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使用 Yii 作为微框架

Yii 可以轻松使用,而不需要基本和高级模板中包含的功能。换句话说,Yii 已经是一个微框架。不需要由模板提供的目录结构与 Yii 一起工作。

当你不需要像 assets 或视图一样的所有预定义模板代码时,这一点特别方便。 其中一种情况是构建 JSON API。 在下面的部分将展示如何做到这一点。

安装 Yii

为您的项目创建一个目录并将工作目录更改为该路径。示例中使用的命令是基于 Unix 的,但在 Windows 中也存在类似的命令。

mkdir micro-app
cd micro-app

Note: A little bit of Composer knowledge is required to continue. If you don't know how to use composer yet, please take time to read Composer Guide.

使用您最喜爱的编辑器在 micro-app 目录下创建 composer.json 文件并添加以下内容:

    "require": {
        "yiisoft/yii2": "~2.0.0"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": "https://asset-packagist.org"

保存文件并运行 composer install 命令。这将安装框架及其所有依赖项。


安装框架之后,需要为此应用程序创建一个 入口点。入口点是您尝试打开应用程序时将执行的第一个文件。 出于安全原因,建议将入口点文件放在一个单独的目录中,并将其设置为Web根目录。

创建一个 web 目录并将 index.php 放入其中,内容如下:


// comment out the following two lines when deployed to production
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'dev');

require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php');

$config = require __DIR__ . '/../config.php';
(new yii\web\Application($config))->run();

还要创建一个名为 config.php 的文件,它将包含所有的应用程序配置:

return [
    'id' => 'micro-app',
    // the basePath of the application will be the `micro-app` directory
    'basePath' => __DIR__,
    // this is where the application will find all controllers
    'controllerNamespace' => 'micro\controllers',
    // set an alias to enable autoloading of classes from the 'micro' namespace
    'aliases' => [
        '@micro' => __DIR__,

Info: Even though the configuration could be kept in the index.php file it is recommended to have it separately. This way it can be used for console application also as it is shown below.



创建一个 controllers 目录并添加一个文件 SiteController.php,这是默认的 控制器将处理没有路径信息的请求。


namespace micro\controllers;

use yii\web\Controller;

class SiteController extends Controller
    public function actionIndex()
        return 'Hello World!';

如果您想为此控制器使用不同的名称,则可以配置 yii\base\Application::$defaultRoute 进行更改。 例如,对于 DefaultController 将会是 'defaultRoute' => 'default/index'


├── composer.json
├── config.php
├── web/
    └── index.php
└── controllers/
    └── SiteController.php

If you have not set up the web server yet, you may want to take a look at web server configuration file examples. Another options is to use the yii serve command which will use the PHP build-in web server. You can run it from the micro-app/ directory via:

vendor/bin/yii serve --docroot=./web

Opening the application URL in a browser should now print "Hello World!" which has been returned in the SiteController::actionIndex().

Info: In our example, we have changed default application namespace app to micro to demonstrate that you are not tied to that name (in case you thought you were), then adjusted yii\base\Application::$controllerNamespace and set the correct alias.


为了演示我们的“微框架”的用法,我们将为 posts 创建一个简单的 REST API。

为了这个 API 来操作一些数据,我们首先需要一个数据库。 添加数据库连接配置 到应用程序配置:

'components' => [
    'db' => [
        'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
        'dsn' => 'sqlite:@micro/database.sqlite',

Info: We use an sqlite database here for simplicity. Please refer to the Database guide for more options.

Next we create a database migration to create a post table. Make sure you have a separate configuration file as explained above, we need it to run the console commands below. Running the following commands will create a database migration file and apply the migration to the database:

vendor/bin/yii migrate/create --appconfig=config.php create_post_table --fields="title:string,body:text"
vendor/bin/yii migrate/up --appconfig=config.php

Create directory models and a Post.php file in that directory. This is the code for the model:


namespace micro\models;

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

class Post extends ActiveRecord
    public static function tableName()
        return '{{post}}';

Info: The model created here is an ActiveRecord class, which represents the data from the post table. Please refer to the active record guide for more information.

我们要通过 API 发布帖子,请在 controllers 中添加 PostController


namespace micro\controllers;

use yii\rest\ActiveController;

class PostController extends ActiveController
    public $modelClass = 'micro\models\Post';

    public function behaviors()
        // remove rateLimiter which requires an authenticated user to work
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
        return $behaviors;

此时我们的 API 将提供以下 URL :

  • /index.php?r=post - list all posts
  • /index.php?r=post/view&id=1 - show post with ID 1
  • /index.php?r=post/create - create a post
  • /index.php?r=post/update&id=1 - update post with ID 1
  • /index.php?r=post/delete&id=1 - delete post with ID 1


  • The API currently only understands urlencoded form data as input, to make it a real JSON API, you need to configure yii\web\JsonParser.
  • 为了使 URL 更加友好,您需要配置路由。 请参阅 关于REST路由的指南 了解如何执行此操作。
  • 请参阅 预览 部分获取更多参考。