidentUpdate($pidSecond)
try {
$this->log("child 1: connect");
/** @var Connection $first */
$first = $this->getConnection(false, false);
$this->log("child 1: delete");
->delete('{{customer}}', ['id' => 97])
$this->log("child 1: insert");
// insert test row
->insert('{{customer}}', [
'id' => 97,
'email' => 'deadlock@example.com',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
$this->log("child 1: transaction");
$first->transaction(function (Connection $first) use ($pidSecond) {
$first->transaction(function (Connection $first) use ($pidSecond) {
$this->log("child 1: select");
// SELECT with shared lock
$first->createCommand("SELECT id FROM {{customer}} WHERE id = 97 LOCK IN SHARE MODE")
$this->log("child 1: send signal to child 2");
// let child to continue
if (!posix_kill($pidSecond, SIGUSR1)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot send signal');
// now child 2 tries to do the 2nd update, and hits the lock and waits
// delay to let child hit the lock
$this->log("child 1: update");
// now do the 3rd update for deadlock
->update('{{customer}}', ['name' => 'first'], ['id' => 97])
$this->log("child 1: commit");
}, Transaction::REPEATABLE_READ);
} catch (Exception $e) {
list ($sqlError, $driverError, $driverMessage) = $e->errorInfo;
// Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
if ('40001' === $sqlError && 1213 === $driverError) {
$this->log("child 1: ! sql error $sqlError: $driverError: $driverMessage");
return 1;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->log("child 1: ! exit <<" . get_class($e) . " #" . $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . ">>");
return 1;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->log("child 1: ! exit <<" . get_class($e) . " #" . $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . ">>");
return 1;
$this->log("child 1: exit");
return 0;
* Main body of second child process.
* Second child at first will wait the signal from the first child in some seconds.
* After receiving the signal it runs two nested [[Connection::transaction()]]
* to perform `UPDATE` with the test row.
* @return int Exit code. In case of deadlock exit code is [[CHILD_EXIT_CODE_DEADLOCK]].
* In case of success exit code is 0. Other codes means an error.
private function childrenUpdateLocked()
// install no-op signal handler to prevent termination
if (!pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, function () {}, false)) {
$this->log("child 2: cannot install signal handler");
return 1;
try {
// at first, parent should do 1st select
$this->log("child 2: wait signal from child 1");
if (pcntl_sigtimedwait([SIGUSR1], $info, 10) <= 0) {
$this->log("child 2: wait timeout exceeded");
return 1;
$this->log("child 2: connect");
/** @var Connection $second */
$second = $this->getConnection(true, false);
$this->log("child 2: transaction");
$second->transaction(function (Connection $second) {
$second->transaction(function (Connection $second) {
$this->log("child 2: update");
// do the 2nd update
->update('{{customer}}', ['name' => 'second'], ['id' => 97])
$this->log("child 2: commit");
}, Transaction::REPEATABLE_READ);
} catch (Exception $e) {
list ($sqlError, $driverError, $driverMessage) = $e->errorInfo;
// Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
if ('40001' === $sqlError && 1213 === $driverError) {
$this->log("child 2: ! sql error $sqlError: $driverError: $driverMessage");
return 1;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->log("child 2: ! exit <<" . get_class($e) . " #" . $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . ">>");
return 1;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->log("child 2: ! exit <<" . get_class($e) . " #" . $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . ">>");
return 1;
$this->log("child 2: exit");
return 0;
* Set own error handler.
* In case of error in child process its execution bubbles up to phpunit to continue
* all the rest tests. So, all the rest tests in this case will run both in the child
* and parent processes. Such mess must be prevented with child's own error handler.
private function setErrorHandler()
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7', '<')) {
set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
throw new \ErrorException($errstr, $errno, $errno, $errfile, $errline);
* Sets filename for log file shared between children processes
* @param string $filename
private function setLogFile($filename)
$this->logFile = $filename;
* Deletes shared log file.
* Deletes the file [[logFile]] if it exists.
private function deleteLog()
if (null !== $this->logFile && is_file($this->logFile)) {
* Reads shared log content and deletes the log file.
* Reads content of log file [[logFile]] and returns it deleting the file.
* @return string|null String content of the file [[logFile]]. `false` is returned
* when file cannot be read. `null` is returned when file does not exist
* or [[logFile]] is not set.
private function getLogContentAndDelete()
if (null !== $this->logFile && is_file($this->logFile)) {
$content = file_get_contents($this->logFile);
return $content;
return null;
* Append message to shared log.
* @param string $message Message to append to the log. The message will be prepended
* with timestamp and appended with new line.
private function log($message)
if (null !== $this->logFile) {
$time = microtime(true);
$timeInt = floor($time);
$timeFrac = $time - $timeInt;
$timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timeInt) . '.' . round($timeFrac * 1000);
file_put_contents($this->logFile, "[$timestamp] $message\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);