Yii2 framework backup
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* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yiiunit\framework\db\pgsql;
use yii\db\Schema;
* @group db
* @group pgsql
class QueryBuilderTest extends \yiiunit\framework\db\QueryBuilderTest
public $driverName = 'pgsql';
public function columnTypes()
return array_merge(parent::columnTypes(), [
Schema::TYPE_CHAR . ' CHECK (value LIKE \'test%\')',
$this->char()->check('value LIKE \'test%\''),
'char(1) CHECK (value LIKE \'test%\')',
Schema::TYPE_CHAR . '(6) CHECK (value LIKE \'test%\')',
$this->char(6)->check('value LIKE \'test%\''),
'char(6) CHECK (value LIKE \'test%\')',
Schema::TYPE_CHAR . '(6)',
Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . '(8)',
Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP . '(4)',
public function conditionProvider()
return array_merge(parent::conditionProvider(), [
// adding conditions for ILIKE i.e. case insensitive LIKE
// http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/functions-matching.html#FUNCTIONS-LIKE
// empty values
[['ilike', 'name', []], '0=1', []],
[['not ilike', 'name', []], '', []],
[['or ilike', 'name', []], '0=1', []],
[['or not ilike', 'name', []], '', []],
// simple ilike
[['ilike', 'name', 'heyho'], '"name" ILIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%heyho%']],
[['not ilike', 'name', 'heyho'], '"name" NOT ILIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%heyho%']],
[['or ilike', 'name', 'heyho'], '"name" ILIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%heyho%']],
[['or not ilike', 'name', 'heyho'], '"name" NOT ILIKE :qp0', [':qp0' => '%heyho%']],
// ilike for many values
[['ilike', 'name', ['heyho', 'abc']], '"name" ILIKE :qp0 AND "name" ILIKE :qp1', [':qp0' => '%heyho%', ':qp1' => '%abc%']],
[['not ilike', 'name', ['heyho', 'abc']], '"name" NOT ILIKE :qp0 AND "name" NOT ILIKE :qp1', [':qp0' => '%heyho%', ':qp1' => '%abc%']],
[['or ilike', 'name', ['heyho', 'abc']], '"name" ILIKE :qp0 OR "name" ILIKE :qp1', [':qp0' => '%heyho%', ':qp1' => '%abc%']],
[['or not ilike', 'name', ['heyho', 'abc']], '"name" NOT ILIKE :qp0 OR "name" NOT ILIKE :qp1', [':qp0' => '%heyho%', ':qp1' => '%abc%']],
public function testAlterColumn()
$qb = $this->getQueryBuilder();
$expected = 'ALTER TABLE "foo1" ALTER COLUMN "bar" TYPE varchar(255)';
$sql = $qb->alterColumn('foo1', 'bar', 'varchar(255)');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $sql);
$expected = 'ALTER TABLE "foo1" ALTER COLUMN "bar" SET NOT null';
$sql = $qb->alterColumn('foo1', 'bar', 'SET NOT null');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $sql);
$expected = 'ALTER TABLE "foo1" ALTER COLUMN "bar" drop default';
$sql = $qb->alterColumn('foo1', 'bar', 'drop default');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $sql);
$expected = 'ALTER TABLE "foo1" ALTER COLUMN "bar" reset xyz';
$sql = $qb->alterColumn('foo1', 'bar', 'reset xyz');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $sql);
public function indexesProvider()
$result = parent::indexesProvider();
$result['drop'][0] = 'DROP INDEX [[CN_constraints_2_single]]';
return $result;
public function defaultValuesProvider()
$this->markTestSkipped('Adding/dropping default constraints is not supported in PostgreSQL.');
public function testCommentColumn()
$qb = $this->getQueryBuilder();
$expected = "COMMENT ON COLUMN [[comment]].[[text]] IS 'This is my column.'";
$sql = $qb->addCommentOnColumn('comment', 'text', 'This is my column.');
$this->assertEquals($this->replaceQuotes($expected), $sql);
$expected = 'COMMENT ON COLUMN [[comment]].[[text]] IS NULL';
$sql = $qb->dropCommentFromColumn('comment', 'text');
$this->assertEquals($this->replaceQuotes($expected), $sql);
public function testCommentTable()
$qb = $this->getQueryBuilder();
$expected = "COMMENT ON TABLE [[comment]] IS 'This is my table.'";
$sql = $qb->addCommentOnTable('comment', 'This is my table.');
$this->assertEquals($this->replaceQuotes($expected), $sql);
$expected = 'COMMENT ON TABLE [[comment]] IS NULL';
$sql = $qb->dropCommentFromTable('comment');
$this->assertEquals($this->replaceQuotes($expected), $sql);
public function batchInsertProvider()
$data = parent::batchInsertProvider();
$data['escape-danger-chars']['expected'] = "INSERT INTO \"customer\" (\"address\") VALUES ('SQL-danger chars are escaped: ''); --')";
$data['bool-false, bool2-null']['expected'] = 'INSERT INTO "type" ("bool_col", "bool_col2") VALUES (FALSE, NULL)';
$data['bool-false, time-now()']['expected'] = 'INSERT INTO {{%type}} ({{%type}}.[[bool_col]], [[time]]) VALUES (FALSE, now())';
return $data;
public function testResetSequence()
$qb = $this->getQueryBuilder();
$expected = "SELECT SETVAL('\"item_id_seq\"',(SELECT COALESCE(MAX(\"id\"),0) FROM \"item\")+1,false)";
$sql = $qb->resetSequence('item');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $sql);
$expected = "SELECT SETVAL('\"item_id_seq\"',4,false)";
$sql = $qb->resetSequence('item', 4);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $sql);