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Installer fix modules activating

Egorka 7 years ago
  1. 12
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  3. 674
  4. 156
  5. 141
  6. 13


@ -13,8 +13,16 @@ use yii\filters\VerbFilter;
use yii\filters\AccessControl;
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException;
* Modules Management
* Class ModuleController
* @package backend\controllers
class ModuleController extends Controller
* @var ModuleService Modules management service
private $_service;
public function __construct(string $id, $module, ModuleService $service, array $config = [])
@ -51,6 +59,10 @@ class ModuleController extends Controller
* List of modules
* @return string
public function actionList()
$modules = \Yii::$app->moduleManager->getModules();


@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ class ModuleController extends Controller
* First modules initialization
public function actionInit() : void
* Activate module and apply it migration if needed
* @param $name


@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
namespace core\behaviors;
use core\components\language\LanguageVirtualAbstract;
use yii\base\Behavior;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
@ -13,235 +14,234 @@ use yii\db\ActiveQuery;
class LanguageBehavior extends Behavior
* Attributes for translate, ex.: ['name', 'content']
* @var array
public $attributes;
* Class name for language active record entity
* @var string
public $virtualClassName = 'VirtualTranslate';
* Field name for language in translate table
* @var string
public $languageField = 'language';
* Field name for tables relative, ex.: 'post_id'
* @var string
public $relativeField;
* Available languages, ex.: ['en', 'ru']
* @var array
public $translatedLanguages;
* Default language, ex.: 'en'
* @var string
public $defaultLanguage;
* Translate table name, ex.: 'post_lng'
* @var string
public $tableName;
* Abridge the language ID.
* @var boolean whether to abridge the language ID.
public $abridge = true;
* Delete relative if foreign key not set on delete: cascade
* @var bool
public $forceDelete = false;
private $ownerClassName;
private $ownerClassShortName;
private $ownerPrimaryKey;
private $languageAttributes = [];
* Control events firing
* @return array
public function events()
return [
ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_FIND => 'afterFind',
ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE => 'afterUpdate',
ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT => 'afterInsert',
ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE => 'afterDelete',
//ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE => 'beforeValidate',
public function attach( $owner ) {
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
if (empty($this->translatedLanguages) || !is_array($this->translatedLanguages)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify array of available languages for the ' . get_class($this) . ' in the '
. get_class($this->owner) . ' or in the application parameters', 101);
if (array_values($this->translatedLanguages) !== $this->translatedLanguages) { //associative array
$this->translatedLanguages = array_keys($this->translatedLanguages);
if (!$this->defaultLanguage) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify default language for the ' . get_class($this));
if (empty($this->attributes) || !is_array($this->attributes)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify translated attributes for the ' . get_class($this) . ' in the '
. get_class($this->owner), 103);
$this->ownerClassName = get_class($this->owner);
$this->ownerClassShortName = $this->getShortClassName($this->ownerClassName);
/** @var ActiveRecord $className */
$className = $this->ownerClassName;
$this->ownerPrimaryKey = $className::primaryKey()[0];
if (!isset($this->relativeField)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify relativeField for the ' . get_class($this) . ' in the '
. get_class($this->owner), 105);
//$rules = $owner->rules();
//$validators = $owner->getValidators();
/*foreach ($rules as $rule) {
if (in_array($rule[1], $this->excludedValidators))
$rule_attributes = is_array($rule[0]) ? $rule[0] : [$rule[0]];
$attributes = array_intersect($this->attributes, $rule_attributes);
if (empty($attributes))
$rule_attributes = [];
foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) {
foreach ($this->languages as $language)
if ($language != $this->defaultLanguage)
$rule_attributes[] = $this->getAttributeName($attribute, $language);
if (isset($rule['skipOnEmpty']) && !$rule['skipOnEmpty'])
$rule['skipOnEmpty'] = !$this->requireTranslations;
$params = array_slice($rule, 2);
if ($rule[1] !== 'required' || $this->requireTranslations) {
$validators[] = Validator::createValidator($rule[1], $owner, $rule_attributes, $params);
} elseif ($rule[1] === 'required') {
$validators[] = Validator::createValidator('safe', $owner, $rule_attributes, $params);
$translation = new $this->virtualClassName;
foreach ($this->translatedLanguages as $language) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
$attributeName = $attribute;
$this->setLanguageAttribute($attribute . '_' . $language, $translation->{$attributeName});
//$this->owner->__set($attribute . '_' . $language, $translation->{$attributeName});
//$this->owner->{$attribute . '_' . $language} = $translation->{$attributeName};
//$this->owner->createProperty($attribute . '_' . $language, $translation->{$attributeName});
if ($language == $this->defaultLanguage) {
$this->setLanguageAttribute($attribute, $translation->{$attributeName});
//$this->owner->__set($attribute, $translation->{$attributeName});
* Insert event
public function afterInsert()
* Update event
public function afterUpdate()
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
//if ($owner->isRelationPopulated('translations')) {
if ($translationRecords = $owner->translations) {
$translations = $this->indexByLanguage($owner->getRelatedRecords()['translations']);
//$translations = $this->indexByLanguage($translationRecords);
* Find event
public function afterFind()
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
if ($owner->isRelationPopulated('translations') && $related = $owner->getRelatedRecords()['translations']) {
$translations = $this->indexByLanguage($related);
foreach ($this->translatedLanguages as $language) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
foreach ($translations as $translation) {
if ($translation->{$this->languageField} == $language) {
$attributeName = $attribute;
$this->setLanguageAttribute($attribute . '_' . $language, $translation->{$attributeName});
if ($language == $this->defaultLanguage) {
$this->setLanguageAttribute($attribute, $translation->{$attributeName});
} else {
if (!$owner->isRelationPopulated('translation')) {
$translation = $owner->getRelatedRecords()['translation'];
if ($translation) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
$attribute_name = $attribute;
$owner->setLanguageAttribute($attribute, $translation->$attribute_name);
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
if ($owner->hasAttribute($attribute) && $this->getLangAttribute($attribute)) {
$owner->setAttribute($attribute, $this->getLangAttribute($attribute));
public function afterDelete()
if ($this->forceDelete) {
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
$owner->unlinkAll('translations', true);
public function createLanguageClass()
if (!class_exists($this->virtualClassName, false)) {
* Attributes for translate, ex.: ['name', 'content']
* @var array
public $attributes;
* Class name for language active record entity
* @var string
public $virtualClassName = 'VirtualTranslate';
* Field name for language in translate table
* @var string
public $languageField = 'language';
* Field name for tables relative, ex.: 'post_id'
* @var string
public $relativeField;
* Available languages, ex.: ['en', 'ru']
* @var array
public $translatedLanguages;
* Default language, ex.: 'en'
* @var string
public $defaultLanguage;
* Translate table name, ex.: 'post_lng'
* @var string
public $tableName;
* Abridge the language ID.
* @var boolean whether to abridge the language ID.
public $abridge = true;
* Delete relative if foreign key not set on delete: cascade
* @var bool
public $forceDelete = false;
private $_ownerClassName;
private $_ownerClassShortName;
private $_ownerPrimaryKey;
private $_languageAttributes = [];
* Control events firing
* @return array
public function events()
return [
ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_FIND => 'afterFind',
ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE => 'afterUpdate',
ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT => 'afterInsert',
ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE => 'afterDelete',
public function attach($owner)
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
if (empty($this->translatedLanguages) || !is_array($this->translatedLanguages)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify array of available languages for the ' . get_class($this) . ' in the ' . get_class($this->owner) . ' or in the application parameters', 101);
if (array_values($this->translatedLanguages) !== $this->translatedLanguages) { //associative array
$this->translatedLanguages = array_keys($this->translatedLanguages);
if (!$this->defaultLanguage) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify default language for the ' . get_class($this));
if (empty($this->attributes) || !is_array($this->attributes)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify translated attributes for the ' . get_class($this) . ' in the '
. get_class($this->owner), 103);
$this->_ownerClassName = get_class($this->owner);
$this->_ownerClassShortName = $this->getShortClassName($this->_ownerClassName);
/** @var ActiveRecord $className */
$className = $this->_ownerClassName;
$this->_ownerPrimaryKey = $className::primaryKey()[0];
if (!isset($this->relativeField)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify relativeField for the ' . get_class($this) . ' in the '
. get_class($this->owner), 105);
//$rules = $owner->rules();
//$validators = $owner->getValidators();
/*foreach ($rules as $rule) {
if (in_array($rule[1], $this->excludedValidators))
$rule_attributes = is_array($rule[0]) ? $rule[0] : [$rule[0]];
$attributes = array_intersect($this->attributes, $rule_attributes);
if (empty($attributes))
$rule_attributes = [];
foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) {
foreach ($this->languages as $language)
if ($language != $this->defaultLanguage)
$rule_attributes[] = $this->getAttributeName($attribute, $language);
if (isset($rule['skipOnEmpty']) && !$rule['skipOnEmpty'])
$rule['skipOnEmpty'] = !$this->requireTranslations;
$params = array_slice($rule, 2);
if ($rule[1] !== 'required' || $this->requireTranslations) {
$validators[] = Validator::createValidator($rule[1], $owner, $rule_attributes, $params);
} elseif ($rule[1] === 'required') {
$validators[] = Validator::createValidator('safe', $owner, $rule_attributes, $params);
$translation = new $this->virtualClassName;
foreach ($this->translatedLanguages as $language) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
$attributeName = $attribute;
$this->setLanguageAttribute($attribute . '_' . $language, $translation->{$attributeName});
//$this->owner->__set($attribute . '_' . $language, $translation->{$attributeName});
//$this->owner->{$attribute . '_' . $language} = $translation->{$attributeName};
//$this->owner->createProperty($attribute . '_' . $language, $translation->{$attributeName});
if ($language == $this->defaultLanguage) {
$this->setLanguageAttribute($attribute, $translation->{$attributeName});
//$this->owner->__set($attribute, $translation->{$attributeName});
* Insert event
public function afterInsert()
* Update event
public function afterUpdate()
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
//if ($owner->isRelationPopulated('translations')) {
if ($translationRecords = $owner->translations) {
$translations = $this->indexByLanguage($owner->getRelatedRecords()['translations']);
//$translations = $this->indexByLanguage($translationRecords);
* Find event
public function afterFind()
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
if ($owner->isRelationPopulated('translations') && $related = $owner->getRelatedRecords()['translations']) {
$translations = $this->indexByLanguage($related);
foreach ($this->translatedLanguages as $language) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
foreach ($translations as $translation) {
if ($translation->{$this->languageField} == $language) {
$attributeName = $attribute;
$this->setLanguageAttribute($attribute . '_' . $language, $translation->{$attributeName});
if ($language == $this->defaultLanguage) {
$this->setLanguageAttribute($attribute, $translation->{$attributeName});
} else {
if (!$owner->isRelationPopulated('translation')) {
$translation = $owner->getRelatedRecords()['translation'];
if ($translation) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
$attribute_name = $attribute;
$owner->setLanguageAttribute($attribute, $translation->$attribute_name);
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
if ($owner->hasAttribute($attribute) && $this->getLangAttribute($attribute)) {
$owner->setAttribute($attribute, $this->getLangAttribute($attribute));
public function afterDelete()
if ($this->forceDelete) {
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
$owner->unlinkAll('translations', true);
public function createLanguageClass()
if (!class_exists($this->virtualClassName, false)) {
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
class ' . $this->virtualClassName . ' extends ActiveRecord
@ -250,112 +250,114 @@ class LanguageBehavior extends Behavior
return \'' . $this->tableName . '\';
private function saveTranslations($translations = [])
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
if (!isset($owner->_form) || !$owner->_form) {
foreach ($this->translatedLanguages as $language) {
$isDefaultLanguage = $language == $this->defaultLanguage;
if (!isset($translations[$language])) {
/** @var ActiveRecord $translation */
$translation = new $this->virtualClassName;
$translation->{$this->languageField} = $language;
$translation->{$this->relativeField} = $owner->getPrimaryKey();
} else {
$translation = $translations[$language];
$save = false;
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
//$value = $isDefaultLanguage ? $owner->$attribute : $owner->{$attribute . '_' . $language};
$value = $isDefaultLanguage ? $owner->_form->$attribute : $owner->_form->{$attribute . '_' . $language};
if ($value !== null) {
//$field = $isDefaultLanguage ? $attribute : $attribute . '_' . $language;
$field = $attribute;
$translation->$field = $value;
$save = true;
if ($translation->isNewRecord && !$save) {
private function getShortClassName($className)
return substr($className, strrpos($className, '\\') + 1);
public function setLanguageAttribute($name, $value)
$this->languageAttributes[$name] = $value;
protected function indexByLanguage(array $records)
$sorted = [];
foreach ($records as $record) {
$sorted[$record->{$this->languageField}] = $record;
return $sorted;
* Relation to model translations
* @return ActiveQuery
public function getTranslations()
/** @var ActiveRecord */
return $this->owner->hasMany($this->virtualClassName, [$this->relativeField => $this->ownerPrimaryKey]);
public function getTranslation($language = null)
//if (basename(\Yii::$app->getBasePath()) === 'backend') {
// $language = $language ?: $this->defaultLanguage;
//else {
$language = $language ?: \Yii::$app->language;
// if translate exists
$translate = $this->virtualClassName::find()
->andWhere([$this->relativeField => $this->owner->id])
->andWhere([$this->languageField => $language])
$language = $translate ? $language : $this->defaultLanguage;
return $this->owner->hasOne($this->virtualClassName, [$this->relativeField => $this->ownerPrimaryKey])
->where([$this->languageField => $language]);
public function findTranslation($language = null)
$language = $language ?: $this->defaultLanguage;
//$class = call_user_func(array($this->virtualClassName, 'getInstance'));
return $this->virtualClassName::find()
->andWhere([$this->relativeField => $this->owner->id])
->andWhere([$this->languageField => $language])
public function hasLangAttribute($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->languageAttributes);
public function getLangAttribute($name)
return $this->hasLangAttribute($name) ? $this->languageAttributes[$name] : null;
private function saveTranslations($translations = [])
/** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
if (!isset($owner->_form) || !$owner->_form) {
foreach ($this->translatedLanguages as $language) {
$isDefaultLanguage = $language == $this->defaultLanguage;
if (!isset($translations[$language])) {
/** @var ActiveRecord $translation */
$translation = new $this->virtualClassName;
$translation->{$this->languageField} = $language;
$translation->{$this->relativeField} = $owner->getPrimaryKey();
} else {
$translation = $translations[$language];
$save = false;
foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
//$value = $isDefaultLanguage ? $owner->$attribute : $owner->{$attribute . '_' . $language};
$value = $isDefaultLanguage ? $owner->_form->$attribute : $owner->_form->{$attribute . '_' . $language};
if ($value !== null) {
//$field = $isDefaultLanguage ? $attribute : $attribute . '_' . $language;
$field = $attribute;
$translation->$field = $value;
$save = true;
if ($translation->isNewRecord && !$save) {
private function getShortClassName($className)
return substr($className, strrpos($className, '\\') + 1);
public function setLanguageAttribute($name, $value)
$this->_languageAttributes[$name] = $value;
protected function indexByLanguage(array $records)
$sorted = [];
foreach ($records as $record) {
$sorted[$record->{$this->languageField}] = $record;
return $sorted;
* Relation to model translations
* @return ActiveQuery
public function getTranslations()
/** @var ActiveRecord */
return $this->owner->hasMany($this->virtualClassName, [$this->relativeField => $this->ownerPrimaryKey]);
public function getTranslation($language = null)
//if (basename(\Yii::$app->getBasePath()) === 'backend') {
// $language = $language ?: $this->defaultLanguage;
//else {
$language = $language ?: \Yii::$app->language;
// if translate exists
$translate = $this->virtualClassName::find()
->andWhere([$this->relativeField => $this->owner->id])
->andWhere([$this->languageField => $language])
$language = $translate ? $language : $this->defaultLanguage;
return $this->owner->hasOne($this->virtualClassName, [$this->relativeField => $this->ownerPrimaryKey])
->where([$this->languageField => $language]);
public function findTranslation($language = null)
$language = $language ?: $this->defaultLanguage;
//$class = call_user_func(array($this->virtualClassName, 'getInstance'));
return $this->virtualClassName::find()
->andWhere([$this->relativeField => $this->owner->id])
->andWhere([$this->languageField => $language])
public function hasLangAttribute($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->_languageAttributes);
public function getLangAttribute($name)
return $this->hasLangAttribute($name) ? $this->_languageAttributes[$name] : null;


@ -6,97 +6,99 @@
namespace core\components;
use yii\base\DynamicModel;
use Yii;
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
class LanguageDynamicModel extends DynamicModel
private $new_labels = [];
private $new_hints = [];
private $new_rules = [];
private $_new_labels = [];
private $_new_hints = [];
private $_new_rules = [];
public function __construct(ActiveRecord $entity = null, array $attributes = [], array $config = [])
$used_attributes = $this->getStringAttributes();
parent::__construct(array_merge($this->getPublicAttributes(), $this->prepareLanguageAttributes()), $config);
public function __construct( ActiveRecord $entity = null, array $attributes = [], array $config = [] )
$used_attributes = $this->getStringAttributes();
parent::__construct( array_merge($this->getPublicAttributes(), $this->prepareLanguageAttributes()), $config );
if ($entity) {
foreach ($used_attributes as $used_attribute) {
foreach ($entity->translations as $translate) {
$defaultLanguage = basename(\Yii::$app->getBasePath()) === 'backend'
if ($entity) {
foreach ($used_attributes as $used_attribute) {
foreach ( $entity->translations as $translate ) {
$defaultLanguage = basename( \Yii::$app->getBasePath() ) === 'backend'
$languageAttribute = $used_attribute . '_' . $translate->language;
$languageAttribute = $used_attribute . '_' . $translate->language;
if ($translate->language === $defaultLanguage && isset($translate->{$used_attribute})) {
$this->{$used_attribute} = $translate->{$used_attribute};
} elseif (isset($translate->{$used_attribute})) {
$this->{$languageAttribute} = $translate->{$used_attribute};
if ( $translate->language === $defaultLanguage && isset($translate->{$used_attribute})) {
$this->{$used_attribute} = $translate->{$used_attribute};
elseif (isset($translate->{$used_attribute})) {
$this->{$languageAttribute} = $translate->{$used_attribute};
private function getStringAttributes()
$string_attributes = [];
foreach ($this->rules() as $rule) {
$attributes = is_array($rule[0]) ? $rule[0] : [$rule[0]];
$type = $rule[1];
if ($type == 'string') {
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$string_attributes[] = $attribute;
private function getStringAttributes()
$string_attributes = [];
foreach ($this->rules() as $rule) {
$attributes = is_array($rule[0]) ? $rule[0] : [$rule[0]];
$type = $rule[1];
if ($type == 'string') {
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$string_attributes[] = $attribute;
return $string_attributes;
return $string_attributes;
private function prepareLanguageAttributes()
$language_attributes = [];
$labels = $this->attributeLabels();
$hints = $this->attributeHints();
foreach ($this->rules() as $rule) {
$attributes = is_array($rule[0]) ? $rule[0] : [$rule[0]];
$type = $rule[1];
if ($type == 'string') {
foreach (Yii::$app->params['translatedLanguages'] as $language => $language_name) {
$rule_attributes = [];
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
// add attribute
$language_attributes[] = $attribute . '_' . $language;
$this->new_labels[$attribute . '_' . $language] = isset($labels[$attribute]) ? $labels[$attribute] : null;
$this->new_hints[$attribute . '_' . $language] = isset($hints[$attribute]) ? $hints[$attribute] : null;
$rule_attributes[] = $attribute . '_' . $language;
// add rule
if (!empty($rule_attributes)) {
$this->new_rules[] = [ $rule_attributes, $rule[1] ];
return $language_attributes;
private function prepareLanguageAttributes()
$language_attributes = [];
$labels = $this->attributeLabels();
$hints = $this->attributeHints();
foreach ($this->rules() as $rule) {
$attributes = is_array($rule[0]) ? $rule[0] : [$rule[0]];
$type = $rule[1];
if ($type == 'string') {
foreach (Yii::$app->params['translatedLanguages'] as $language => $language_name) {
$rule_attributes = [];
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
// add attribute
$language_attributes[] = $attribute . '_' . $language;
$this->_new_labels[$attribute . '_' . $language] = isset($labels[$attribute]) ? $labels[$attribute] : null;
$this->_new_hints[$attribute . '_' . $language] = isset($hints[$attribute]) ? $hints[$attribute] : null;
$rule_attributes[] = $attribute . '_' . $language;
// add rule
if (!empty($rule_attributes)) {
$this->_new_rules[] = [$rule_attributes, $rule[1]];
public function attributeLabels(){
return $this->new_labels;
return $language_attributes;
public function rules() {
return $this->new_rules;
public function attributeLabels()
return $this->_new_labels;
public function getPublicAttributes () {
return call_user_func('get_object_vars', $this);
public function rules()
return $this->_new_rules;
public function getPublicAttributes()
return call_user_func('get_object_vars', $this);


@ -13,83 +13,86 @@ use yii\helpers\FileHelper;
class ModuleManager
public $moduleNames = [];
public $modules = [];
public $moduleNames = [];
public $modules = [];
private $service;
private $_service;
public function __construct(ModuleService $service)
$this->service = $service;
public function __construct(ModuleService $service)
$this->_service = $service;
public function appendToMigrationTable($name) {
$time = time();
$connection = Yii::$app->getDb();
$command = $connection->createCommand("INSERT INTO migration (version, apply_time) VALUE ('$name', '$time')");
public function appendToMigrationTable($name)
$time = time();
$connection = Yii::$app->getDb();
$command = $connection->createCommand("INSERT INTO migration (version, apply_time) VALUE ('$name', '$time')");
public function removeFromMigrationTable($name) {
$connection = Yii::$app->getDb();
$command = $connection->createCommand("DELETE FROM migration WHERE version = '$name'");
public function removeFromMigrationTable($name)
$connection = Yii::$app->getDb();
$command = $connection->createCommand("DELETE FROM migration WHERE version = '$name'");
public function getModules()
$modules = [];
$localModules = $this->getLocalModules();
foreach ($localModules as $local_module) {
if ($this->isTableExist('modules') && !$db_module = ModuleRecord::find()->andWhere(['name' => $local_module['name']])->one()) {
$db_module = $this->service->create($local_module['name'], "common\\modules\\".$local_module['name']."\\" . $local_module['module']);
$db_module->description = $local_module['description'];
$modules[] = $db_module;
else {
$db_module->description = $local_module['description'];
$modules[] = $db_module;
return $modules;
public function getModules() : array
$modules = [];
$localModules = $this->getLocalModules();
foreach ($localModules as $local_module) {
$db_module = ModuleRecord::find()->andWhere(['name' => $local_module['name']])->one();
if ($this->isTableExist('modules') && !$db_module) {
$db_module = $this->_service->create($local_module['name'], 'common\\modules\\' . $local_module['name'] . '\\' . $local_module['module']);
$db_module->description = $local_module['description'];
$modules[] = $db_module;
} else {
$db_module->description = $local_module['description'];
$modules[] = $db_module;
public function getLocalModules()
return $modules;
if (empty($this->modules)) {
foreach ( $this->moduleNames as $module_name ) {
$manifest = Yii::getAlias( '@common/modules/' . $module_name . '/manifest.php' );
if ( file_exists( $manifest ) ) {
$this->modules[] = require $manifest;
return $this->modules;
public function getLocalModules()
private function _getLocalModulesNames(): void
if (!empty($this->moduleNames)) {
if (empty($this->modules)) {
foreach ($this->moduleNames as $module_name) {
$manifest = Yii::getAlias('@common/modules/' . $module_name . '/manifest.php');
if (file_exists($manifest)) {
$this->modules[] = require $manifest;
$names = [];
$modulePath = Yii::getAlias('@common/modules');
$modules = file_exists($modulePath) ? FileHelper::findDirectories($modulePath, [
'recursive' => false,
]) : [];
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$module = basename($module);
$names[] = $module;
$this->moduleNames = $names;
return $this->modules;
public function isTableExist($name): bool
return Yii::$app->db->schema->getTableSchema($name) !== null;
private function getLocalModulesNames(): void
if (!empty($this->moduleNames)) {
$names = [];
$modulePath = Yii::getAlias('@common/modules');
$modules = file_exists($modulePath) ? FileHelper::findDirectories($modulePath, [
'recursive' => false,
]) : [];
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$module = basename($module);
$names[] = $module;
$this->moduleNames = $names;
public function isTableExist($name): bool
return Yii::$app->db->schema->getTableSchema($name) !== null;


@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ class Setup
private $_http_protocol;
private $_domain;
private $_systemModules = ['languages', 'pages', 'forms', 'links'];
private $_l = [
'ru' => [
'Connection failed. Try again' => 'Ошибка соединения. Попробуйте снова',
@ -102,6 +104,9 @@ class Setup
// install modules
// remove garbage modules
// todo
// install system permissions
@ -374,13 +379,11 @@ SH;
echo Console::log($this->l('Complete'), 'green') . PHP_EOL;
private function activateSystemModules(): void
private function activateSystemModules() : void
Console::log($this->l('Activating modules: '), 'white');
$systemModules = [
'languages', 'pages', 'forms', 'links'
foreach ($systemModules as $name) {
shell_exec('php ' . __DIR__ . '/yii module/init');
foreach ($this->_systemModules as $name) {
shell_exec('php ' . __DIR__ . '/yii module/activate "' . $name . '"');
echo Console::log($this->l('Complete'), 'green') . PHP_EOL;
