Yii2 framework backup
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
935 B

#!/bin/sh -e
if (php --version | grep -i HipHop > /dev/null); then
echo "skipping application setup on HHVM"
# basic application:
composer install --dev --prefer-dist -d apps/basic
cd apps/basic && sed -i "s/'cookieValidationKey' => ''/'cookieValidationKey' => 'testkey'/" config/web.php
cd tests && codecept build && cd ../../..
# advanced application:
composer install --dev --prefer-dist -d apps/advanced
cd apps/advanced && ./init --env=Development
sed -i s/root/travis/ common/config/main-local.php
sed -i "s/'cookieValidationKey' => ''/'cookieValidationKey' => 'testkey'/" frontend/config/main.php
sed -i "s/'cookieValidationKey' => ''/'cookieValidationKey' => 'testkey'/" backend/config/main.php
cd tests/codeception/backend && codecept build
cd ../common && codecept build
cd ../console && codecept build
cd ../frontend && codecept build
cd ../../../