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use yii\db\Migration;
* Handles the creation of table `settings`.
class m180604_124108_create_settings_table extends Migration
* @inheritdoc
public function up()
$tableOptions = null;
if ($this->db->driverName === 'mysql') {
$tableOptions = 'CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ENGINE=InnoDB';
//'id' => $this->primaryKey(),
'section' => $this->string(),
'key' => $this->string(),
'type' => $this->string()->notNull(),
'active' => $this->integer(1),
'created_at' => $this->integer()->unsigned(),
'updated_at' => $this->integer()->unsigned(),
$this->addPrimaryKey('idx_setting_key', '{{%settings}}', ['section', 'key']);
//$this->createIndex('idx_setting_key', '{{%settings}}', ['section', 'key']);
* @inheritdoc
public function down()
//$this->dropIndex('idx_setting_key', '{{%settings}}');