You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Created by Error202
* Date: 09.07.2018
namespace core\entities\menu;
use core\behaviors\LanguageBehavior;
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
use yii\helpers\Json;
use yii\helpers\Url;
* Class MenuItem
* @package core\entities\menu
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $menu_id
* @property integer $parent_id
* @property string $name
* @property string $title_attr
* @property string $target
* @property string $css
* @property string $style
* @property string $module
* @property string $url
* @property string $url_params
* @property integer $sort
* @method ActiveRecord findTranslation(string $language)
* @method void saveTranslations($translations)
* @property ActiveRecord[] translations
* @property ActiveRecord[] translation
* @property MenuItem $parent
* @property MenuItem[] $children
* @property Menu $menu
class MenuItem extends ActiveRecord
public $_form;
public static function create($form, $menu_id, $parent_id, $target, $css, $style, $module, $url, $url_params): self
$menu = new static();
$menu->menu_id = $menu_id;
$menu->parent_id = $parent_id;
$menu->target = $target;
$menu->css = $css;
$menu->style = $style;
$menu->module = $module;
$menu->url = $url;
$menu->url_params = $url_params;
$menu->_form = $form;
return $menu;
public function edit($form, $menu_id, $parent_id, $target, $css, $style, $module, $url, $url_params): void
$this->menu_id = $menu_id;
$this->parent_id = $parent_id;
$this->target = $target;
$this->css = $css;
$this->style = $style;
$this->module = $module;
$this->url = $url;
$this->_form = $form;
$this->url_params = $url_params;
public static function tableName(): string
return '{{%menu_items}}';
/*public function behaviors()
return [
'class' => SortableBehavior::class,
'query' => ['menu_id'],
public function beforeSave( $insert ) {
if (parent::beforeSave($insert)) {
if (!isset($this->sort)) {
$count = MenuItem::find()
->andWhere( [ 'menu_id' => $this->menu_id ] )
->andWhere( [ 'parent_id' => $this->parent_id ] )
$this->sort = $count;
return true;
return false;
public function beforeDelete(){
foreach($this->children as $child) {
return parent::beforeDelete();
public function getUrl(): string
$params = $this->url_params ? Json::decode($this->url_params, true) : [];
return Url::to(array_merge([$this->url], $params));
public function isActive(): bool
return \Yii::$app->request->getUrl() == $this->getUrl();
public function getChildren()
return $this->hasMany(MenuItem::class, ['parent_id' => 'id'])->orderBy(['sort' => SORT_ASC]);
public function hasChildren(): bool
return $this->hasMany(MenuItem::class, ['parent_id' => 'id'])->orderBy(['sort' => SORT_ASC])->count() > 0 ? true : false;
public function getParent()
return $this->hasOne(MenuItem::class, ['id' => 'parent_id']);
public function getMenu()
return $this->hasOne(Menu::class, ['id' => 'menu_id']);
public function behaviors()
return [
'class' => LanguageBehavior::class,
'virtualClassName' => 'MenuItemVirtualTranslate',
'translatedLanguages' => \Yii::$app->params['translatedLanguages'],
'relativeField' => 'menu_item_id',
'tableName' => "{{%menu_items_lng}}",
'attributes' => ['name', 'title_attr'],
'defaultLanguage' => \Yii::$app->params['defaultLanguage'],