You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

176 lines
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namespace core\services\post;
use core\entities\Meta;
use core\entities\post\Post;
use core\entities\post\PostTag;
use core\forms\post\PostForm;
use core\helpers\PostHelper;
use core\repositories\post\PostCategoryRepository;
use core\repositories\post\PostRepository;
use core\repositories\post\PostTagRepository;
use core\services\TransactionManager;
use Yii;
use yii\base\Exception;
use yii\base\Security;
use yii\helpers\Inflector;
class PostManageService
private PostRepository $posts;
private PostCategoryRepository $categories;
private PostTagRepository $tags;
private TransactionManager $transaction;
public function __construct(
PostRepository $posts,
PostCategoryRepository $categories,
PostTagRepository $tags,
TransactionManager $transaction
$this->posts = $posts;
$this->categories = $categories;
$this->tags = $tags;
$this->transaction = $transaction;
* @param PostForm $form
* @return Post
* @throws Exception
* @throws \yii\db\Exception
public function create(PostForm $form): Post
$category = $this->categories->get($form->category_id);
$post = Post::create(
new Meta(
if ($form->image) {
else if ($form->video) {
$src = '' . PostHelper::parseYoutubeUrl($post->video) . '/maxresdefault.jpg';
$filename = (new Security())->generateRandomString(15) . '.jpg';
copy($src, Yii::getAlias(Post::FILE_ORIGINAL_PATH . '/' . $post->id . '.jpg'));
$post->image = $filename;
$this->transaction->wrap(function () use ($post, $form) {
if (is_array($form->tags->new_tags) && !empty($form->tags->new_tags)) {
foreach ( $form->tags->new_tags as $tag_name ) {
if ( !$tag = $this->tags->findByName( $tag_name, $form->type_id ) ) {
$tag = PostTag::create( $tag_name, Inflector::slug( $tag_name, '_' ), $form->type_id );
$this->tags->save( $tag );
$post->assignTag( $tag->id );
return $post;
* @param $id
* @param PostForm $form
* @throws Exception
* @throws \yii\db\Exception
public function edit($id, PostForm $form): void
$post = $this->posts->get($id);
$category = $this->categories->get($form->category_id);
new Meta(
if ($form->image) {
elseif ($form->video && (!$post->image || $form->reset_image)) {
$src = '' . PostHelper::parseYoutubeUrl($post->video) . '/maxresdefault.jpg';
$filename = (new Security())->generateRandomString(15) . '.jpg';
copy($src, Yii::getAlias(Post::FILE_ORIGINAL_PATH . '/' . $post->id . '.jpg'));
$post->image = $filename;
elseif ($post->image && $form->reset_image) {
$post->image = null;
$this->transaction->wrap(function () use ($post, $form) {
$tag_updated = false;
if (is_array($form->tags->new_tags) && !empty($form->tags->new_tags)) {
foreach ( $form->tags->new_tags as $tag_name ) {
if ( ! $tag = $this->tags->findByName( $tag_name, $form->type_id ) ) {
$tag = PostTag::create( $tag_name, Inflector::slug( $tag_name, '_' ), $form->type_id );
$this->tags->save( $tag );
$post->assignTag( $tag->id );
$tag_updated = true;
if ($tag_updated) {
$this->posts->save( $post );
public function activate($id): void
$post = $this->posts->get($id);
public function draft($id): void
$post = $this->posts->get($id);
public function remove($id): void
$post = $this->posts->get($id);