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7 years ago
use yii\db\Migration;
* Class m180107_204310_add_user_roles
class m180107_204310_add_user_roles extends Migration
public function safeUp()
$this->batchInsert('{{%auth_items}}', ['type', 'name', 'description'], [
[1, 'user', 'User'],
[1, 'admin', 'Admin'],
$this->batchInsert('{{%auth_item_children}}', ['parent', 'child'], [
['admin', 'user'],
$this->execute('INSERT INTO {{%auth_assignments}} (item_name, user_id) SELECT \'user\', FROM {{%users}} u ORDER BY');
public function down()
$this->delete('{{%auth_items}}', ['name' => ['user', 'admin']]);