Yii2 framework backup
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* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\apidoc\models;
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\FileReflector;
use yii\base\Component;
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc>
* @since 2.0
class Context extends Component
* @var array list of php files that have been added to this context.
public $files = [];
* @var ClassDoc[]
public $classes = [];
* @var InterfaceDoc[]
public $interfaces = [];
* @var TraitDoc[]
public $traits = [];
public $errors = [];
public function getType($type)
$type = ltrim($type, '\\');
if (isset($this->classes[$type])) {
return $this->classes[$type];
} elseif (isset($this->interfaces[$type])) {
return $this->interfaces[$type];
} elseif (isset($this->traits[$type])) {
return $this->traits[$type];
return null;
public function addFile($fileName)
$this->files[$fileName] = sha1_file($fileName);
$reflection = new FileReflector($fileName, true);
foreach ($reflection->getClasses() as $class) {
$class = new ClassDoc($class, $this, ['sourceFile' => $fileName]);
$this->classes[$class->name] = $class;
foreach ($reflection->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
$interface = new InterfaceDoc($interface, $this, ['sourceFile' => $fileName]);
$this->interfaces[$interface->name] = $interface;
foreach ($reflection->getTraits() as $trait) {
$trait = new TraitDoc($trait, $this, ['sourceFile' => $fileName]);
$this->traits[$trait->name] = $trait;
public function updateReferences()
// update all subclass references
foreach ($this->classes as $class) {
$className = $class->name;
while (isset($this->classes[$class->parentClass])) {
$class = $this->classes[$class->parentClass];
$class->subclasses[] = $className;
// update interfaces of subclasses
foreach ($this->classes as $class) {
// update implementedBy and usedBy for interfaces and traits
foreach ($this->classes as $class) {
foreach ($class->traits as $trait) {
if (isset($this->traits[$trait])) {
$trait = $this->traits[$trait];
$trait->usedBy[] = $class->name;
$class->properties = array_merge($trait->properties, $class->properties);
$class->methods = array_merge($trait->methods, $class->methods);
foreach ($class->interfaces as $interface) {
if (isset($this->interfaces[$interface])) {
$this->interfaces[$interface]->implementedBy[] = $class->name;
if ($class->isAbstract) {
// add not implemented interface methods
foreach ($this->interfaces[$interface]->methods as $method) {
if (!isset($class->methods[$method->name])) {
$class->methods[$method->name] = $method;
// inherit docs
foreach ($this->classes as $class) {
// inherit properties, methods, contants and events to subclasses
foreach ($this->classes as $class) {
// add properties from getters and setters
foreach ($this->classes as $class) {
// TODO reference exceptions to methods where they are thrown
* Add implemented interfaces and used traits to subclasses
* @param ClassDoc $class
protected function updateSubclassInterfacesTraits($class)
foreach ($class->subclasses as $subclass) {
$subclass = $this->classes[$subclass];
$subclass->interfaces = array_unique(array_merge($subclass->interfaces, $class->interfaces));
$subclass->traits = array_unique(array_merge($subclass->traits, $class->traits));
* Add implemented interfaces and used traits to subclasses
* @param ClassDoc $class
protected function updateSubclassInheritance($class)
foreach ($class->subclasses as $subclass) {
$subclass = $this->classes[$subclass];
$subclass->events = array_merge($class->events, $subclass->events);
$subclass->constants = array_merge($class->constants, $subclass->constants);
$subclass->properties = array_merge($class->properties, $subclass->properties);
$subclass->methods = array_merge($class->methods, $subclass->methods);
* Inhertit docsblocks using `@inheritDoc` tag.
* @param ClassDoc $class
* @see http://phpdoc.org/docs/latest/guides/inheritance.html
protected function inheritDocs($class)
// TODO also for properties?
foreach ($class->methods as $m) {
if ($m->hasTag('inheritdoc')) {
$inheritedMethod = $this->inheritMethodRecursive($m, $class);
if (!$inheritedMethod) {
$this->errors[] = [
'line' => $m->startLine,
'file' => $class->sourceFile,
'message' => "Method {$m->name} has no parent to inherit from in {$class->name}.",
foreach (['shortDescription', 'description', 'return', 'returnType', 'returnTypes', 'exceptions'] as $property) {
// set all properties that are empty. descriptions will be concatenated.
if (empty($m->$property) || is_string($m->$property) && trim($m->$property) === '') {
$m->$property = $inheritedMethod->$property;
} elseif ($property == 'description') {
$m->$property = rtrim($m->$property) . "\n\n" . ltrim($inheritedMethod->$property);
foreach ($m->params as $i => $param) {
if (!isset($inheritedMethod->params[$i])) {
$this->errors[] = [
'line' => $m->startLine,
'file' => $class->sourceFile,
'message' => "Method param $i does not exist in parent method, @inheritdoc not possible in {$m->name} in {$class->name}.",
if (empty($param->description) || trim($param->description) === '') {
$param->description = $inheritedMethod->params[$i]->description;
if (empty($param->type) || trim($param->type) === '') {
$param->type = $inheritedMethod->params[$i]->type;
if (empty($param->types)) {
$param->types = $inheritedMethod->params[$i]->types;
* @param MethodDoc $method
* @param ClassDoc $parent
private function inheritMethodRecursive($method, $class)
$inheritanceCandidates = array_merge(
$methods = [];
foreach($inheritanceCandidates as $candidate) {
if (isset($candidate->methods[$method->name])) {
$cmethod = $candidate->methods[$method->name];
if ($cmethod->hasTag('inheritdoc')) {
$methods[] = $cmethod;
return reset($methods);
* @param ClassDoc $class
* @return array
private function getParents($class)
if ($class->parentClass === null || !isset($this->classes[$class->parentClass])) {
return [];
return array_merge([$this->classes[$class->parentClass]], $this->getParents($this->classes[$class->parentClass]));
* @param ClassDoc $class
* @return array
private function getInterfaces($class)
$interfaces = [];
foreach($class->interfaces as $interface) {
if (isset($this->interfaces[$interface])) {
$interfaces[] = $this->interfaces[$interface];
return $interfaces;
* Add properties for getters and setters if class is subclass of [[\yii\base\Object]].
* @param ClassDoc $class
protected function handlePropertyFeature($class)
if (!$this->isSubclassOf($class, 'yii\base\Object')) {
foreach ($class->getPublicMethods() as $name => $method) {
if ($method->isStatic) {
if (!strncmp($name, 'get', 3) && strlen($name) > 3 && $this->hasNonOptionalParams($method)) {
$propertyName = '$' . lcfirst(substr($method->name, 3));
if (isset($class->properties[$propertyName])) {
$property = $class->properties[$propertyName];
if ($property->getter === null && $property->setter === null) {
$this->errors[] = [
'line' => $property->startLine,
'file' => $class->sourceFile,
'message' => "Property $propertyName conflicts with a defined getter {$method->name} in {$class->name}.",
$property->getter = $method;
} else {
$class->properties[$propertyName] = new PropertyDoc(null, $this, [
'name' => $propertyName,
'definedBy' => $class->name,
'sourceFile' => $class->sourceFile,
'visibility' => 'public',
'isStatic' => false,
'type' => $method->returnType,
'types' => $method->returnTypes,
'shortDescription' => BaseDoc::extractFirstSentence($method->return),
'description' => $method->return,
'getter' => $method
// TODO set default value
if (!strncmp($name, 'set', 3) && strlen($name) > 3 && $this->hasNonOptionalParams($method, 1)) {
$propertyName = '$' . lcfirst(substr($method->name, 3));
if (isset($class->properties[$propertyName])) {
$property = $class->properties[$propertyName];
if ($property->getter === null && $property->setter === null) {
$this->errors[] = [
'line' => $property->startLine,
'file' => $class->sourceFile,
'message' => "Property $propertyName conflicts with a defined setter {$method->name} in {$class->name}.",
$property->setter = $method;
} else {
$param = $this->getFirstNotOptionalParameter($method);
$class->properties[$propertyName] = new PropertyDoc(null, $this, [
'name' => $propertyName,
'definedBy' => $class->name,
'sourceFile' => $class->sourceFile,
'visibility' => 'public',
'isStatic' => false,
'type' => $param->type,
'types' => $param->types,
'shortDescription' => BaseDoc::extractFirstSentence($param->description),
'description' => $param->description,
'setter' => $method
* Check whether a method has `$number` non-optional parameters.
* @param MethodDoc $method
* @param integer $number number of not optional parameters
* @return bool
private function hasNonOptionalParams($method, $number = 0)
$count = 0;
foreach ($method->params as $param) {
if (!$param->isOptional) {
return $count == $number;
* @param MethodDoc $method
* @return ParamDoc
private function getFirstNotOptionalParameter($method)
foreach ($method->params as $param) {
if (!$param->isOptional) {
return $param;
return null;
* @param ClassDoc $classA
* @param ClassDoc|string $classB
* @return boolean
protected function isSubclassOf($classA, $classB)
if (is_object($classB)) {
$classB = $classB->name;
if ($classA->name == $classB) {
return true;
while ($classA->parentClass !== null && isset($this->classes[$classA->parentClass])) {
$classA = $this->classes[$classA->parentClass];
if ($classA->name == $classB) {
return true;
return false;